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support structure intrusion
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kostmo committed Aug 14, 2024
1 parent d370cde commit 06046d5
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Showing 7 changed files with 134 additions and 68 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,6 @@ description: |
Additionally, recognition of statically-placed
structures at scenario initialization is also
unaffected by interior entities.
However, any such "contaminating" entities
will prevent the recognition of a structure
when constructed by a robot.
creative: false
- teaser: Replace rock
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
module Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Structure.Recognition.Log where

import Data.Aeson
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Servant.Docs (ToSample)
Expand All @@ -14,8 +15,10 @@ import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Structure.Recognition.Type
import Swarm.Game.Universe (Cosmic)
import Swarm.Language.Syntax.Direction (AbsoluteDir)

type StructureRowContent e = [Maybe e]
type WorldRowContent e = [Maybe e]
-- | Type aliases for documentation
type StructureRowContent e = SymbolSequence e

type WorldRowContent e = SymbolSequence e

data OrientedStructure = OrientedStructure
{ oName :: OriginalName
Expand All @@ -27,7 +30,8 @@ distillLabel :: StructureWithGrid b a -> OrientedStructure
distillLabel swg = OrientedStructure (getName $ originalDefinition swg) (rotatedTo swg)

data MatchingRowFrom = MatchingRowFrom
{ rowIdx :: Int32
{ topDownRowIdx :: Int32
-- ^ numbered from the top down
, structure :: OrientedStructure
deriving (Generic, ToJSON)
Expand All @@ -45,14 +49,23 @@ data HaystackContext e = HaystackContext

data FoundRowCandidate e = FoundRowCandidate
{ haystackContext :: HaystackContext e
, structureContent :: StructureRowContent e
, rowCandidates :: [MatchingRowFrom]
, soughtContent :: StructureRowContent e
, matchedCandidates :: [MatchingRowFrom]
deriving (Functor, Generic, ToJSON)

data EntityKeyedFinder e = EntityKeyedFinder {
searchOffsets :: InspectionOffsets
, candidateStructureRows :: [StructureRowContent e]
, entityMask :: [e]
-- ^ NOTE: HashSet has no Functor instance,
-- so we represent this as a list here.
deriving (Functor, Generic, ToJSON)

data ParticipatingEntity e = ParticipatingEntity
{ entity :: e
, searchOffsets :: InspectionOffsets
, entityKeyedFinders :: NonEmpty (EntityKeyedFinder e)
deriving (Functor, Generic, ToJSON)

Expand All @@ -63,14 +76,22 @@ data IntactPlacementLog = IntactPlacementLog
deriving (Generic, ToJSON)

data VerticalSearch e = VerticalSearch
{ haystackVerticalExtents :: InspectionOffsets
-- ^ vertical offset of haystack relative to the found row
, soughtStructures :: [OrientedStructure]
, verticalHaystack :: [WorldRowContent e]
deriving (Functor, Generic, ToJSON)

data SearchLog e
= FoundParticipatingEntity (ParticipatingEntity e)
| StructureRemoved OriginalName
| FoundRowCandidates [FoundRowCandidate e]
| FoundCompleteStructureCandidates [OrientedStructure]
| -- | There may be multiple candidate structures that could be
-- completed by the element that was just placed. This lists all of them.
VerticalSearchSpans [(InspectionOffsets, [OrientedStructure])]
VerticalSearchSpans [VerticalSearch e]
| IntactStaticPlacement [IntactPlacementLog]
deriving (Functor, Generic)

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Semigroup (sconcat)
Expand All @@ -32,10 +33,10 @@ mkOffsets pos xs =
-- rows constitute a complete structure.
mkRowLookup ::
(Hashable a, Eq a) =>
NE.NonEmpty (StructureRow b a) ->
NonEmpty (StructureRow b a) ->
AutomatonInfo a (SymbolSequence a) (StructureWithGrid b a)
mkRowLookup neList =
AutomatonInfo participatingEnts bounds sm
AutomatonInfo participatingEnts bounds sm tuples
mkSmTuple = entityGrid &&& id
tuples = NE.toList $ (mkSmTuple . wholeStructure) neList
Expand All @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ mkRowLookup neList =
mkEntityLookup ::
(Hashable a, Eq a) =>
[StructureWithGrid b a] ->
HM.HashMap a (AutomatonInfo a (AtomicKeySymbol a) (StructureSearcher b a))
HM.HashMap a (NonEmpty (AutomatonInfo a (AtomicKeySymbol a) (StructureSearcher b a)))
mkEntityLookup grids = mkValues rowsByEntityParticipation
Expand All @@ -75,15 +76,27 @@ mkEntityLookup grids =
structureRowsNE = myRow singleRows
sm2D = mkRowLookup structureRowsNE

mkValues neList = AutomatonInfo participatingEnts bounds sm
mkValues neList = NE.fromList $
map (\(mask, tups) -> AutomatonInfo mask bounds sm $ NE.toList tups) tuplesByEntMask
participatingEnts =
(concatMap (catMaybes . fst) tuples)

