Codam [42 Network] project: the aim of this project is to virtualize a network by setting up a multi-service cluster using Kubernetes.
- kubernetes web dashboard
- metallb load balancer with a single IP that is the only entrance to the cluster
- wordpress website listening on port 5050 that works with a mysql database and has it's own nginx server
- phpmyadminn listening on port 5000 that is linked with the mysql database and also has it's own nginx server
- nginx server listening on ports 80 and 443; port 80 (http) is a systematic redirection of type 301 to port 443 (https)
- FTPS server listening on port 21
- grafana platform listening on port 3000 linked with an influxdb database that monitors all your containers
- all containers must restart incase of a crash
- need to ensure that the database volumes are persistent, retaining data even incase of a container crashing
- run
- the kubernetes dashboard will launch automatically in your browser
- to access services you can navigate to for instructions or read below:
- visit wordpress via port 5050
- visit wordpress via nginx redirect 307
- Logins - user:password, nilo:password, brit:password, tessa:password
- visit phpmyadmin via port 5000
- visit phpmyadmin via nginx reverse proxy
- Login - mysql:password
- in terminal enter: ssh user@
- password = password
- you may need to delete the known host first at .ssh/knownhosts
- visit grafana dashboard
- Login - admin:admin
- Open Filezilla and connect with these credentials:
- Host:
- Username: user
- Password: password
- Port: 21
- when done run
sh clean_minikube
is a program that performs operating-system-level virtualization, also known as “containerization”kubernetes
is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services (ie: Docker containers)kubectl
is kubernetes' command-line tool which allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clustersminikube
is a lightweight Kubernetes implementation that creates a VM on your local machine and deploys a simple cluster containing only one node
- Network & system administration
- System administration