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Recursive types #1894

merged 8 commits into from
Jun 6, 2024
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion editors/emacs/swarm-mode.el
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"Regexp that recognizes types (all uppercase strings are supposed to be types) in swarm language.")

(defvar swarm-mode-keywords-regexp
(concat "\\b" (regexp-opt '("def" "tydef" "end" "let" "in" "require") t) "\\b")
(concat "\\b" (regexp-opt '("def" "tydef" "rec" "end" "let" "in" "require") t) "\\b")
"Regexp that recognizes keywords in swarm language.")

(defvar swarm-font-lock-keywords
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion editors/vim/swarm.vim
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
syn keyword Keyword def tydef end let in require
syn keyword Keyword def tydef rec end let in require
syn keyword Builtins self parent base if inl inr case fst snd force undefined fail not format chars split charat tochar key
syn keyword Command noop wait selfdestruct move backup volume path push stride turn grab harvest sow ignite place ping give equip unequip make has equipped count drill use build salvage reprogram say listen log view appear create halt time scout whereami waypoint structure floorplan hastag tagmembers detect resonate density sniff chirp watch surveil heading blocked scan upload ishere isempty meet meetall whoami setname random run return try swap atomic instant installkeyhandler teleport as robotnamed robotnumbered knows
syn keyword Direction east north west south down forward left back right
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions example/omega.sw
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
tydef D = rec d. d -> d end

def selfApp : D -> D = \x. x x end

def omega : D = selfApp selfApp end
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions example/rectypes.sw
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@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
// 'rec t. F(t)' creates a recursive type which is the solution of t = F(t).
// For example 'rec l. Unit + Int * l' is the type l such that l = Unit + Int * l,
// that is, arbitrary-length finite lists of Int.
// Recursive types are equal up to alpha-renaming, so e.g.
// (rec l. Unit + Int * l) = (rec q. Unit + Int * q)

// Lists

tydef List a = rec l. Unit + a * l end

def nil : List a = inl () end
def cons : a -> List a -> List a = \x. \l. inr (x, l) end

def foldr : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b = \f. \z. \xs.
case xs
(\_. z)
(\c. f (fst c) (foldr f z (snd c)))

def map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b = \f.
foldr (\y. cons (f y)) nil

def append : List a -> List a -> List a = \xs. \ys.
foldr cons ys xs

def concat : List (List a) -> List a = foldr append nil end

def sum : List Int -> Int =
foldr (\x. \y. x + y) 0

def twentySeven = sum (cons 12 (cons 5 (cons 3 (cons 7 nil)))) end

// Note that if a function returns e.g. (rec t. Unit + (Int * Int) * t),
// that is the *same type* as List (Int * Int), so we can use any List
// functions on the output.

def someFun : Int -> (rec t. Unit + (Int * Int) * t) = \x. inr ((x, x), inl ()) end

def doSomethingWithSomeFun : List (Int * Int) =
(cons (2,3) (cons (4,7) (someFun 5)))

// Binary trees with a at internal nodes and b at leaves

tydef BTree a b = rec bt. b + bt * a * bt end

def leaf : b -> BTree a b = inl end

def branch : BTree a b -> a -> BTree a b -> BTree a b =
\l. \a. \r. inr (l, a, r)

def foldBTree : (b -> c) -> (c -> a -> c -> c) -> BTree a b -> c =
\lf. \br. \t.
case t
// fst p, fst (snd p), snd (snd p) is annoying; see #1893
(\p. br (foldBTree lf br (fst p)) (fst (snd p)) (foldBTree lf br (snd (snd p))))

def max : Int -> Int -> Int = \a. \b. if (a > b) {a} {b} end

def height : BTree a b -> Int =
foldBTree (\_. 0) (\l. \_. \r. 1 + max l r)

// Rose trees

// It would be better to reuse the definition of List
// and define Rose a = rec r. a * List r,
// but we do it this way just to show off nested rec
tydef Rose a = rec r. a * (rec l. Unit + r * l) end

def foldRose : (a -> List b -> b) -> Rose a -> b = \f. \r.
f (fst r) (map (foldRose f) (snd r))

def flatten : Rose a -> List a =
foldRose (\a. \ts. cons a (concat ts))

// Equirecursive types

// Swarm has equirecursive types, which means a recursive type is
// *equal to* its unfolding. This has some interesting consequences
// including the fact that types are equal if their infinite unfoldings
// would be equal.

