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world editor prototype
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kostmo committed Nov 21, 2022
1 parent 21bf676 commit 3defea0
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Showing 9 changed files with 587 additions and 150 deletions.
105 changes: 68 additions & 37 deletions src/Swarm/TUI/Controller.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

-- |
-- Module : Swarm.TUI.Controller
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,33 +79,18 @@ import Swarm.Language.Requirement qualified as R
import Swarm.Language.Syntax
import Swarm.Language.Typed (Typed (..))
import Swarm.Language.Types
import Swarm.TUI.Controller.ControllerUtils
import Swarm.TUI.Editor.EditorController qualified as EC
import Swarm.TUI.Editor.Util qualified as EU
import Swarm.TUI.Inventory.Sorting (cycleSortDirection, cycleSortOrder)
import Swarm.TUI.List
import Swarm.TUI.Model
import Swarm.TUI.View (generateModal)
import Swarm.TUI.View.ViewUtils (generateModal)
import Swarm.Util hiding ((<<.=))
import Swarm.Version (NewReleaseFailure (..))
import System.Clock
import Witch (into)

-- | Pattern synonyms to simplify brick event handler
pattern Key :: V.Key -> BrickEvent n e
pattern Key k = VtyEvent (V.EvKey k [])

pattern CharKey, ControlChar, MetaChar :: Char -> BrickEvent n e
pattern CharKey c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [])
pattern ControlChar c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [V.MCtrl])
pattern MetaChar c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [V.MMeta])

pattern ShiftKey :: V.Key -> BrickEvent n e
pattern ShiftKey k = VtyEvent (V.EvKey k [V.MShift])

pattern EscapeKey :: BrickEvent n e
pattern EscapeKey = VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc [])

pattern FKey :: Int -> BrickEvent n e
pattern FKey c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KFun c) [])

-- | The top-level event handler for the TUI.
handleEvent :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name AppState ()
handleEvent = \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,20 +272,74 @@ handleMainEvent ev = do
VtyEvent vev
| isJust (s ^. uiState . uiModal) -> handleModalEvent vev
-- toggle creative mode if in "cheat mode"

