Automatic pdb invoker, Telegram support
pip install sweetdebug
or (To use Telegram notification)
pip install sweetdebug[telegram]
- Use the CLI command to debug any Python script without modifying the source:
sweetdebug [script arguments...]
- Or just add one(or two) line in your code:
from sweetdebug import sweetdebug
1/0 # Error !!
- This will invoke pdb automatically.
Traceback (Most recent call last):
3 / <module> --> 1/0
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
> /<module>()
-> 1/0
- You can receive error message with Telegram, too.
- To get Telegram authentication token, See Telegram Botfather for details.
# Assume you have Telegram tokens and corresponding chat ids.
token = "123456789:ABCDEF_VGRXDZKwvHS8@Xca5e2EnZdfsgTw"
chat_ids = ["13852425", '29384594']
sweetdebug(telegram=True, telegram_api_token=token, chat_ids=chat_ids)
1/0 # Error !!
- Also, If you have used your tokens and chat ids, then you can use cached token and chat ids.
- sweettimer : simple timer for a code snippets
from sweetdebug import sweettimer
# simple timer for a function
def xxx1():
return sum([i for i in range(1000)])
# replace function name or time units
@sweettimer(name="my_xxx", unit="ms")
def xxx2():
return sum([i for i in range(1000)])
# also supports context-level
with sweettimer():
sum([i for i in range(1000)])
# you can also check elapsed times through this class attribute
(/home/jongho/workspace/testbed/, line 15) :: elapsed 0.01293182373046875 s
(/home/jongho/workspace/testbed/[xxx1] :: elapsed 2.288818359375e-05 s
(/home/jongho/workspace/testbed/[my_xxx] :: elapsed 0.019788742065429688 ms
[(None, 0.011715888977050781, 's'), ('xxx1', 2.09808349609375e-05, 's'), ('my_xxx', 1.6927719116210938e-05, 'ms')]