A small IPython extension that auto-completes S3 URIS.
To install: pip install s3ac
$ ipython
Python 3.9.13 (main, Jun 9 2022, 00:00:00)
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In [1]: %load_ext s3ac
In [2]: from s3ac import s3
In [3]: s3("<hit tab>
To use, start an expression with s3("
, hit tab, see buckets.
After selecting a bucket and hitting tab, s3 ("my_bucket/
will complete prefixes up to the next slash and objects with that prefix.
For example, tabbing after s3("my_bucket1/d
might suggest:
The s3 function will return a URI (for example, "s3://my_bucket/dir1/dir2/file.txt"
Depends only on boto3 and requires an AWS credentials file in ~/.aws.