MouseDown (TerrainListItem pos) V.BLeft _ _ ->
uiState . uiWorldEditor . terrainList %= BL.listMoveTo pos
ControlChar 'v'
| s ^. uiState . uiCheatMode -> gameState . creativeMode %= not
-- toggle world editor mode if in "cheat mode"
ControlChar 'e'
| s ^. uiState . uiCheatMode ->
uiState . uiWorldEditor . isWorldEditorEnabled %= not
MouseDown n V.BRight _ mouseLoc -> do
let worldEditor = s ^. uiState . uiWorldEditor
case (n, worldEditor ^. isWorldEditorEnabled) of
-- "Eye Dropper" tool:
(WorldPanel, True) -> do
mouseCoordsM <- Brick.zoom gameState $ mouseLocToWorldCoords mouseLoc
case mouseCoordsM of
Nothing -> return ()
Just coords -> uiState . uiWorldEditor . terrainList %= BL.listMoveToElement newVal
newVal = EU.getTerrainAt worldEditor (s ^. gameState . world) coords
_ -> continueWithoutRedraw
MouseDown n V.BLeft [V.MCtrl] mouseLoc ->
case n of
WorldPanel -> do
worldEditor <- use $ uiState . uiWorldEditor
when (worldEditor ^. isWorldEditorEnabled) $ do
let maybeTerrainType = fmap snd $ BL.listSelectedElement $ worldEditor ^. terrainList
case maybeTerrainType of
-- TODO: Use a MaybeT monad transformer?
Nothing -> return ()
Just terrain -> do
mouseCoordsM <- Brick.zoom gameState $ mouseLocToWorldCoords mouseLoc
case mouseCoordsM of
Nothing -> return ()
Just mouseCoords -> do
uiState . uiWorldEditor . paintedTerrain %= M.insert mouseCoords terrain
-- TODO: Screen updates are laggy, and the needsRedraw flag doesn't seem to help
_ -> return ()
MouseDown n _ _ mouseLoc ->
case n of
WorldPanel -> do
mouseCoordsM <- Brick.zoom gameState (mouseLocToWorldCoords mouseLoc)
uiState . uiWorldCursor .= mouseCoordsM
mouseCoordsM <- Brick.zoom gameState $ mouseLocToWorldCoords mouseLoc
case mouseCoordsM of
Nothing -> uiState . uiWorldCursor .= mouseCoordsM
Just mouseCoords -> do
selectorStage <- use $ uiState . uiWorldEditor . boundsSelectionStep
-- We swap the horizontal and vertical coordinate, and invert the vertical cooridnate.
-- TODO What is mouseLocToWorldCoords??
let toWorldCoords (W.Coords (mx, my)) = W.Coords (my, -mx)
case selectorStage of
UpperLeftPending -> uiState . uiWorldEditor . boundsSelectionStep .= LowerRightPending mouseCoords
-- TODO: Validate that the lower-right click is below and to the right of the top-left coord
LowerRightPending upperLeftMouseCoords -> do
uiState . uiWorldEditor . editingBounds
.= Just (toWorldCoords upperLeftMouseCoords, toWorldCoords mouseCoords)
uiState . uiWorldEditor . boundsSelectionStep .= SelectionComplete
setFocus WorldEditorPanel
SelectionComplete -> uiState . uiWorldCursor .= mouseCoordsM
REPLInput -> do
setFocus REPLPanel
setFocus REPLPanel -- TODO: Is this redundant???
handleREPLEvent ev
_ -> continueWithoutRedraw
MouseUp n _ _mouseLoc -> do
case n of
InventoryListItem pos -> uiState . uiInventory . traverse . _2 %= BL.listMoveTo pos
x@(WorldEditorPanelControl y) -> do
uiState . uiWorldEditor . editorFocusRing %= focusSetCurrent x
EC.activateWorldEditorFunction y
_ -> return ()
setFocus $ case n of
-- Adapt click event origin to their right panel.
Expand All @@ -311,13 +349,15 @@ handleMainEvent ev = do
InventoryList -> RobotPanel
InventoryListItem _ -> RobotPanel
InfoViewport -> InfoPanel
WorldEditorPanelControl _ -> WorldEditorPanel
_ -> n
-- dispatch any other events to the focused panel handler
_ev -> do
fring <- use $ uiState . uiFocusRing
case focusGetCurrent fring of
Just REPLPanel -> handleREPLEvent ev
Just WorldPanel -> handleWorldEvent ev
Just WorldEditorPanel -> EC.handleWorldEditorPanelEvent ev
Just RobotPanel -> handleRobotPanelEvent ev
Just InfoPanel -> handleInfoPanelEvent infoScroll ev
_ -> continueWithoutRedraw
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,21 +403,8 @@ toggleModal :: ModalType -> EventM Name AppState ()
toggleModal mt = do
modal <- use $ uiState . uiModal
case modal of
Nothing -> do
newModal <- gets $ flip generateModal mt
uiState . uiModal ?= newModal
Nothing -> openModal mt
Just _ -> uiState . uiModal .= Nothing >> safeAutoUnpause
-- Set the game to AutoPause if needed
ensurePause = do
pause <- use $ gameState . paused
unless (pause || isRunningModal mt) $ do
gameState . runStatus .= AutoPause

-- | The running modals do not autopause the game.
isRunningModal :: ModalType -> Bool
isRunningModal mt = mt `elem` [RobotsModal, MessagesModal]

handleModalEvent :: V.Event -> EventM Name AppState ()
handleModalEvent = \case
Expand All @@ -394,6 +421,10 @@ handleModalEvent = \case
Brick.zoom (uiState . uiModal . _Just . modalDialog) (handleDialogEvent ev)
modal <- preuse $ uiState . uiModal . _Just . modalType
case modal of
Just TerrainPaletteModal -> do
listWidget <- use $ uiState . uiWorldEditor . terrainList
newList <- nestEventM' listWidget $ BL.handleListEvent ev
uiState . uiWorldEditor . terrainList .= newList
Just _ -> handleInfoPanelEvent modalScroll (VtyEvent ev)
_ -> return ()

