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helm-mini throws an error #7270

algernon opened this issue Oct 4, 2016 · 25 comments

helm-mini throws an error #7270

algernon opened this issue Oct 4, 2016 · 25 comments


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algernon commented Oct 4, 2016

Description :octocat:

helm-mini throws an error

Reproduction guide 🪲

  • Start Emacs
  • Create some layouts, and open a few files
  • Try SPC b b

Observed behaviour: 👀 💔

A wild backtrace occurs!

Expected behaviour: ❤️ 😄

Helm shows a list of buffers to switch to.

System Info 💻

  • OS: gnu/linux
  • Emacs: 24.5.1
  • Spacemacs: 0.200.0
  • Spacemacs branch: master (rev. e6357a5)
  • Graphic display: t
  • Distribution: spacemacs
  • Editing style: vim
  • Completion: helm
  • Layers:
(go javascript ruby better-defaults c-c++ chrome
    (clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t)
    (colors :variables colors-colorize-identifiers 'all colors-enable-nyan-cat-progress-bar t)
    elfeed emacs-lisp fancy-narrower git github gnus html
    (hy :variables hy-enable-fancify-symbols t)
    (latex :variables latex-enable-auto-fill t)
    (org :variables org-enable-github-support t)
    (ranger :variables ranger-show-preview t)
    search-engine semantic
    (shell :variables shell-default-height 30 shell-default-position 'bottom shell-default-shell 'eshell shell-enable-smart-eshell t)
    smex spell-checking themes-megapack
    (version-control :variables version-control-global-margin t version-control-diff-tool 'git-gutter+)
    writeroom yaml)

