This app is a rock climbing tool for providing a structured 2-hour interval workout routine, documenting and visualizing progress, and maximizing gym time efficiency.
It is currently designed for use at the gym, and thus, mobile size screens.
Apply enterprise level infrastructure and coding standards which include:
- prod/dev pipelines and releases
- commit linting and feature branch merging review standards
- build/type/test safety
- scalable code practices
- AWS Amplify
- Nextjs
- GraphQL
- Material-UI
- Typescript
- Formik
- ESlint
- Prettier
- Husky
- Yup
- Jest/RTL
Branch Strategy
- main and dev amplify hosting piplines
- feature branch off dev, features back into dev
- release branch off dev, merge to main and dev
Auth Theming
- due to mui theming, customizing amplify-ui auth flow with MUI components means larger effort, currently outweighing time vs benefit
- will need to build out custom components/hooks for auth state and replace withAuthenticator hook in App