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Basic Multisig contract

This contract provides:

  • Set K out of N multi sig scheme
  • Request to sign transfers, function calls, adding and removing keys.
  • Any of the access keys can confirm, until the required number of confirmation achieved.

Multisig implementation details

Mutlisig uses set of FunctionCall AccessKeys as a set of allowed N keys. When contract is being setup, it should be initialized with set of keys that will be initially managing this account. All operations going forward will require K signatures to be performed.



There are number of different request types that multisig can confirm and execute:

/// Lowest level action that can be performed by the multisig contract.
pub enum MultiSigRequestAction {
    /// Transfers given amount to receiver.
    Transfer {
        amount: U128,
    /// Create a new account.
    /// Deploys contract to receiver's account. Can upgrade given contract as well.
    DeployContract { code: Base64VecU8 },
    /// Adds key, either new key for multisig or full access key to another account.
    AddKey {
        public_key: Base58PublicKey,
        #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
        permission: Option<FunctionCallPermission>,
    /// Deletes key, either one of the keys from multisig or key from another account.
    DeleteKey {
        public_key: Base58PublicKey,
    /// Call function on behalf of this contract.
    FunctionCall {
        method_name: String,
        args: Base64VecU8,
        deposit: U128,
        gas: U64,
    /// Sets number of confirmations required to authorize requests.
    /// Can not be bundled with any other actions or transactions.
    SetNumConfirmations {
        num_confirmations: u32,
    /// Sets number of active requests (unconfirmed requests) per access key
    /// Default is 12 unconfirmed requests at a time
    /// The REQUEST_COOLDOWN for requests is 15min
    /// Worst gas attack a malicious keyholder could do is 12 requests every 15min
    SetActiveRequestsLimit {
        active_requests_limit: u32,

/// Permission for an access key, scoped to receiving account and method names with allowance to add when key is added to accoount
pub struct FunctionCallPermission {
    allowance: Option<U128>,
    receiver_id: AccountId,
    method_names: Vec<String>,

// The request the user makes specifying the receiving account and actions they want to execute (1 tx)
pub struct MultiSigRequest {
    receiver_id: AccountId,
    actions: Vec<MultiSigRequestAction>,

// An internal request wrapped with the signer_pk and added timestamp to determine num_requests_pk and prevent against malicious key holder gas attacks
pub struct MultiSigRequestWithSigner {
    request: MultiSigRequest,
    signer_pk: PublicKey,
    added_timestamp: u64,


/// Add request for multisig.
pub fn add_request(&mut self, request: MultiSigRequest) -> RequestId {

/// Add request for multisig and confirm right away with the key that is adding the request.
pub fn add_request_and_confirm(&mut self, request: MultiSigRequest) -> RequestId {

/// Remove given request and associated confirmations.
pub fn delete_request(&mut self, request_id: RequestId) {

/// Confirm given request with given signing key.
/// If with this, there has been enough confirmation, a promise with request will be scheduled.
pub fn confirm(&mut self, request_id: RequestId) -> PromiseOrValue<bool> {

View Methods

pub fn get_request(&self, request_id: RequestId) -> MultiSigRequest
pub fn get_num_requests_pk(&self, public_key: Base58PublicKey) -> u32
pub fn list_request_ids(&self) -> Vec<RequestId>
pub fn get_confirmations(&self, request_id: RequestId) -> Vec<Base58PublicKey>
pub fn get_num_confirmations(&self) -> u32
pub fn get_request_nonce(&self) -> u32

State machine

Per each request, multisig maintains next state machine:

  • add_request adds new request with empty list of confirmations.
  • add_request_and_confirm adds new request with 1 confirmation from the adding key.
  • delete_request deletes request and ends state machine.
  • confirm either adds new confirmation to list of confirmations or if there is more than num_confirmations confirmations with given call - switches to execution of request. confirm fails if request is already has been confirmed and already is executing which is determined if confirmations contain given request_id.
  • each step of execution, schedules a promise of given set of actions on receiver_id and puts a callback.
  • when callback executes, it checks if promise executed successfully: if no - stops executing the request and return failure. If yes - execute next transaction in the request if present.
  • when all transactions are executed, remove request from requests and with that finish the execution of the request.


User can delete access keys on the multisig such that total number of different access keys will fall below num_confirmations, rendering contract locked. This is due to not having a way to query blockchain for current number of access keys on the account. See discussion here - near/NEPs#79.


To develop Rust contracts you would need to:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  • Add wasm target to your toolchain:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Building the contract



Before deploying the contract, you need to collect all public keys that it will be initialized with.

Commands to deploy and initialize a 2 out of 3 multisig contract via near repl:

const fs = require('fs');
const account = await near.account("illia");
const contractName = "multisig.illia";
const methodNames = ["add_request","delete_request","confirm"];
const newArgs = {"num_confirmations": 2};
const result = account.signAndSendTransaction(
            nearAPI.transactions.functionCallAccessKey(contractName, methodNames, null)),
            nearAPI.transactions.functionCallAccessKey(contractName, methodNames, null)),
            nearAPI.transactions.functionCallAccessKey(contractName, methodNames, null)),
        nearAPI.transactions.functionCall("new", Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(newArgs)), 10000000000000, "0"),

Create request

To create request for transfer funds:

near call multisig.illia add_request '{"request": {"receiver_id": "illia", "actions": [{"type": "Transfer", "amount": "1000000000000000000000"}]}}' --accountId multisig.illia

Add another key to multisig:

near call multisig.illia add_request '{"request": {"receiver_id": "multisig.illia", "actions": [{"type": "AddKey", "public_key": "<base58 of the key>"}]}}' --accountId multisig.illia

Change number of confirmations required to approve multisig:

near call multisig.illia add_request '{"request": {"receiver_id": "multisig.illia", "actions": [{"type": "SetNumConfirmations", "num_confirmations": 2}]}}' --accountId multisig.illia

Returns the request_id of this request that can be used to confirm or see details.

As a side note, for this to work one of the keys from multisig should be available in your ~/.near-credentials/<network>/<multisig-name>.json or use --useLedgerKey to sign with Ledger.

You can also create a way more complex call that chains calling multiple different contracts:

Confirm request

To confirm a specific request:

near call multisig.illia confirm '{"request_id": 0}' --accountId multisig.illia

View requests

To list all requests ids:

near view multisig.illia list_request_ids

To see information about specific request:

near view multisig.illia get_request '{"request_id": 0}'

To see confirmations for specific request:

near view multisig.illia get_confirmations '{"request_id": 0}'

Total confirmations required for any request:

near view multisig.illia get_num_confirmations

Upgrade given multisig with new code

Create a request that deploys new contract code on the given account. Be careful about data and requiring migrations (contract updates should include data migrations going forward).

const fs = require('fs');
const account = await near.account("multisig.illia");
const contractName = "multisig.illia";
const requestArgs = {"request": [
    {"receiver_id": "multisig.illia", "actions": [{"type": "DeployContract", "code": fs.readFileSync("res/multisig.wasm")}]}
const result = account.signAndSendTransaction(
        nearAPI.transactions.functionCall("add_request", Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(requestArgs)), 10000000000000, "0"),

After this, still will need to confirm this with num_confirmations you have setup for given contract.

Common commands for multisig

Create an account

near call illia.near add_request '{"request": {"receiver_id": "new_account.near", "actions": [{"type", "CreateAccount"}, {"type": "Transfer", "amount": "1000000000000000000000"}, {"type": "AddKey", "public_key": "<public key for the new account>"}]}}' --accountId illia.near
near call illia.near confirm '{"request_id": <request number from previous line>}'


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