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A metric analysis framework for Scala used to research multi-paradigm metrics


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A metric analysis framework for Scala used to research multi-paradigm metrics. This framework has been developed as part of a Master's thesis.

  • Title: Source Code Metrics for Combined Functional and Object-Oriented Programming in Scala
  • Author: Sven Konings
  • Year: 2020
  • URL:

Table of contents:

Paper abstract

Source code metrics are used to measure and evaluate the code quality of software projects. Metrics are available for both Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP). However, there is little research on source code metrics for the combination of OOP and FP. Furthermore, existing OOP and FP metrics are not always applicable. For example, the usage of mutable class variables (OOP) in lambda functions (FP) is a combination that does not occur in either paradigm on their own. Existing OOP and FP metrics are therefore unsuitable to give an indication of quality regarding these combined constructs.

Scala is a programming language which features an extensive combination of OOP and FP construct. The goal of this thesis is to research metrics for Scala which can detect potential faults when combining OOP and FP. We have implemented a framework for defining and analysing Scala metrics. Using this framework we have measured whether code was written using mostly OOP- or FP-style constructs and analysed whether this affected the occurrence of potential faults. Next, we implemented a baseline model of existing OOP and FP metrics. Candidate metrics were added to this baseline model to verify whether they improve the fault detection performance.

In the analysed projects, there was a relatively higher number of faults when mixing OOP- and FP-style code. Furthermore, most OOP metrics perform well on FP-style Scala code. The baseline model was often able to detect when code was wrong. Therefore, the candidate metrics did not significantly improve the fault detection performance of the baseline model. However, the candidate metrics did help to indicate why code contained faults. Constructs were found for which over half of the objects using those constructs contained faults.

Framework design

Framework design


The GitClient module is responsible for managing the Git project and its issues. The module can retrieve all commits that refer to issues labelled as fault, it can calculate the changes between two versions and it can retrieve all files of a certain version of the code.


The CodeAnalysis module is responsible for analysing the code using metrics. Given a set of files, it can parse the code, run the metrics and return the results in a tree-like format based on the structure of the code. It contains all the metrics and the utilities needed to define them.


The Validator module is responsible for running the validation methodology workflow (see paper). It uses the GitClient module to retrieve files for analysis, getting the bugfix commits and getting the changes made by those commits. Files for analysis are passed to the CodeAnalysis module, which returns the results back to the Validator module. The results are then processed and stored in CSV files.


The ResultAnalysis module is responsible for running logistic regression on the Validator results. It also includes functionality to calculate statistics of the Validator results. The statistics and logistic regression results are stored in CSV files.

Included data

THe data used and produced during the research is included in this repository.

  • data/projects contains the Scala projects that have been analysed.
  • data/gitCache contains a cached set of ids of the issues labelled as bug and the pull-requests that refer to those issues.
  • data/metricResults contains the measurement results CSVs produced by the Validator.
  • data/analysisResults contains the analysis resutls CSVs produced by the ResultAnalysis.

Build requirements

Metric analysis process

The metric analysis process consists of the following steps:

  1. Defining metrics
  2. Selecting projects
  3. Running the validation methodology
  4. Running the result analysis

Defining metrics

Metrics can be defined in the CodeAnalysis module. A basic metric definition looks as follows:

import codeAnalysis.analyser.Compiler
import codeAnalysis.analyser.metric._

object ExampleMetric extends MetricProducer {
  override def apply(compiler: Compiler): Metric = new ExampleMetric(compiler)

class ExampleMetric(override val compiler: Compiler)
  extends FileMetric
  with ObjectMetric
  with MethodMetric {

  import global.{TreeExtensions, SymbolExtensions}

  // File metrics
  override def run(tree: global.PackageDef): List[MetricResult] = List(
    MetricResult("MetricName", metricValue)

  // Object metrics
  override def run(tree: global.ImplDef): List[MetricResult] = List(
    MetricResult("MetricName", metricValue)

  // Method metrics
  override def run(tree: global.DefDef): List[MetricResult] = List(
    MetricResult("MetricName", metricValue)

A metric consits of two components: a MetricProducer object and the metric class itself. The MetricProducer is an object that will be used to instantiate the metric during a compiler run.

The metric class can implement one or more of the following traits based on the metric type: FileMetric, ObjectMetric and MethodMetric. Each trait has a run method that receives a compiler tree matching to the metric type. By implementing one of these traits the metric class gains access to the compiler and global instances.