Backtrace 🐾

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
  apply(helm-buffers-list--init nil)
  helm-funcall-with-source(((name . "Buffers") (init . helm-buffers-list--init) (candidates . helm-buffers-list-cache) (keymap keymap (29 . helm-toggle-buffers-details) (67108925 . helm-buffer-diff-persistent) (3 keymap (97 . helm-buffers-toggle-show-hidden-buffers) (100 . helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent) (61 . helm-buffer-run-ediff) (15 . helm-buffer-switch-other-frame) (111 . helm-buffer-switch-other-window)) (24 keymap (19 . helm-buffer-save-persistent) (4 . helm-buffers-run-browse-project)) (19 . helm-buffers-run-multi-occur) (27 keymap (67108896 . helm-buffers-mark-similar-buffers) (97 . helm-mark-all) (109 . helm-toggle-all-marks) (37 . helm-buffer-run-query-replace) (67108901 . helm-buffer-run-query-replace-regexp) (68 . helm-buffer-run-kill-buffers) (85 . helm-buffer-revert-persistent) (61 . helm-buffer-run-ediff-merge) (103 keymap (115 . helm-buffer-run-zgrep))) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (33554440 . describe-key) (17 . ace-jump-helm-line) (f13 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 12)) (f12 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 11)) (f11 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 10)) (f10 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 9)) (f9 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 8)) (f8 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 7)) (f7 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 6)) (f6 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 5)) (f5 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 4)) (f4 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 3)) (f3 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 2)) (f2 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 1)) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap (describe keymap (describe-mode . helm-help)))) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (f1 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-select-nth-action 0)) (8 . helm-next-source) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (3 keymap (57 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth 9)) (56 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth 8)) (55 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth 7)) (54 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth 6)) (53 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth 5)) (52 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth 4)) (51 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth 3)) (50 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth 2)) (49 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth 1)) (63 . helm-help) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-copy-to-buffer) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (19 . undefined) (18 . undefined) (23 . helm-yank-text-at-point) (24 keymap (57 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth -9)) (56 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth -8)) (55 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth -7)) (54 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth -6)) (53 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth -5)) (52 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth -4)) (51 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth -3)) (50 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth -2)) (49 lambda nil (interactive) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth -1)) (2 . helm-resume-list-buffers-after-quit) (98 . helm-resume-previous-session-after-quit) (6 . helm-quit-and-find-file)) (11 . helm-previous-line) (67108896 . helm-toggle-visible-mark) (0 . helm-toggle-visible-mark) (C-M-up . helm-scroll-other-window-down) (C-M-down . helm-scroll-other-window) (M-prior . helm-scroll-other-window-down) (M-next . helm-scroll-other-window) (12 . "
") (15 . helm-next-source) (10 . helm-next-line) (26 . helm-select-action) (9 . helm-execute-persistent-action) ...) (action . helm-type-buffer-actions) (persistent-action . helm-buffers-list-persistent-action) (persistent-help . "Show this buffer") (help-message . helm-buffer-help-message) (filtered-candidate-transformer helm-skip-boring-buffers helm-buffers-sort-transformer helm-highlight-buffers helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile) (match . helm-buffers-match-function) (mode-line "Buffer(s)" "\\<helm-map>\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend") (header-line . "TAB: Show this buffer (keeping session)") (resume lambda nil (setq helm-buffers-in-project-p nil)) (migemo . nomultimatch) (buffer-list . helm-buffer-list)) helm-buffers-list--init)
  helm-funcall-foreach(init nil)
  helm-initialize(nil nil nil (helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found))
  #[0 "\311\211\211\211\305\206\n��(�(�)�*�+�,\312\313�-\"\314\315\316\317\320\321��!\322\"\323\324%DC\216\325\303\301\307\300$\210\326�(!\210\327\330 !\210�.\203D�\331\332!\210\333\334\335\"\210\333\334\336\"\210\337\340!\210\314\341DC\216\342\302\301\304\303\306\307\310&�\210*\210�)?\205l�\343 \337\344\345\346\347\"P!\210-\207" [(helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found) nil nil nil nil "*helm mini*" nil nil nil nil mapcar #[257 "\211�JB\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn V)"] funcall make-byte-code 0 "\300\301\211�:\203���@\262��\211A\262�\242\262�\211�L\210�A\262�\202��\266�\302\303!\207" vconcat vector [nil helm-log "restore variables"] 5 "\n\n(fn)" helm-initialize helm-display-buffer select-window helm-window helm--remap-mouse-mode 1 add-hook post-command-hook helm--maybe-update-keymap helm--update-header-line helm-log "show prompt" #[0 "\300 \207" [helm-cleanup] 1 "\n\n(fn)"] helm-read-pattern-maybe helm-execute-selection-action "[End session] " make-string 41 45 helm-buffer helm-quit helm-in-persistent-action helm-current-source helm-source-name helm-restored-variables helm-prevent-escaping-from-minibuffer] 9 "\n\n(fn)"]()
  funcall(#[0 "\311\211\211\211\305\206\n��(�(�)�*�+�,\312\313�-\"\314\315\316\317\320\321��!\322\"\323\324%DC\216\325\303\301\307\300$\210\326�(!\210\327\330 !\210�.\203D�\331\332!\210\333\334\335\"\210\333\334\336\"\210\337\340!\210\314\341DC\216\342\302\301\304\303\306\307\310&�\210*\210�)?\205l�\343 \337\344\345\346\347\"P!\210-\207" [(helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found) nil nil nil nil "*helm mini*" nil nil nil nil mapcar #[257 "\211�JB\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn V)"] funcall make-byte-code 0 "\300\301\211�:\203���@\262��\211A\262�\242\262�\211�L\210�A\262�\202��\266�\302\303!\207" vconcat vector [nil helm-log "restore variables"] 5 "\n\n(fn)" helm-initialize helm-display-buffer select-window helm-window helm--remap-mouse-mode 1 add-hook post-command-hook helm--maybe-update-keymap helm--update-header-line helm-log "show prompt" #[0 "\300 \207" [helm-cleanup] 1 "\n\n(fn)"] helm-read-pattern-maybe helm-execute-selection-action "[End session] " make-string 41 45 helm-buffer helm-quit helm-in-persistent-action helm-current-source helm-source-name helm-restored-variables helm-prevent-escaping-from-minibuffer] 9 "\n\n(fn)"])
  helm-internal((helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found) nil nil nil nil "*helm mini*" nil nil nil)
  apply(helm-internal ((helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found) nil nil nil nil "*helm mini*" nil nil nil))
  helm((helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found) nil nil nil nil "*helm mini*" nil nil nil)
  apply(helm ((helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found) nil nil nil nil "*helm mini*" nil nil nil))
  helm(:sources (helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found) :buffer "*helm mini*" :ff-transformer-show-only-basename nil :truncate-lines t)
  call-interactively(helm-mini nil nil)
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TheBB commented Oct 4, 2016

Can't reproduce this. Are your packages updated?