-- If there are no transparent cells,
-- we don't need a mask.
getMaskSet row =
if Nothing `elem` row
then HS.fromList $ catMaybes row
else mempty

tuplesByEntMask = HM.toList $ binTuplesHM $ map (getMaskSet . fst &&& id) tuples

tuples = HM.toList $ HM.mapWithKey mkSmValue groupedByUniqueRow

groupedByUniqueRow = binTuplesHM $ NE.toList $ (rowContent . myRow &&& id) neList
groupedByUniqueRow =
binTuplesHM $
NE.toList $ (rowContent . myRow &&& id) neList

bounds = sconcat $ expandedOffsets neList
sm = makeStateMachine tuples

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,6 +124,7 @@ mkEntityLookup grids =
SingleRowEntityOccurrences r e occurrences $
sconcat $ deriveEntityOffsets occurrences

unconsolidated =
map swap $
catMaybes $
Expand All @@ -123,7 +137,7 @@ mkEntityLookup grids =
binTuplesHM ::
(Foldable t, Hashable a, Eq a) =>
t (a, b) ->
HM.HashMap a (NE.NonEmpty b)
HM.HashMap a (NonEmpty b)
binTuplesHM = foldr f mempty
f = uncurry (HM.insertWith (<>)) . fmap pure
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Structure.Recognition.Tracking (
) where

import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import Control.Lens ((%~), (&), (.~), (^.))
import Control.Monad (forM, guard)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..), runMaybeT)
Expand All @@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra qualified as NE
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Ord (Down (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,11 +67,16 @@ entityModified entLoader modification cLoc recognizer =
let oldRecognitionState = r ^. recognitionState
stateRevision <- case HM.lookup newEntity entLookup of
Nothing -> return oldRecognitionState
Just finder -> do
let msg = FoundParticipatingEntity $ ParticipatingEntity newEntity (finder ^. inspectionOffsets)
Just finders -> do
let logFinder f = EntityKeyedFinder
(f ^. inspectionOffsets)
(map fst $ f ^. searchPairs)
(HS.toList $ f ^. participatingEntities)
msg = FoundParticipatingEntity $
ParticipatingEntity newEntity $ logFinder finders
stateRevision' = oldRecognitionState & recognitionLog %~ (msg :)

registerRowMatches entLoader cLoc finder stateRevision'
foldrM (registerRowMatches entLoader cLoc) stateRevision' finders

return $ r & recognitionState .~ stateRevision

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,14 +113,15 @@ candidateEntityAt ::
(Monad s, Hashable a) =>
GenericEntLocator s a ->
FoundRegistry b a ->
-- | participating entities
-- | participating entities whitelist. If empty, all entities are included.
-- NOTE: This is only needed for structures that have transparent cells.
HashSet a ->
Cosmic Location ->
s (Maybe a)
candidateEntityAt entLoader registry participating cLoc = runMaybeT $ do
guard $ M.notMember cLoc $ foundByLocation registry
ent <- MaybeT $ entLoader cLoc
guard $ HS.member ent participating
guard $ null participating || HS.member ent participating
return ent

-- | Excludes entities that are already part of a
Expand All @@ -123,13 +130,13 @@ getWorldRow ::
(Monad s, Hashable a) =>
GenericEntLocator s a ->
FoundRegistry b a ->
-- | participating entities
HashSet a ->
Cosmic Location ->
InspectionOffsets ->
-- | participating entities
HashSet a ->
Int32 ->
s [Maybe a]
getWorldRow entLoader registry participatingEnts cLoc (InspectionOffsets (Min offsetLeft) (Max offsetRight)) yOffset = do
getWorldRow entLoader registry cLoc (InspectionOffsets (Min offsetLeft) (Max offsetRight)) participatingEnts yOffset = do
mapM getCandidate horizontalOffsets
getCandidate = candidateEntityAt entLoader registry participatingEnts
Expand All @@ -139,43 +146,40 @@ getWorldRow entLoader registry participatingEnts cLoc (InspectionOffsets (Min of
-- to bottom, but swarm world coordinates increase from bottom to top.
mkLoc x = cLoc `offsetBy` V2 x (negate yOffset)

logRowCandidates :: [Maybe e] -> [Position (StructureSearcher b e)] -> SearchLog e
logRowCandidates entitiesRow candidates =
FoundRowCandidates $ map mkCandidateLogEntry candidates
mkCandidateLogEntry c =
(HaystackContext entitiesRow (HaystackPosition $ pIndex c))
(needleContent $ pVal c)
rowMatchInfo :: [MatchingRowFrom]
rowMatchInfo = NE.toList . (f . myRow) . singleRowItems $ pVal c
f x =
MatchingRowFrom (rowIndex x) $ distillLabel . wholeStructure $ x

