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Sebastian Widz edited this page Jun 12, 2024 · 5 revisions


-c, --connection      Required. Connection string
-e, --engine          (Default: SAX) Excel export provider ["SAX" | "ODC" |
                      "LEGACY" | "LARGEXLSX"]
-f, --createfolder    (Default: false) If set, the output folder is created if
                      it does not exist
-i, --input           Required. Source file path, including filename wildcards
                      e.g. C:\Folder\*.sql
-l, --logfile         (Default: SQL2XML.log) Log file name which is created in
                      the output folder
-m, --maxdop          (Default: 1) Sets number of threads for parallel query
-n, --name            (Default: ) Sets dataset and worksheet name. If not set,
                      the name is derived from the source file name.
-o, --output          Required. Output path. It can be either a folder eg.
                      C:\OutputFolder\ or a output file (the second case works
                      only for a pattern resulting in a single input file)
-p, --provider        (Default: System.Data.SqlClient) Database provider name
                      ["System.Data.SqlClient" | "Npgsql" |
-s, --suffix          (Default: ) Adds given suffix to output filenames
-t, --timeout         (Default: 1200) Connection timeout
-v, --loglevel        (Default: 2) Log level: 0=Trace 1=Debug 2=Info 3=Warning
                      4=Error 5=Critical
-x, --overwrite       (Default: false) Overwrite existing files
-z, --zip             (Default: ) If set, files in the destination folder are
                      zipped, and the archive file is placed in given location
--help                Display this help screen.
--version             Display version information.

Example (PostgreSQL)

sql2xls.exe --input C:\datamigration\sql\ --output C:\datamigration\output\ --provider "Npgsql" --connection "Host=; Username=user; Password=password; Port=5432; Database=mydatabase;" --loglevel 0 --timeout 1200 --createfolder --overwrite

Example (MS SQL Server)

sql2xls.exe --input C:\datamigration\sql\ --output C:\datamigration\output\ --connection "Server=servername;Database=databasename;Trusted_Connection=True;" --loglevel 0 --timeout 1200 --createfolder --overwrite

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