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algernon commented Oct 4, 2016

Updated yesterday, will try an update now. For reference, my spacemacs config is here, in case it is useful.

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algernon commented Oct 4, 2016

This may have something to do with layouts... trying to restart spacemacs (with layouts preserved) gets me this:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
  compare-strings(" " nil nil nil 0 1 nil)
  string-prefix-p(" " nil)
  #[(b) "\301\302\303�!\"\206��\304\305�\"\306=\207" [b string-prefix-p " " buffer-name buffer-local-value major-mode helm-major-mode] 4](#<killed buffer>)
  byte-code("\305�!\306\211���\f\211A�\242\211�\203A�\307\n!\203��\n�!\2026�\n\211A�\242\211�\203�� �!\203��\310\311\312\"\210\202��\203��\310\311\312\"\210\202��+\306\207" [buff-or-name f filter buf filters get-buffer nil functionp throw --cl-block-pbfop-- t] 3)
  persp-buffer-filtered-out-p(#<killed buffer> ((lambda (b) (string-prefix-p "*" (buffer-name b)))))
  (if (persp-buffer-filtered-out-p b persp-filter-save-buffers-functions) (progn (quote skip)))
  (when (persp-buffer-filtered-out-p b persp-filter-save-buffers-functions) (quote skip))
  (lambda (b) (when (persp-buffer-filtered-out-p b persp-filter-save-buffers-functions) (quote skip)))(#<killed buffer>)
  byte-code("\306�  \306�\211�\2051��@\211�\f!\211�\203)��\307=\203 �\310\311\306\"\210�
B�\310\311\306\"\210�A\211�\204\n\306+\207" [tmp persp-save-buffer-functions s-f --dolist-tail-- b ret nil skip throw --cl-block-\(quote\ persp-buffer-to-savelist\)--] 4)
  #[(b) "\300\301\215\207" [--cl-block-\(quote\ persp-buffer-to-savelist\)-- (byte-code "\306�  \306�\211�\2051��@\211�\f!\211�\203)��\307=\203 �\310\311\306\"\210�
B�\310\311\306\"\210�A\211�\204\n\306+\207" [tmp persp-save-buffer-functions s-f --dolist-tail-- b ret nil skip throw --cl-block-\(quote\ persp-buffer-to-savelist\)--] 4)] 2](#<killed buffer>)
  mapc(#[(b) "\300\301\215\207" [--cl-block-\(quote\ persp-buffer-to-savelist\)-- (byte-code "\306� \306�\211�\2051��@\211�\f!\211�\203)��\307=\203 �\310\311\306\"\210�
B�\310\311\306\"\210�A\211�\204\n\306+\207" [tmp persp-save-buffer-functions s-f --dolist-tail-- b ret nil skip throw --cl-block-\(quote\ persp-buffer-to-savelist\)--] 4)] 2] (#<killed buffer> #<buffer collectd.conf> #<buffer control> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<buffer rules> #<buffer<box>> #<buffer report-box-info> #<buffer eth0> #<buffer<configurator>>))
  persp-buffers-to-savelist([cl-struct-perspective "eCDN" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer collectd.conf> #<buffer control> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<buffer rules> #<buffer<box>> #<buffer report-box-info> #<buffer eth0> #<buffer<configurator>>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil])
  persp-to-savelist([cl-struct-perspective "eCDN" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer collectd.conf> #<buffer control> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<buffer rules> #<buffer<box>> #<buffer report-box-info> #<buffer eth0> #<buffer<configurator>>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil])
  mapcar(persp-to-savelist (nil [cl-struct-perspective "eCDN" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer collectd.conf> #<buffer control> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<buffer rules> #<buffer<box>> #<buffer report-box-info> #<buffer eth0> #<buffer<configurator>>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] [cl-struct-perspective "gnus" nil (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] [cl-struct-perspective "keyboard" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer test-tap-dance.cpp> #<buffer test-oneshot.cpp> #<killed buffer> #<buffer TapDance.cpp> #<buffer OneShot.cpp> #<buffer TapDance.h> #<buffer COPYING> #<buffer keymap.c> #<buffer ke>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil]))
