This starter project enables you to compile your Angular 1 app with webpack. It is possible to write code in ES5, ES6 and Typescript. Examples for supported coding styles are available in src/app.
You need Node.js in version 6+ with npm 3+ or yarn (recommended). The recommended way to install Node.js is to use nvm
Install all necessary dependencies.
npm install
# or
The development server will lint your code on every change and trigger a page reload. You can start it with the following command.
npm start
# or
yarn start
You can create a bundle including all necessary assets with the following command.
npm run build:dev
# or
yarn run build:dev
All files with the .spec.ts or .spec.js extensions will be executed with karma.
npm test # single run
npm run test:watch # run tests in watch mode
# or
yarn test
yarn run test:watch
All files with the .e2e.ts are executed with protractor. You need to start the development server to run e2e tests.
npm run pree2e # needs to be executed only once after the installation of the dependencies
npm run e2e
# or
yarn run pree2e
yarn run e2e
npm run lint # lints all js and ts files in src and config
# or
yarn run lint
The following command will bundle your application for production.
npm run build:dist
# or
yarn run build:dist