This repo contains all the design files relate to the ESP8266-based garage door opener project I recently created. My basic requirements were:
Be functonal and deployed as quickly as possible, rather than being as clean and well-engineered as possible.
Not interfere with the electronics of my existing manual-switch-triggered opener.
Quick list of features/parts:
ESP8266 WiFi SoC for the Internet connection. NodeMCU board.
Arduino-based software stack.
HTTP/HTML-based user interface.
WiFi credentials entered at "run-time" using a web browser and saved to flash, rather than being hard-coded into the application code.
PCB created in Kicad to mount the ESP8266 and connectors.
Standalone commercial relay board to trigger the door opener.
HC-SR04 sensors used to detect whether the door is open or closed.
HC-SR04 wall mounts designed using OpenSCAD and 3D-printed.
Look on my blog at for more details.