  persps-to-savelist(#s(hash-table size 10 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data ("keyboard" [cl-struct-perspective "keyboard" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer test-tap-dance.cpp> #<buffer test-oneshot.cpp> #<killed buffer> #<buffer TapDance.cpp> #<buffer OneShot.cpp> #<buffer TapDance.h> #<buffer COPYING> #<buffer keymap.c> #<buffer ke>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] "gnus" [cl-struct-perspective "gnus" nil (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] "eCDN" [cl-struct-perspective "eCDN" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer collectd.conf> #<buffer control> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<buffer rules> #<buffer<box>> #<buffer report-box-info> #<buffer eth0> #<buffer<configurator>>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] "Default" nil)))
  persp-save-state-to-file("/home/y9cka0/.emacs.d/.cache/layouts/persp-auto-save" #s(hash-table size 10 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data ("keyboard" [cl-struct-perspective "keyboard" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer test-tap-dance.cpp> #<buffer test-oneshot.cpp> #<killed buffer> #<buffer TapDance.cpp> #<buffer OneShot.cpp> #<buffer TapDance.h> #<buffer COPYING> #<buffer keymap.c> #<buffer ke>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] "gnus" [cl-struct-perspective "gnus" nil (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] "eCDN" [cl-struct-perspective "eCDN" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer collectd.conf> #<buffer control> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<buffer rules> #<buffer<box>> #<buffer report-box-info> #<buffer eth0> #<buffer<configurator>>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] "Default" nil)) nil)
  persp-save-to-file-by-names("/home/y9cka0/.emacs.d/.cache/layouts/persp-auto-save" #s(hash-table size 10 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data ("Default" nil "eCDN" [cl-struct-perspective "eCDN" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer collectd.conf> #<buffer control> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<buffer rules> #<buffer<box>> #<buffer report-box-info> #<buffer eth0> #<buffer<configurator>>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] "gnus" [cl-struct-perspective "gnus" nil (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] "keyboard" [cl-struct-perspective "keyboard" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer test-tap-dance.cpp> #<buffer test-oneshot.cpp> #<killed buffer> #<buffer TapDance.cpp> #<buffer OneShot.cpp> #<buffer TapDance.h> #<buffer COPYING> #<buffer keymap.c> #<buffer ke>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil])) ("keyboard" "gnus" "eCDN" "Default") no nil)
  #[(gr) "�@�A\306���\307\310\n\"\210�\203��\311�\f \312\306%\202\"\311
\f  \313\306%+\207" [gr names pl pfname phash p-save-file nil mapc #[(p) "\302�!    B\211�\207" [p names safe-persp-name] 2] persp-save-to-file-by-names yes no] 6]((nil nil [cl-struct-perspective "eCDN" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer collectd.conf> #<buffer control> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<buffer rules> #<buffer<box>> #<buffer report-box-info> #<buffer eth0> #<buffer<configurator>>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] [cl-struct-perspective "gnus" nil (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil] [cl-struct-perspective "keyboard" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer test-tap-dance.cpp> #<buffer test-oneshot.cpp> #<killed buffer> #<buffer TapDance.cpp> #<buffer OneShot.cpp> #<buffer TapDance.h> #<buffer COPYING> #<buffer keymap.c> #<buffer ke>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ""))) nil nil nil]))
  mapc(#[(gr) "�@�A\306���\307\310\n\"\210�\203��\311�\f    \312\306%\202\"\311