Expand Down
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/Swarm/TUI/Controller/ControllerUtils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

module Swarm.TUI.Controller.ControllerUtils where

import Brick hiding (Direction)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Graphics.Vty qualified as V
import Swarm.Game.State
import Swarm.TUI.Model
import Swarm.TUI.View.ViewUtils (generateModal)

-- | Pattern synonyms to simplify brick event handler
pattern Key :: V.Key -> BrickEvent n e
pattern Key k = VtyEvent (V.EvKey k [])

pattern CharKey, ControlChar, MetaChar :: Char -> BrickEvent n e
pattern CharKey c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [])
pattern ControlChar c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [V.MCtrl])
pattern MetaChar c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [V.MMeta])

pattern ShiftKey :: V.Key -> BrickEvent n e
pattern ShiftKey k = VtyEvent (V.EvKey k [V.MShift])

pattern EscapeKey :: BrickEvent n e
pattern EscapeKey = VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc [])

pattern FKey :: Int -> BrickEvent n e
pattern FKey c = VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KFun c) [])

openModal :: ModalType -> EventM Name AppState ()
openModal mt = do
newModal <- gets $ flip generateModal mt
uiState . uiModal ?= newModal
-- Set the game to AutoPause if needed
ensurePause = do
pause <- use $ gameState . paused
unless (pause || isRunningModal mt) $ do
gameState . runStatus .= AutoPause

-- | The running modals do not autopause the game.
isRunningModal :: ModalType -> Bool
isRunningModal mt = mt `elem` [RobotsModal, MessagesModal]
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions src/Swarm/TUI/Editor/EditorController.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module Swarm.TUI.Editor.EditorController where

import Brick hiding (Direction)
import Brick.Focus
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Graphics.Vty qualified as V
import Swarm.Game.State
import Swarm.TUI.Controller.ControllerUtils
import Swarm.TUI.Editor.Util qualified as EU
import Swarm.TUI.Model

-- World Editor panel events

activateWorldEditorFunction :: WorldEditorFocusable -> EventM Name AppState ()
activateWorldEditorFunction BrushSelector = openModal TerrainPaletteModal
activateWorldEditorFunction EntitySelector =
liftIO $ putStrLn "TODO"
activateWorldEditorFunction AreaSelector = do
selectorStage <- use $ uiState . uiWorldEditor . boundsSelectionStep
case selectorStage of
SelectionComplete -> uiState . uiWorldEditor . boundsSelectionStep .= UpperLeftPending
_ -> return ()
activateWorldEditorFunction OutputPathSelector =
liftIO $ putStrLn "File selection"

-- | Handle user input events in the robot panel.
handleWorldEditorPanelEvent :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name AppState ()
handleWorldEditorPanelEvent = \case
Key V.KEsc -> uiState . uiWorldEditor . boundsSelectionStep .= SelectionComplete
Key V.KEnter -> do
fring <- use $ uiState . uiWorldEditor . editorFocusRing
case focusGetCurrent fring of
Just (WorldEditorPanelControl x) -> activateWorldEditorFunction x
_ -> return ()
ControlChar 's' -> do
worldEditor <- use $ uiState . uiWorldEditor
let fp = worldEditor ^. outputFilePath
maybeBounds <- use $ uiState . uiWorldEditor . editingBounds
w <- use $ gameState . world
liftIO $ writeFile fp $ EU.getEditedMapAsString worldEditor maybeBounds w
CharKey '\t' -> uiState . uiWorldEditor . editorFocusRing %= focusNext
Key V.KBackTab -> uiState . uiWorldEditor . editorFocusRing %= focusPrev
_ -> return ()
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions src/Swarm/TUI/Editor/EditorView.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
module Swarm.TUI.Editor.EditorView where

import Brick hiding (Direction)
import Brick.Focus
import Brick.Widgets.List qualified as BL
import Control.Lens hiding (Const, from)
import Data.List qualified as L
import Swarm.Game.World qualified as W
import Swarm.TUI.Attr
import Swarm.TUI.Border
import Swarm.TUI.Model
import Swarm.TUI.Panel

