If you ever wanted a tool to simply push the SMS (or text messages) from your phone to somewhere remote, this is it. This app matches all incoming and/or outgoing text messages against set rules and sends them over to webhook that you define.
If you find this app useful, send over your hugs 🤗 to Float.
The app sends tiny payload similar to what's shown below on the remote webhook (as JSON body in a POST
"direction": "incoming",
"participant": "+919876543210",
"content": "Your OTP for login is 123456.",
"date": 1609459200000
You can use services like Pipedream to process these payloads and do stuff e.g., sending over to a Slack channel using below code:
async (event, steps) => {
const color = event.body.direction === "incoming" ? "#0099e5" : "#34bf49";
const icon = event.body.direction === "incoming" ? ":inbox_tray:" : ":outbox_tray:";
return require('axios')
.post('https://hooks.slack.com/services/<your-webhook-url>', {
text: `New ${event.body.direction} ${icon} message captured.`,
attachments: [{
author_name: event.body.participant,
footer: 'Textmatic',
text: event.body.content,
ts: event.body.date / 1000,
You can download the latest version from Releases page.
See LICENSE file.