\f  \313\306%+\207" [gr names pl pfname phash p-save-file nil mapc #[(p) "\302�!    B\211�\207" [p names safe-persp-name] 2] persp-save-to-file-by-names yes no] 6] ((nil nil [cl-struct-perspective "eCDN" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer collectd.conf> #<buffer control> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<killed buffer> #<buffer rules> #<buffer<box>> #<buffer report-box-info> #<buffer eth0> #<buffer<configurator>>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 ((... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: box-setup-package" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) ""))) nil nil nil] [cl-struct-perspective "gnus" nil (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 ((... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1024) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 36) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*spacemacs*" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) ""))) nil nil nil] [cl-struct-perspective "keyboard" (#<killed buffer> #<buffer test-tap-dance.cpp> #<buffer test-oneshot.cpp> #<killed buffer> #<buffer TapDance.cpp> #<buffer OneShot.cpp> #<buffer TapDance.h> #<buffer COPYING> #<buffer keymap.c> #<buffer ke>) (((min-height . 4) (min-width . 10) (min-height-ignore . 3) (min-width-ignore . 4) (min-height-safe . 1) (min-width-safe . 2) (min-pixel-height . 112) (min-pixel-width . 130) (min-pixel-height-ignore . 84) (min-pixel-width-ignore . 52) (min-pixel-height-safe . 28) (min-pixel-width-safe . 26)) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" (selected . t) (hscroll . 0) (fringes 13 13 nil) (margins nil) (scroll-bars 0 0 t nil) (vscroll . 0) (dedicated) (point . 1) (start . 1))) ((gui-eyebrowse-last-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-current-slot . 1) (gui-eyebrowse-window-configs (1 ((... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) leaf (pixel-width . 1920) (pixel-height . 1052) (total-width . 147) (total-height . 38) (normal-height . 1.0) (normal-width . 1.0) (buffer "*magit: arduino-kbd-tap-dance" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) ""))) nil nil nil])))
  #[256 "\302�\303\"\210\303\304\305\306 \">\203��\307\310!\205\264�\311\312!\203\242�\312 \313�\203<�\314�@!\315>\2035�\316�@!\2035�\303\262��A\262�\202��\211?\206\235�\317\320\321!!\211�\313\211r�q\210\322\303!\262�\323�\313\"\262�)\324\325!\203\231���\326�!r\327\330\331\332\333\334��!\335\"\336\337%DC\216\340�@\341\"\210\327\330\331\342\333\334��!\343\"\344\337%DC\216\307\345!+\262�\266\202\202\232�\211)\266\203\266\202\205\264�\346\347!\205\264�   \203\262�   \350!\205\264�\351 \207" [standard-output confirm-kill-emacs save-some-buffers t mapcar #[257 "\300�!\205   �\301�!\207" [buffer-file-name buffer-modified-p] 3 "\n\n(fn BUF)"] buffer-list yes-or-no-p "Modified buffers exist; exit anyway? " fboundp process-list nil process-status (run stop open listen) process-query-on-exit-flag temp-buffer-window-setup get-buffer-create "*Process List*" list-processes temp-buffer-window-show functionp #[514 "\300�!r\301\302\303\304\305\306��!\307\"\310\311%DC\216\312�@\313\"\210\301\302\303\314\305\306��!\315\"\316\311%DC\216\317\320!+\207" [internal--before-with-selected-window funcall make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [internal--after-with-selected-window] 2 "\n\n(fn)" select-window norecord "\301\300!\205\n�\302\300\303\"\207" [window-live-p quit-restore-window kill] 3 yes-or-no-p "Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? "] 10 "\n\n(fn WINDOW VALUE)"] internal--before-with-selected-window funcall make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [internal--after-with-selected-window] 2 "\n\n(fn)" select-window norecord "\301\300!\205\n�\302\300\303\"\207" [window-live-p quit-restore-window kill] 3 "Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? " run-hook-with-args-until-failure kill-emacs-query-functions "Really exit Emacs? " kill-emacs] 16 1864850 "P"](nil)
