Open Service Broker is an implementation of the Open Service Broker API. It enables platforms such as Cloud Foundry & Kubernetes to provision and manage services.
Open Service Broker is built in a modular way and one service broker can host multiple services.
Service broker offers extra functionality regarding Billing, Backup/Restore on top of the Open Service Broker API.
Services can be provisioned synchronously and/or asynchronously and the goal of this project is to provide a framework with which any service can easily be provisioned.
The image above shows the high level architecture.
The following flow chart shows interactions for service provisioning and service binding for MongoDB Enterprise service.
- Java 1.8
- MySQL / MariaDB Server
Build Service Broker using the gradlew
script in the root directory of the repository.
$ ./gradlew clean build -x test -x integrationTest -x functionalTest -Ptomcat
The parameter called tomcat is for controlling if a tomcat runtime is integrated into the war.
Command below gives you a self executable jar
$ ./gradlew clean build -x test -x integrationTest -x functionalTest
To execute tests or run the Service Broker locally, docker-compose can be used to spin up all required systems.
$ cd docker
$ docker-compose up -d
Configurations for test purposes with the docker-compose environment can be put into
The profile can be activated by annotating the test class with @ActiveProfiles("info,default,extensions,secrets,test")
To run the service broker locally a mariadb or mysql database with name CFbroker is required. The database tables will be generated automatically by the application. See the configuration section for more details.
To run the built artifact, from the root directory the following commands can be executed:
java -jar -Dspring.config.additional-location=file:/some/path/servicebroker.yml broker/build/libs/broker-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
The config file passed can overwrite any default values. Providing an external config file is optional and when no external config file is provided, the default values are dictated by application.yml file(s).
./gradlew broker:bootRun
At the time being, Service Broker is recommended to run with only one instance to avoid concurrency issues. This issue will be fixed soon.
For installing Service Broker on Openshift, use the script. This script creates a new MariaDB instance and provisions a new Service Broker instance & configures SB to use the newly created DB.
When importing this project into IntelliJ, select the "create separate module per source set option".
Follow the documentation to register the broker to Cloud Foundry.
Before a cf create-service-broker
or update-service-broker
call is made, please make sure that Service Broker is configured correctly.
For configuring the catalog, see the service definition section.
It is also supported to host the open service broker as an app in cloudfoundry. The project contains in the root folder a 'manifest-template.yml' which contains a default configuration for the cloud foundry deployment. During the build the template file is being processed and a versioned manifest is created in the %rootdir%/broker/build/libs directory. To deploy:
- build or ensure the Broker binaries are built
- navigate to the libs folder for the project (where the manifest.yml is)
- To override configurations, modify environment variable
in manifest.yml
- To override configurations, modify environment variable
- login to cloud foundry with 'cf login ...'
- execute the command 'cf push' which will parse the manifest and upload the application
cf login -a --sso
cf push
detailed documentation about manifest
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
The configuration file for the Service Broker is located under
Service definitions are maintained in the application.yml under the serviceDefinitions key. This key expects a list of service definitions as values. On startup, the service broker will validate that service definitions from in the database exist in the application.yml configurations based on GUID. Setting the value of serviceDefinitions to an empty list ([]), will bypass the verification.
Example Service Definition in application.yml configuration file.
- guid: 'udn9276f-hod4-5432-vw34-6c33d7359c12'
name: 'mongodbent'
description: 'MongoDB Enterprise HA v3.2.11'
bindable: true
asyncRequired: true
internalName: 'mongoDbEnterprise'
displayIndex: 1
tags: []
version: '3.2.11'
displayName: 'MongoDB Enterprise'
- guid: 'jfkos87r-truz-4567-liop-dfrwscvbnmk6'
name: 'replicaset'
description: 'Replica Set with 3 data bearing nodes with 32 GB memory, 320 GB storage, unlimited concurrent connections'
templateId: 'mongodbent-bosh-template'
free: false
displayIndex: 0
- template: ''
name: 'plan'
value: 'mongoent.small'
- template: ''
name: 'vm_instance_type'
value: 'mongoent.small'
storageCapacity: '320GB'
memory: '32GB'
nodes: '3'
maximumConcurrentConnections: 'unlimited'
dedicatedService: true
highAvailability: true
displayName: 'Small'
The Swagger API documentation can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
Any bosh based service can be easily brokered. See here for Swisscom's bosh releases.
Check the class BoshBasedServiceProvider
for details.
Any Kubernetes based service can be provisioned with Open Service Broker. The asynchronous task
is being created to prepare the provisioning of the service instance. Kubernetes
is using the client
to execute a bunch of "templated" HTTP calls on Kubernetes API. All the templates can be read from the application.yml
and are automatically read inside a specific
Open Service Broker can broker your local deployment of OpenWhisk.
Provision will create a new namespace.
