Welcome to io
programming language
- comments:
//, /*...*/
- unit:
- scope:
{ ... }
- equality:
- inequality:
- logical operators:
- types:
- binary operators:
- bit operators:
- generic:
Examples | |
variable | let foo: i32 = 42; |
function | foo: (bar: i32) -> i32 = { bar * 2 } |
// Set
// Enables creating an arbitrary type set
type Accepted: set{bool; int; Utf8}
// Pack
// Eg: Color
// ---Alpha|-----Red|---Green|----Blue|
type Color: pack{
//32 bit unsigned int across
value: u32 = [0..<32];
a: u8 = [0..<8];
//skip 8 take 8
r: u8 = [8..<16];
g: u8 = [16..<24];
b: u8 = [24..<32];
rgb: u24 = [8..<32];
// 1. color = Color{value: 0xFFFFFFFF}
// 2. color = Color{a:255, r:255, g:255, b:255}
// 3. color = Color{a:0xFF, rgb: 0xFFFFFF}
// Structs
type Info: struct{
description: Utf8;
type FancyType: struct{
thing: Things;
// unammed struct, internally it would be considered FancyType_info
info: struct{ a, b: i32 };
// Experimental ADT
type Things: enum{
//type name for the struct would be Things_Bike_0
Bike(struct{info: Info, quantity: u32});
Parts(Vec<struct{part: Utf8, color: Color}>);
Link(Map<i32, struct{}>);
// Function
// No Arguments and No Return
type Callback : ()
// Getter Of T
type Getter<T>: () -> T
// Setter Of T
type Setter<T>: (T)
// Convert
type Convert<I,O>: (I) -> O
// Alias, type encoding
type VectorOfInt = Vec<i32>;
f = FancyType(
thing = Things.Paint(Color{value: 0xFF0000FF}),
info = (a = 42, b = 0),
bike = Things.Bike{info: Info{description: "Bike"}, quantity: 42},
groupBy<K,V>: (items: Vec<T>, key: (item: T) -> K) -> Map<K, Vec<V>> = {
items.fold(Map(), (acc, item) {
item_key = key(item);
match acc.get(item_key) {
Some(vec) => vec,
None => acc[item_key] = Vec(),
sort<T: Ord>: (mut items: Vec<T>) {
for i = 0; i < items.len(); i+=1 {
max = i;
// find max
for j = i+1; j < items.len(); j+=1 {
if(items[max] < items[j]) {
max = j;
// swap
items[i], items[max] = items[max], items[i]
quickSort<T: Ord>: (mut items: Vec<T>) = {
partition: (mut items: Vec<T>, low, hight: i32) -> i32 = {
pivot = items[high];
i = low - 1;
for j=low; j<= high -1; j++ {
if items[j] < pivot {
items[i], items[j] = items[j], items[i];
i + 1
sort: (mut items: Vec<T>, low: i32, high: i32) = {
if low < high {
pi = partition(items, low, high);
quickSort(items, low, pi - 1);
quickSort(items, pi + 1, high);
sort(items, 0, items.length() - 1);
main : () = {
// assignment
bar = 42;
foo: () -> i32 = {
io.cout << "hello " << foo().to_string() << "\n";
i = Vec( 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2)..sort();
io.cout << "Sorted: " << i.to_string() << "\n";