import Swarm.TUI.View.ViewUtils

drawWorldEditor :: FocusRing Name -> UIState -> Widget Name
drawWorldEditor toplevelFocusRing uis =
if worldEditor ^. isWorldEditorEnabled
( plainBorder
& topLabels . rightLabel .~ (drawType <$> (uis ^. uiREPL . replType))
else emptyWidget
privateFocusRing = worldEditor ^. editorFocusRing
maybeCurrentFocus = focusGetCurrent privateFocusRing

innerWidget =
padLeftRight 1 $
hLimit 30 $
[ brushWidget
, -- , entityWidget
, outputWidget

worldEditor = uis ^. uiWorldEditor
maybeSelectedTerrain = fmap snd $ BL.listSelectedElement $ worldEditor ^. terrainList
maybeAreaBounds = worldEditor ^. editingBounds

-- TODO: Use withFocusRing
mkFormControl n w =
clickable n $ transformation w
transformation =
if Just n == maybeCurrentFocus
then withAttr BL.listSelectedFocusedAttr
else id

brushWidget =
mkFormControl (WorldEditorPanelControl BrushSelector) $
padRight (Pad 1) (str "Brush:") <+> brushWidgetContent

brushWidgetContent =
maybe emptyWidget drawLabeledTerrainSwatch maybeSelectedTerrain

-- entityWidget =
-- mkFormControl (WorldEditorPanelControl EntitySelector) $
-- padRight (Pad 1) (str "Entity:") <+> entityWidgetContent

-- entityWidgetContent =
-- maybe emptyWidget drawLabeledTerrainSwatch maybeSelectedTerrain

areaContent = case worldEditor ^. boundsSelectionStep of
UpperLeftPending -> str "Click top-left"
LowerRightPending _wcoords -> str "Click bottom-right"
SelectionComplete -> maybe emptyWidget renderBounds maybeAreaBounds

areaWidget =
mkFormControl (WorldEditorPanelControl AreaSelector) $
[ str "Area:"
, areaContent

renderBounds (W.Coords primaryCorner@(x1, y1), W.Coords (x2, y2)) =
str $ L.intercalate " @ " [rectSize, show primaryCorner]
width = x2 - x1
-- NOTE: The height coordinate is inverted so we do opposite subtraction order here:
height = y1 - y2
rectSize = L.intercalate "x" [show width, show height]

outputWidget =
mkFormControl (WorldEditorPanelControl OutputPathSelector) $
padRight (Pad 1) (str "Output:") <+> outputWidgetContent

outputWidgetContent = str $ worldEditor ^. outputFilePath
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions src/Swarm/TUI/Editor/Util.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
module Swarm.TUI.Editor.Util where

import Control.Lens hiding (Const, from)
import Data.Char qualified as DC
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe qualified as Maybe
import Swarm.Game.Entity (Entity)
import Swarm.Game.Terrain (TerrainType)
import Swarm.Game.World qualified as W
import Swarm.TUI.Model

getTerrainAt :: WorldEditor -> W.World Int Entity -> W.Coords -> TerrainType
getTerrainAt editor w coords = case editor ^. isWorldEditorEnabled of
True -> Maybe.fromMaybe underlyingCell $ Map.lookup coords paintMap
False -> underlyingCell
paintMap = editor ^. paintedTerrain
underlyingCell = toEnum $ W.lookupTerrain coords w

getEditedMapAsString :: WorldEditor -> Maybe (W.Coords, W.Coords) -> W.World Int Entity -> String
getEditedMapAsString _ Nothing _ = "EMPTY BOUNDS"
getEditedMapAsString worldEditor (Just (W.Coords (xLeft, yTop), W.Coords (xRight, yBottom))) w =
unlines $ map renderLine [yTop .. yBottom]
getTerrain = getTerrainAt worldEditor w
drawCell :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Char
drawCell rowIndex = DC.chr . (+ DC.ord '0') . fromEnum . getTerrain . W.Coords . (rowIndex,)
renderLine rowIndex = map (drawCell rowIndex) [xLeft .. xRight]

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