An example of the provision json data (Parameters are optional).
cf create-service openwhisk basic my_open_whisk
cf create-service openwhisk basic my_open_whisk -c '{"namespace":"NAMESPACE"}'
"service_id": "udn9276f-hod4-5432-vw34-6c33d7359c20",
"plan_id": "jfkos87r-truz-4567-liop-dfrwscvbnm20",
"parameters": {
"namespace": "NAMESPACE"
Binding will create a new subject within the namespace.
An example of the bind json data (Parameters are optional).
cf bind-service my_app my_open_whisk
cf bind-service my_app my_open_whisk -c '{"subject":"SUBJECT"}'
"service_id": "udn9276f-hod4-5432-vw34-6c33d7359c20",
"plan_id": "jfkos87r-truz-4567-liop-dfrwscvbnm20",
"parameters": {
"subject": "SUBJECT"
Binding will return the HOST, UUID, and KEY. With these credentials, you can configure your local OpenWhisk CLI.
wsk property set --apihost HOST --auth UUID:KEY
As the OpenWhisk API does not provide the create/update/delete functionality that we were hoping for, we perform CRUD namespace/subject directly into the CouchDB.
Eden is a CLI to interact with any Open Service Broker API. All operations of the API are supported: discover/provision/bind/unbind/deprovision. After installing Eden you can use the following commands to interact with your broker:
export SB_BROKER_URL=http://localhost:8080 && export SB_BROKER_USERNAME=cc_admin && export SB_BROKER_PASSWORD=change_me
eden catalog
eden provision -s redis -p small -i test_redis
Before you are able to run these commands above make sure to have Open Service Broker running and desired service definitions got published.
The logging is based on Slf4j with the Log4J2 Extension. The log output can be modified with the default log4j2 configuration methods (e.g., log4j2.yaml ...). The default configuration returns a compacts json format with every item on a single line.
to allow local logging in human readable format the following files have been added to .gitIgnore: *log4j2-test
so that a file with log4j2-test.yaml can be added. To have a normal human readable output, use:
status = error
dest = err
name = PropertiesConfig
appender.console.type = Console = STDOUT
appender.console.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.console.layout.pattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
rootLogger.level = info
rootLogger.appenderRef.stdout.ref = STDOUT
Admin actions allow you to modify the behaviour of the open service brokers internals. admin actions are designed to remedy or change errorous states in the broker due to manual interactions on the service level.
Admin actions are not for the default user and therefor are only usable with users with ext permission.
[POST] /admin/service_instances/{serviceInstanceGuid}/last_operation/terminate
This will stop all scheduled actions for this service and set the current last action to failed. This command should be used if a service creation has failed without aprioriate feedback or if the broker isn't in sync anymore.
[DELETE] /admin/service_instances/{serviceInstanceGuid}/purge
This will mark the service instance to be cleaned up in the database, delete any CredHub credentials of any existing bindings to this service instance and if the ServiceProvider provides SystemBackups, also deregisters the service instance from the backup system. This command should be used if the service instance cannot be removed anymore due to unavailability of the service instance in the backend.
Example Response when purge is partly successful:
HTTP Status 200
"purged_service_instance_guid": "a7d660aa-5919-430a-9b07-f5db7f456b55",
"deleted_bindings": 3,
"is_system_backup_provider": true,
"errors": [
"Failed to deregister from backup system"
Example Response when purge failed due to invalid service instance guid:
HTTP Status 400
"purged_service_instance_guid": "a7d660aa-5919-430a-9b07-f5db7f456b55",
"errors": [
"Service Instance Guid 'a7d660aa-5919-430a-9b07-f5db7f456b55' does not exist"
[POST] /admin/service_instances/cleanup
Will delete service instances which have been deprovisioned for longer then 90 days. Removing them from the database completely.
[POST] /admin/cleanup
[POST] /admin/service_instances/{serviceInstanceGuid}/cleanup
Cleanup will try to execute the a custom configured cleanup action for all service instances (1)
or for a single service instance (2). Per default the all cleanup
will run every day in the morning
at 02:15.
As the cleanup is running on an async schedule, feedback to operators are sent via a different channel,
the default channel is an OpsGenie
integration. check for
informations about how to retrieve a api key.
The cleanup can be configured with the yaml configuration and by providing a bean
of type CleanupAction
config.cleanupThresholdInDays: 30 (default is 30)
apiKey: "some-key"
alertPriority: "P4" (default is P4)
tags: [ "mongodb", "osb" ]
teams: [ "team1", "team2", "team3" ]
alertMessage: "[MongoDBEnt] "
alertDescription: "Issue on MongoDBEnt on Dev Env:"
[POST] /admin/service_instances/{serviceInstanceGuid}/cleanup/completed
the cleanup completed state of a service state can be set (to true), no body is required.
To fetch the state of a cleanup of serviceInstance the following call can be made:
[GET] /admin/service_instances/{serviceInstanceGuid}/cleanup