Involves a news application which fetches news articles, and a weather API which fetches data from 3rd party api vendor.
- This web application allows the user to sign up, login and logout. An incorrect username or password won't allow the user to login. For the login, you can use -> (username: user, password: 12345678).
- Only authenticated users can use the functionality.
- Allowed the user to choose to search news source with any search query. On trying to access the api without any search error will thrown to provide the search value.
- Allowed the user to get top news headlines.
- Allowed the user to get weather information based on location.
- You need to have node.js , npm and mongodb installed on your machine. Once installed, you can check the versions using the below commands
node -v // using v10.10.0
npm -v
- Clone the project from GitHub Repository and Install all the necessary packages
git clone
cd NewsAndWeatherInfo
npm install
- Start node.js server
nodemon app.js
- Setup Redis for caching
$ curl -O
$ tar xzvf redis-stable.tar.gz
$ cd redis-stable
$ make
$ make test
( In case following error is encountered on mac: node-gyp 'pkg-config: command not found', run following command:
$ brew install zeromq
$ brew install pkgconfig
$ sudo make install
$ redis-server
Redis server is ready.
###POSTMAN You can use below link to access api documentation and example.
Core :
- Nodejs
- Express
- Mongodb
- mongoose
- eslint
- redis ( caching is done only for search news API as a sample. Can be implemented for other APIs also.)
- bcryptjs
- jsonwebtoken
- mocha
External Apis
- newsapi (client library)
- openweathermap
npm test
go to file : in main directory