The CRS (Collaborative Robotic Sanding) Application buit in ROS2 eloquent
mkdir -p ~/crs_ws/src # Make a new workspace and source directory
cd ~/crs_ws/src # Navigate to the workspace source directory
git clone # clone the repository
- Install wstool
- cd into your colcon workspace root directory
- Run wstool as follows
cd ~/crs_ws wstool init src src/collaborative-robotic-sanding/crs.rosinstall wstool update -t src
- Install rosdep
- From the root directory of your workspace run the following:
rosdep install --from-path src --ignore-src -ry
sudo apt install ros-eloquent-launch-xml
This allows using xml formatted launch files
QT5, which is a dependency of ros_scxml therefore follow the instructions provided here
- To run on hardware it is necessary to build the ros1 robot driver and the bridge in separate workspace, see instructions on that below.
This will build the main application, from the workspace run the following
colcon build --symlink-install
This application is all that is necessary to run the system in simulation mode with gazebo
Create a soft link (shortcut) in the home directory as follows
- cd into the
packagecd crs_process_data/data/main/toolpaths
The main directory holds the toolpaths for the main workcell, choose surrogate1 if that workcell is to be used instead.
- Create soft link
ln -s $(pwd) $HOME/crs_data
- See the instructions here
The following instructions are necessary when running on real hardware:
- Go to Framos Depth Camera. Download and Extract the tar file and then install the FRAMOS-librealsense2-2.29.8-Linux64_x64.deb debian
- Download source and debian dependencies
cd ~/crs_ws wstool merge -t src src/collaborative-robotic-sanding/crs_hardware.rosinstall wstool update -t src rosdep install --from-path src --ignore-src -ry colcon build --symlink-install
- Follow instructions here