Dynamic Content Generator and Web Service for Quad Tree Composite Tilied SVGMap using Redis
Unlike SVGMapTools, this software provides the ability to efficiently perform Quad Tree Composite Tiling on large amounts of point data that are updated successively. Redis, an on-memory database management system, is used for this purpose. And a web service that uses this functionality to provide successively updatable location information has also been implemented.
Python3 and Redis (and pip3 install redis hiredis numpy pillow flask)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
python3 -m unittest discover tests
python3 scripts/csv2redis.py
python3 scripts/csv2redis.py --delete worldcitiespopDelTest_jp.csv
Erase all records except gaaja
- Access http://localhost:5000/svgmap/
- Access http://localhost:5000/svgmap/
- nohup ./runFlask.sh >1.txt 2>&1 &
mkdir dump
python3 dbDump.py
python3 dbDump.py --restore
This software is open source software under GPL Ver. 3. Please refer to the LICENSE file.
- The World Cities Database produced by MaxMind is included as sample data. The following is its declaration.
- This product includes data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com/