include experiment 1~3
- manjaro KDE kernel 6.1.31-2
- python 3.8.16
- node.js 14.21.3
- esp-idf 4.1.3
- nRF Mesh 3.3.0
- modify the esp-idf folder (by default , the folder in the home directory in linux system)
- modify the [port] in index.js
- windows: COM*
- linux: /dev/ttyUSB* or /dev/ttyACM*
- mac: /dev/cu.*
- run the setup command
- cd to the folder which you want to flash (it should contain the main folder)
- use a usb cable connect the gateway and laptop
- modify in the main.c file, to uncomment the M5STACK or GAMEBOY define before flash ( for experiment 2)
- use the erase_flash command to erase the device
- use the flash command to flash the device
- use the monitor command to check the flash action whether success or not
- . $HOME/esp/esp-idf/ (setup command)
- sudo clean
- sudo build
- sudo -p [port] -b 115200 erase_flash
- sudo -p [port] -b 115200 flash
- sudo -p [port] -b 115200 monitor
- insert the sd card before you turn on the client node for saveing the data
- use a usb cable connect the gateway and laptop and start the index.js which in the serial folder to save the data