// For example, U1 and U2 below are the same, and the Swarm
// typechecker can tell:

tydef U1 = rec u1. Unit + u1 end
tydef U2 = rec u2. Unit + Unit + u2 end

def u : U1 -> U2 = \u. u end
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Effect/Unify.hs
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Expand Up @@ -52,4 +52,7 @@ data UnificationError where
UnifyErr :: TypeF UType -> TypeF UType -> UnificationError
-- | Encountered an undefined/unknown type constructor.
UndefinedUserType :: UType -> UnificationError
-- | Encountered an unexpanded recursive type in unifyF. This
-- should never happen.
UnexpandedRecTy :: TypeF UType -> UnificationError
deriving (Show)
142 changes: 116 additions & 26 deletions src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Effect/Unify/Fast.hs
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Expand Up @@ -20,18 +20,24 @@ module Swarm.Effect.Unify.Fast where

import Control.Algebra
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Control.Carrier.Accum.FixedStrict (AccumC, runAccum)
import Control.Carrier.Reader (ReaderC, runReader)
import Control.Carrier.State.Strict (StateC, evalState)
import Control.Carrier.Throw.Either (ThrowC, runThrow)
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Effect.Reader (Reader)
import Control.Effect.Accum (Accum, add)
import Control.Effect.Reader (Reader, ask, local)
import Control.Effect.State (State, get, gets, modify)
import Control.Effect.Throw (Throw, throwError)
import Control.Monad (zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Map.Merge.Lazy qualified as M
import Data.Monoid (First (..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as S
import Swarm.Effect.Unify
import Swarm.Effect.Unify.Common
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,18 +77,44 @@ class Substitutes n b a where
-- | We can perform substitution on terms built up as the free monad
-- over a structure functor @f@.
instance Substitutes IntVar UType UType where
subst s = go S.empty
subst s u = case runSubst (go u) of
-- If the substitution completed without encountering a repeated
-- variable, just return the result.
(First Nothing, u') -> return u'
-- Otherwise, throw an error, but re-run substitution starting at
-- the repeated variable to generate an expanded cyclic equality
-- constraint of the form x = ... x ... .
(First (Just x), _) ->
throwError $
Infinite x (snd (runSubst (go $ Pure x)))
go seen (Pure x) = case lookup x s of
runSubst :: ReaderC (Set IntVar) (AccumC (First IntVar) Identity) a -> (First IntVar, a)
runSubst = run . runAccum (First Nothing) . runReader S.empty

-- A version of substitution that recurses through the term,
-- keeping track of unification variables seen along the current
-- path. When it encounters a previously-seen variable, it simply
-- returns it unchanged but notes the first such variable that was
-- encountered.
go ::
(Has (Reader (Set IntVar)) sig m, Has (Accum (First IntVar)) sig m) =>
UType ->
m UType
go (Pure x) = case lookup x s of
Nothing -> pure $ Pure x
Just t
| S.member x seen -> throwError $ Infinite x t
| otherwise -> go (S.insert x seen) t
go seen (Free t) = Free <$> goF seen t
Just t -> do
seen <- ask
case S.member x seen of
True -> add (First (Just x)) >> pure (Pure x)
False -> local (S.insert x) $ go t
go (Free t) = Free <$> goF t

goF seen (TyConF c ts) = TyConF c <$> mapM (go seen) ts
goF _ t@(TyVarF {}) = pure t
goF seen (TyRcdF m) = TyRcdF <$> mapM (go seen) m
goF :: (Has (Reader (Set IntVar)) sig m, Has (Accum (First IntVar)) sig m) => TypeF UType -> m (TypeF UType)
goF (TyConF c ts) = TyConF c <$> mapM go ts
goF t@(TyVarF {}) = pure t
goF (TyRcdF m) = TyRcdF <$> mapM go m
goF (TyRecF x t) = TyRecF x <$> go t
goF t@(TyRecVarF _) = pure t

-- Carrier type
Expand All @@ -92,7 +124,17 @@ instance Substitutes IntVar UType UType where
-- throw unification errors.
newtype UnificationC m a = UnificationC
{ unUnificationC ::
StateC (Subst IntVar UType) (StateC FreshVarCounter (ThrowC UnificationError m)) a
(Set (UType, UType))
( StateC
(Subst IntVar UType)
( StateC
( ThrowC UnificationError m
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadIO)

Expand All @@ -108,7 +150,11 @@ runUnification ::
UnificationC m a ->
m (Either UnificationError a)
runUnification =
unUnificationC >>> evalState idS >>> evalState (FreshVarCounter 0) >>> runThrow
>>> evalState S.empty
>>> evalState idS
>>> evalState (FreshVarCounter 0)
>>> runThrow

-- Unification
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,32 +195,68 @@ instance
L (FreeUVars t) -> do
s <- get @(Subst IntVar UType)
(<$ ctx) . fuvs <$> subst s t
R other -> alg (unUnificationC . hdl) (R (R (R other))) ctx
R other -> alg (unUnificationC . hdl) (R (R (R (R other)))) ctx