  ad-Advice-save-buffers-kill-emacs(#[256 "\302�\303\"\210\303\304\305\306 \">\203��\307\310!\205\264�\311\312!\203\242�\312 \313�\203<�\314�@!\315>\2035�\316�@!\2035�\303\262��A\262�\202��\211?\206\235�\317\320\321!!\211�\313\211r�q\210\322\303!\262�\323�\313\"\262�)\324\325!\203\231���\326�!r\327\330\331\332\333\334��!\335\"\336\337%DC\216\340�@\341\"\210\327\330\331\342\333\334��!\343\"\344\337%DC\216\307\345!+\262�\266\202\202\232�\211)\266\203\266\202\205\264�\346\347!\205\264� \203\262�   \350!\205\264�\351 \207" [standard-output confirm-kill-emacs save-some-buffers t mapcar #[257 "\300�!\205   �\301�!\207" [buffer-file-name buffer-modified-p] 3 "\n\n(fn BUF)"] buffer-list yes-or-no-p "Modified buffers exist; exit anyway? " fboundp process-list nil process-status (run stop open listen) process-query-on-exit-flag temp-buffer-window-setup get-buffer-create "*Process List*" list-processes temp-buffer-window-show functionp #[514 "\300�!r\301\302\303\304\305\306��!\307\"\310\311%DC\216\312�@\313\"\210\301\302\303\314\305\306��!\315\"\316\311%DC\216\317\320!+\207" [internal--before-with-selected-window funcall make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [internal--after-with-selected-window] 2 "\n\n(fn)" select-window norecord "\301\300!\205\n�\302\300\303\"\207" [window-live-p quit-restore-window kill] 3 yes-or-no-p "Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? "] 10 "\n\n(fn WINDOW VALUE)"] internal--before-with-selected-window funcall make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [internal--after-with-selected-window] 2 "\n\n(fn)" select-window norecord "\301\300!\205\n�\302\300\303\"\207" [window-live-p quit-restore-window kill] 3 "Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? " run-hook-with-args-until-failure kill-emacs-query-functions "Really exit Emacs? " kill-emacs] 16 1864850 "P"])
  apply(ad-Advice-save-buffers-kill-emacs #[256 "\302�\303\"\210\303\304\305\306 \">\203��\307\310!\205\264�\311\312!\203\242�\312 \313�\203<�\314�@!\315>\2035�\316�@!\2035�\303\262��A\262�\202��\211?\206\235�\317\320\321!!\211�\313\211r�q\210\322\303!\262�\323�\313\"\262�)\324\325!\203\231���\326�!r\327\330\331\332\333\334��!\335\"\336\337%DC\216\340�@\341\"\210\327\330\331\342\333\334��!\343\"\344\337%DC\216\307\345!+\262�\266\202\202\232�\211)\266\203\266\202\205\264�\346\347!\205\264�   \203\262�   \350!\205\264�\351 \207" [standard-output confirm-kill-emacs save-some-buffers t mapcar #[257 "\300�!\205   �\301�!\207" [buffer-file-name buffer-modified-p] 3 "\n\n(fn BUF)"] buffer-list yes-or-no-p "Modified buffers exist; exit anyway? " fboundp process-list nil process-status (run stop open listen) process-query-on-exit-flag temp-buffer-window-setup get-buffer-create "*Process List*" list-processes temp-buffer-window-show functionp #[514 "\300�!r\301\302\303\304\305\306��!\307\"\310\311%DC\216\312�@\313\"\210\301\302\303\314\305\306��!\315\"\316\311%DC\216\317\320!+\207" [internal--before-with-selected-window funcall make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [internal--after-with-selected-window] 2 "\n\n(fn)" select-window norecord "\301\300!\205\n�\302\300\303\"\207" [window-live-p quit-restore-window kill] 3 yes-or-no-p "Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? "] 10 "\n\n(fn WINDOW VALUE)"] internal--before-with-selected-window funcall make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [internal--after-with-selected-window] 2 "\n\n(fn)" select-window norecord "\301\300!\205\n�\302\300\303\"\207" [window-live-p quit-restore-window kill] 3 "Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? " run-hook-with-args-until-failure kill-emacs-query-functions "Really exit Emacs? " kill-emacs] 16 1864850 "P"] nil)
  call-interactively(spacemacs/restart-emacs-resume-layouts nil nil)

