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Back end CVM

syepes edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

1. Back end (CVM) Installation and setup

Install OS dependencies

Install Java 1.7+


  1. Download the last binary build

     mv cvm-x.x.x /opt/cvm && cd /opt/cvm
     chmod 755 cvm cvm_cron
  2. Build from master

     git clone
     gradle (in project root)
     The built binary release will be located in: cvm/build/dist/


  • config.groovy (Main configuration file)

    • Set "deviceSource.src" to decide from where the list of devices is going to come from HP NNMi or file
    • deviceList.groovy is an example if you decide to use the file source
    • Correct any of the paths is necessary
  • authProfiles.groovy (Authentication profiles)

    • Add the corresponding user/passwd by vendor or device name using regular expressions
    • The "device" rules have a higher priority over the "vendor" rules, this permits us to have generic accounts by vendor and more specific ones on some devices.
  • deviceProfiles.groovy (Device profiles)

    • Assign the corresponding device profile by vendor or device name using regular expressions
    • The "device" rules have a higher priority over the "vendor" rules.


Once configured the deviceSource you can run ./cvm -ld and check on which devices CVM is going to run on, now you can schedule CVM to run regularly (cvm_cron)

./cvm -h
usage: [-h] [-pc] ([-st <Type RegEx>] [-sn <Node RegEx>] [-ld])

Available options::
 -h,--help             Usage information
 -ld,--ldevices        List Selected Devices, OPTIONAL
 -pc,--pcheck          Device Profile Check, OPTIONAL
 -sn,--snode <RegEx>   Select Node, OPTIONAL
 -st,--stype <RegEx>   Select Type, OPTIONAL

Note: Execution without any parameters runs on All Devices.
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