-- | This is the first (one-dimensional) stage
-- in a two-stage (two-dimensional) search.
-- It searches for any structure row that happens to
-- contain the placed entity.
registerRowMatches ::
(Monad s, Hashable a, Eq b) =>
GenericEntLocator s a ->
Cosmic Location ->
AutomatonInfo a (AtomicKeySymbol a) (StructureSearcher b a) ->
RecognitionState b a ->
s (RecognitionState b a)
registerRowMatches entLoader cLoc (AutomatonInfo participatingEnts horizontalOffsets sm) rState = do
let registry = rState ^. foundStructures

entitiesRow <-

let candidates = findAll sm entitiesRow

mkCandidateLogEntry c =
(HaystackContext entitiesRow (HaystackPosition $ pIndex c))
(needleContent $ pVal c)
rowMatchInfo :: [MatchingRowFrom]
rowMatchInfo = NE.toList . (f . myRow) . singleRowItems $ pVal c
f x =
MatchingRowFrom (rowIndex x) $ distillLabel . wholeStructure $ x
registerRowMatches entLoader cLoc (AutomatonInfo participatingEnts horizontalOffsets sm _) rState = do
maskChoices <- attemptSearchWithEntityMask participatingEnts

logEntry = FoundRowCandidates $ map mkCandidateLogEntry candidates
let logEntry = uncurry logRowCandidates maskChoices
rState2 = rState & recognitionLog %~ (logEntry :)
candidates = snd maskChoices

candidates2Dpairs <-
forM candidates $
Expand All @@ -186,6 +190,22 @@ registerRowMatches entLoader cLoc (AutomatonInfo participatingEnts horizontalOff

return $
registerStructureMatches (concat candidates2D) rState3
registry = rState ^. foundStructures

attemptSearchWithEntityMask entsMask = do
entitiesRow <-

-- All of the eligible structure rows found
-- within this horizontal swath of world cells
return (entitiesRow, findAll sm entitiesRow)

-- | Examines contiguous rows of entities, accounting
-- for the offset of the initially found row.
Expand All @@ -197,10 +217,10 @@ checkVerticalMatch ::
-- | Horizontal search offsets
InspectionOffsets ->
Position (StructureSearcher b a) ->
s ((InspectionOffsets, [OrientedStructure]), [FoundStructure b a])
s (VerticalSearch a, [FoundStructure b a])
checkVerticalMatch entLoader registry cLoc (InspectionOffsets (Min searchOffsetLeft) _) foundRow = do
(x, y) <- getMatches2D entLoader registry cLoc horizontalFoundOffsets $ automaton2D searcherVal
return ((x, rowStructureNames), y)
((x, y), z) <- getMatches2D entLoader registry cLoc horizontalFoundOffsets $ automaton2D searcherVal
return (VerticalSearch x rowStructureNames y, z)
searcherVal = pVal foundRow
rowStructureNames = NE.toList . (distillLabel . wholeStructure . myRow) . singleRowItems $ searcherVal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,18 +254,18 @@ getMatches2D ::
-- | Horizontal found offsets (inclusive indices)
InspectionOffsets ->
AutomatonInfo a (SymbolSequence a) (StructureWithGrid b a) ->
s (InspectionOffsets, [FoundStructure b a])
s ((InspectionOffsets, [[Maybe a]]), [FoundStructure b a])
horizontalFoundOffsets@(InspectionOffsets (Min offsetLeft) _)
(AutomatonInfo participatingEnts vRange@(InspectionOffsets (Min offsetTop) (Max offsetBottom)) sm) = do
entityRows <- mapM getRow verticalOffsets
return (vRange, getFoundStructures (offsetTop, offsetLeft) cLoc sm entityRows)
(AutomatonInfo participatingEnts vRange@(InspectionOffsets (Min offsetTop) (Max offsetBottom)) sm _) = do
entityRows <- mapM getRow vertOffsets
return ((vRange, entityRows), getFoundStructures (offsetTop, offsetLeft) cLoc sm entityRows)
getRow = getWorldRow entLoader registry participatingEnts cLoc horizontalFoundOffsets
verticalOffsets = [offsetTop .. offsetBottom]
getRow = getWorldRow entLoader registry cLoc horizontalFoundOffsets participatingEnts
vertOffsets = [offsetTop .. offsetBottom]

-- |
-- We only allow an entity to participate in one structure at a time,
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