-- | Unify two types, returning a unified type equal to both. Note
-- that for efficiency we /don't/ do an occurs check here, but
-- instead lazily during substitution.
-- We keep track of a set of pairs of types we have seen; if we ever
-- see a pair a second time we simply assume they are equal without
-- recursing further. This constitutes a finite (coinductive)
-- algorithm for doing unification on recursive types.
-- For example, suppose we wanted to unify @rec s. Unit + Unit + s@
-- and @rec t. Unit + t@. These types are actually equal since
-- their infinite unfoldings are both @Unit + Unit + Unit + ...@ In
-- practice we would proceed through the following recursive calls
-- to unify:
-- @
-- (rec s. Unit + Unit + s) =:= (rec t. Unit + t)
-- { unfold the LHS }
-- (Unit + Unit + (rec s. Unit + Unit + s)) =:= (rec t. Unit + t)
-- { unfold the RHS }
-- (Unit + Unit + (rec s. Unit + Unit + s)) =:= (Unit + (rec t. Unit + t)
-- { unifyF matches the + and makes two calls to unify }
-- Unit =:= Unit { trivial}
-- (Unit + (rec s. Unit + Unit + s)) =:= (rec t. Unit + t)
-- { unfold the RHS }
-- (Unit + (rec s. Unit + Unit + s)) =:= (Unit + (rec t. Unit + t))
-- { unifyF on + }
-- (rec s. Unit + Unit + s) =:= (rec t. Unit + t)
-- { back to the starting pair, return success }
-- @
unify ::
( Has (Throw UnificationError) sig m
, Has (Reader TDCtx) sig m
, Has (State (Subst IntVar UType)) sig m
, Has (State (Set (UType, UType))) sig m
) =>
UType ->
UType ->
m UType
unify ty1 ty2 = case (ty1, ty2) of
(Pure x, Pure y) | x == y -> pure (Pure x)
(Pure x, y) -> do
mxv <- lookupS x
case mxv of
Nothing -> unifyVar x y
Just xv -> unify xv y
(x, Pure y) -> unify (Pure y) x
(UTyUser x1 tys, _) -> do
ty1' <- expandTydef x1 tys
unify ty1' ty2
(_, UTyUser {}) -> unify ty2 ty1
(Free t1, Free t2) -> Free <$> unifyF t1 t2
unify ty1 ty2 = do
seen <- get @(Set (UType, UType))
case S.member (ty1, ty2) seen of
True -> return ty1
False -> do
modify (S.insert (ty1, ty2))
case (ty1, ty2) of
(Pure x, Pure y) | x == y -> pure (Pure x)
(Pure x, y) -> do
mxv <- lookupS x
case mxv of
Nothing -> unifyVar x y
Just xv -> unify xv y
(x, Pure y) -> unify (Pure y) x
(UTyRec x ty, _) -> unify (unfoldRec x ty) ty2
(_, UTyRec x ty) -> unify ty1 (unfoldRec x ty)
(UTyUser x1 tys, _) -> do
ty1' <- expandTydef x1 tys
unify ty1' ty2
(_, UTyUser {}) -> unify ty2 ty1
(Free t1, Free t2) -> Free <$> unifyF t1 t2

-- | Unify a unification variable which /is not/ bound by the current
-- substitution with another term. If the other term is also a
Expand All @@ -183,6 +265,7 @@ unifyVar ::
( Has (Throw UnificationError) sig m
, Has (Reader TDCtx) sig m
, Has (State (Subst IntVar UType)) sig m
, Has (State (Set (UType, UType))) sig m
) =>
IntVar ->
UType ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,11 +294,18 @@ unifyF ::
( Has (Throw UnificationError) sig m
, Has (Reader TDCtx) sig m
, Has (State (Subst IntVar UType)) sig m
, Has (State (Set (UType, UType))) sig m
) =>
TypeF UType ->
TypeF UType ->
m (TypeF UType)
unifyF t1 t2 = case (t1, t2) of
-- Recursive types are always expanded in 'unify', these first four cases
-- should never happen.
(TyRecF {}, _) -> throwError $ UnexpandedRecTy t1
(_, TyRecF {}) -> throwError $ UnexpandedRecTy t2
(TyRecVarF {}, _) -> throwError $ UnexpandedRecTy t1
(_, TyRecVarF {}) -> throwError $ UnexpandedRecTy t2
(TyConF c1 ts1, TyConF c2 ts2) -> case c1 == c2 of
True -> TyConF c1 <$> zipWithM unify ts1 ts2
False -> unifyErr
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Effect/Unify/Naive.hs
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-- Not used in Swarm, and also unmaintained
-- (e.g. "Swarm.Effect.Unify.Fast" now supports expanding type
-- aliases; this module does not). It's still here just for
-- aliases + recursive types; this module does not). It's still here just for
-- testing/comparison.
module Swarm.Effect.Unify.Naive where

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,5 +164,8 @@ unifyF t1 t2 = case (t1, t2) of
False -> unifyErr
_ -> (fmap compose . sequence) (M.merge M.dropMissing M.dropMissing (M.zipWithMatched (const unify)) m1 m2)
(TyRcdF {}, _) -> unifyErr
-- Don't support any extra features (e.g. recursive types), so just
-- add a catch-all failure case
(_, _) -> unifyErr
unifyErr = throwError $ UnifyErr t1 t2
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Capability.hs
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Expand Up @@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ data Capability
| -- | Capability to make other robots halt.
| -- | Capability to handle recursive types.
| -- | God-like capabilities. For e.g. commands intended only for
-- checking challenge mode win conditions, and not for use by
-- players.
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