New charting and visualization library has been released:
Please move to it and we won't maintain the old version soon.
- React es6 grammar
- Easy to use
- Strong expansion capability
- Support most data visualization charts
$ npm install bizcharts
<script src="${version}/umd/BizCharts.min.js"></script>
$ git clone
$ cd BizCharts
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
// add localhost
$ npm run[-script] demo
// open in browser http://localhost:3510/
import {Chart, Axis, Tooltip, Geom} from "bizcharts";
const data = [...];
<Chart height={400} data={data} forceFit>
<Axis name="month" />
<Axis name="temperature" label={{formatter: val => `${val}°C`}} />
<Tooltip crosshairs={{type : 'y'}} />
<Geom type="line" position="month*temperature" size={2} color={'city'} />
<Geom type="point" position="month*temperature" size={4} color={'city'} />
- BizCharts
- components
- Plugin
- others
We welcome all contributions. You could submit any ideas as pull requests. Thank you for your interest and have a good time. Please let us know how can we help. Do check out issues for bug reports or suggestions first.
In order to better service to users, and G2 will monitoring, such as URL information is sent back to AntV server, BizCharts did not close the request:
No other information is collected except the URL and G2 version information, all in order to have a better understanding of how G2 works and better serve users. If you are worried, you can close it by the following code:
// close G2 experience improvement plan dot request (such as server-side rendering)
BizCharts.Track (false);
G2 decided to terminate the "Experience Improvement Program". In verson @antv/g2@3.4.7(released at 2018.12.26) and above, all tracking code is removed, no unexpected remote request will be sent while you are using G2. And Bizcharts Upgrade the dependent version the first time at 2018.12.26 24:00.
BizCharts is available under the License MIT.