The global instance contains the tree types associated with the current compiler run. The most important types are:

  • global.Tree - The top-level tree type.
  • global.PackageDef - A packaging tree, which contains all statements in the file.
  • global.ImplDef - Tree supertype used for classes/traits (global.ClassDef) and objects (global.ModuleDef).
  • global.DefDef - Tree type used for method definitions.

For more information about the different Scala tree types and their members, please consult the Scala reference, the API documentation and take a look at this overview image (credits to Mirko Stocker): Scala trees

The global instance also contains helper and tree traversal methods which can be accessed using import global.{TreeExtensions, SymbolExtensions}. For a list of available methods see the Source. Below the implementation of the OutDegree metrics is shown:

package codeAnalysis.metrics.baseline

import codeAnalysis.analyser.Compiler
import codeAnalysis.analyser.metric.{MethodMetric, Metric, MetricProducer, MetricResult}

object OutDegree extends MetricProducer {
  override def apply(compiler: Compiler): Metric = new OutDegree(compiler)

class OutDegree(override val compiler: Compiler) extends MethodMetric {

  import global.TreeExtensions

  // Counts the number of method and function calls
  def outDegree(tree: global.DefDef): Int = tree.countTraverse {
    case _: global.Apply => true

  // Counts the number of unique method and function calls
  def outDegreeDistinct(tree: global.DefDef): Int = tree.collectTraverse {
    case tree: global.Apply =>

  override def run(tree: global.DefDef): List[MetricResult] = List(
    MetricResult("OutDegree", outDegree(tree)),
    MetricResult("OutDegreeDistinct", outDegreeDistinct(tree))

The countTraverse method is one of the methods that can be accessed by importing TreeExtensions. Given a PartialFunction that returns a boolean, the countTraverse method counts all true matches. The collectTraverse method is similar, it collects all matches.

The compiler instance can be used to check which filer are currently loaded and possibly retrieve the compiler trees of those files if needed. For an example, see the CouplingBetweenObjects or NumberOfChildren implementations.

All metric definitions used in the research can be found in the CodeAnalysis metrics package.

Measuring metrics

Metrics are measured using the Validator. The measurements are executed by defining test cases. Test cases for the included projects are defined in the Validator UnitSpec. To add new metrics create a tests that extends the UnitSpec and passes the MetricProducers as follows:

class ExampleValidatorTest extends UnitSpec("output-folder", List(
  ExampleMetric // Add metric producers in this list

Run the test to gather results in the provided output folder.

To add projects to analyse, add a test case to the Validator UnitSpec as follows and fill in the angle brackets:

test("<Test name>") {
  val validator = new Validator(
    "<repository owner>",
    "<repository name>",
    new File("data/projects/<git_folder_name>"),
    new File(s"data/metricResults/$folder/<output_folder_name>"),

All measurements used in the research can be found in the Validator test folder.

Analysing metrics

In the ResultAnalysis folder run python analysis with the following arguments:

  • --folder the name of the output folder to analyse (required)
  • --exclude-columns space-separated list of columns to exclude from multivariate regression analysis (optional)
  • --split-paradigm-score split the analysed methods/objects by paradigm score (optional)
  • --multivariate-baseline run multivariate regression with the baseline metrics included (optional)

The analysis commands used in the research are as follows:

  • Paradigm score analysis
    • python analysis --folder paradigmScoreBool
    • python analysis --folder paradigmScoreCount
    • python analysis --folder paradigmScoreFraction
    • python analysis --folder paradigmScoreLandkroon
  • Baseline model analysis
    • python analysis --folder baseline --exclude-columns HasPointsFraction ParadigmScoreFraction
    • python analysis --folder baseline --split-paradigm-score --exclude-columns HasPointsFraction ParadigmScoreFraction
  • Candidate metric analysis
    • python analysis --folder multiparadigm-zuilhof --multivariate-baseline --exclude-columns HasPointsFraction ParadigmScoreFraction
    • python analysis --folder multiparadigm-constructs --multivariate-baseline --exclude-columns HasPointsFraction ParadigmScoreFraction

The HasPointFraction and ParadigmScoreFraction columns are included in the baseline results to be able to split the results per paradigm. However, they should be excluded from the baseline analysis themselves and are therefore added to the --exclude-columns command for each analysis using the baseline results.

Plotting analysis results

Several plots have been made to visualise paradigm score and baseline results. The plots can be found in the ResultAnalysis plots folder. For the plots in the research the following commands have been used:

  • python plots/ --scatter-color --hist --write
  • python plots/ --write
  • python plots/ --write


The initial design of this framework has been inspired by the SSCA project.


A metric analysis framework for Scala used to research multi-paradigm metrics





