DelugeAutotransfer is a script for autotransferring completed torrents through Deluge, to your server of choice, matching your favourite regex'es!
- Perl >=5.12
- YAML::Tiny
- Net::SMTP::SSL (If you want to send mails upon completion)
- File::Rsync (If you want to use rsync as a transfer method)
- File::FTP (If you want to use FTP as a transfer method)
- File::FTP::Recursive (If you want to use FTP as a transfer method)
$ git clone git://
Now, you need to set up your config file
$ cp config.yml.example config.yml
$ vim config.yml
As this is yaml, please watch your start of line spacing and indentation. That is, 2 spaces for each level of configuration.
First fill out the logfile under general
logfile: '/home/username/DelugeAutotransfer/Torrents.log'
Now we need to fill out our connections. We can has many as virtually possible here, so keep your friends happy and add them
email: 'user@domain.tld' // This is only needed if you want to send notifications when a transfer completes
method: 'rsync' // Choose between RSYNC or FTP
port: '22'
login: 'username' // Username for the connecting user
password: '' // This is not needed if you rsync and have copied a public key without a password
host: 'domain.tld'
destination: '/home/username/torrents/'
- I_Would_Love_This_File: // This is the pretty name of the file we're matching. Underscores are replaced with spaces
match: '^I\.Would\.Love\.This\.File$'
location: 'ILOVETHIS' // Optional: If you want to put all I_Would_Live_This_File's in the subdirectory ILOVETHIS
You can create multiple connections in the list, one for each friend with his preferences (or each of your servers)
You need to copy your public key to the receiving host (ssh-copy-id <user>@<host>
), without password!
Fill out the login
and password
field in the connections block of the config.yml
Then you need to setup Deluge with the plugin Execute
Add an event in Execute
Event: Torrent Complete
Command: /path/to/your/script/
One final thing you might want to do, is edit line #10, #37, #41 and #45 of to use Absolute Paths instead of Relative Paths.
DelugeAutotransfer is licensed under the MIT License
The full license text is available in