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algernon commented Oct 4, 2016

Hm. Packages were up to date, restarted without resuming layouts, and things appear to work now. Wonder what went wrong... I'll pay attention to what I'm doing, and if it breaks again today, I'll be able to provide a better description to reproduce the issue.

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TheBB commented Oct 4, 2016

Looks like it could be #6945

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algernon commented Oct 4, 2016

Possibly, I use emacsclient, magit and persp too. Though I think I restarted after updating packages last time.

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algernon commented Oct 4, 2016

Happened again, after using magit some more. Did not happen the first time I committed with it, though. Took quite a bit of commits to get here. Have not used emacsclient explicitly.

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algernon commented Oct 4, 2016

I added the large persp debug thingy from #6945, and indeed, it is magit:

[persp-mode] Warning: These (COMMIT_EDITMSG) buffers was killed, but not removed from the keyboard perspective

So the bug does appear to be on the persp-mode side. Note that unlike in #6945, this happens for me when trying to run helm-mini, to select buffers, and not when trying to quit emacs (because who would want to do that? :P)

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algernon commented Oct 4, 2016

FWIW, I did not have this problem before upgrading to 0.200. I was on develop before that, but not sure which revision. Looks like 6bb4416 according to reflog.

Shall I try bisecting?

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TheBB commented Oct 5, 2016

If you like. :-)

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algernon commented Oct 5, 2016

I don't, to be honest, but will if it moves the issue forward. :P

For the time being, I settled with the following:

(with-eval-after-load "persp-mode"

(defun persp-remove-killed-buffers ()
    (mapc #'(lambda (p)
              (when p
                (setf (persp-buffers p)
                      (delete-if-not #'buffer-live-p
                                     (persp-buffers p)))))

And I manually run this function whenever I get the error. I should probably make it automatic, but didn't have the time to do that yet. So at least, there is some kind of workaround.

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TheBB commented Oct 5, 2016

I don't, to be honest, but will if it moves the issue forward. :P

Since I can't reproduce, it might, but I rather suspect it's an upstream problem, which means the solution is unlikely to be found in Spacemacs code. Not least because the source of the error seems to be killed buffers which aren't removed from a perspective, which is the same kind of thing that happened in the linked issue.

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algernon commented Oct 5, 2016

Just managed to reproduce this in a reasonably easy way:

  • Launch Spacemacs
  • Create two layouts
  • Commit from both via magit
  • Try switching buffers -> boom

Will be reporting this upstream later today.

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Took a bit longer that I wanted, but reported upstream as Bad-ptr/persp-mode.el#51.

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fardog commented Oct 10, 2016

Also have this issue, and have been able to reproduce using @algernon's instructions. I'm using emacsclient and tend to have multiple clients connected to the same daemon at once while working on multiple projects, and run into this issue a lot.

System Info 💻

  • OS: gnu/linux
  • Emacs: 25.1.1
  • Spacemacs: 0.200.1
  • Spacemacs branch: master (rev. 3706a42)
  • Graphic display: t
  • Distribution: spacemacs
  • Editing style: vim
  • Completion: helm
  • Layers:
(emacs-lisp clojure python javascript markdown go html django groovy yaml
            (auto-completion :variables auto-completion-return-key-behavior nil auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence "fd")
            syntax-checking spell-checking version-control git github
            (shell :variables shell-default-shell 'ansi-term))

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bmag commented Oct 12, 2016

@algernon @fardog I've hit this bug earlier today, but I'm not able to reproduce it. Can you add more details please? I need to know what are the exact steps you take. That is, what keys do you actually press to encounter the bug? I've followed these steps, but either I performed them differently than @algernon, or we're missing a hidden factor.

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I'll try to narrow it down over the weekend. Unfortunately, I don't have time to do so before that.

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deb0ch commented Oct 18, 2016

Having something very similar here. Description of my "version" of the bug here

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I have also hit this bug. Exact same setup as previous comments mention.

System Info 💻

  • OS: darwin
  • Emacs: 25.1.1
  • Spacemacs: 0.200.0
  • Spacemacs branch: master (rev. e6357a5)
  • Graphic display: t
  • Distribution: spacemacs
  • Editing style: vim
  • Completion: helm
  • Layers:
(helm auto-completion better-defaults emacs-lisp git markdown org
      (shell :variables shell-default-shell 'eshell shell-default-height 30 shell-default-position 'bottom)
      spell-checking syntax-checking version-control go c-c++ ruby python javascript html sql shell-scripts yaml csv osx emoji docker slack
      (ranger :variables ranger-show-preview t)
      colors themes-megapack)

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Bad-ptr commented Nov 19, 2016

Must be fixed.

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deb0ch commented Nov 19, 2016

I can confirm, looks like the upstream fix worked 😸

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bmag commented Nov 19, 2016

@algernon is it fixed for you as well? (after updating packages of course)

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Appears to be fixed, yes. Thanks for the reminder!

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Grekkor commented Feb 14, 2020

I still encounter this issue.

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duianto commented Feb 15, 2020

@Grekkor Could you provide some more information.

Are you seeing any error messages in the messages buffer? It can be opened by pressing: C-h e on the master branch (SPC b m also works on the develop branch)

Are your packages up to date, you can update them from the Spacemacs home buffer (SPC b h) by clicking (with the mouse, or by pressing Return with the cursor on it) the button: [Update Packages]

Include your system information, you can copy it to your clipboard by pressing:
SPC h d s.

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