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Releases: syl20bnr/spacemacs

iedit, colors, whitespaces, aggressive-indent, tweaks and fixes

18 Dec 05:34
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  • Move iedit layer to spacemacs layer, see documentation
  • New contrib layer colors
  • New toggle SPC t SPC to toggle visibility of whitespaces (thanks to Khaki)
  • Add aggressive-indent-mode, disabled by default, can be toggled with SPC t i
  • Fix fancify symbols initialization in clojure layer (thanks to vijaykiran)
  • Fix and enable helm-semantic-or-imenu on SPC s l for javascript layer (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Remove use-package sub-module. It is now a bootstrap package. Spacemacs will now correctly get the latest version of use-package available in MELPA.
  • Fix n and N bindings in all evilified buffers.
  • Fix git-guttter lazy loading and initialization
  • Fix perforce layer which was completely broken

html layer, clojure and company improvements, fixes and tweaks

16 Dec 05:22
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  • New contrib layer html (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Improvements to the clojure layer: fancy symbols and align let. (thanks to nwolfe)
  • Improvements to company-mode layer: support for include files (thanks to tux4life)
  • New variable dotspacemacs-maximized-at-startup to maximize the window instead of making it fullscreen at startup. To make it fullscreen use the dotspacemacs-fullscreen-at-startup instead (thanks to bjarkevad)
  • Fix support for fullscreen at startup for WIndows (thanks to ralesi)
  • Add the global-mode-string variable to the powerline. This is a very important variable used by many modes (thanks to chrisbarrett)
  • Add a section in documentation about the motivation behind the choice to use s instead of S for evil-surround (thanks to Tritlo for pointing out this major difference)
  • Add missing link to source code pro in documentation (thanks to ralesi)

git and github layers merge, github-browse-file, fixes and tweaks

15 Dec 03:43
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  • git and github layers have been merged into one git layer. To enable Github support set to t the variable git-enable-github-support in your dotspacemacs/init function.
  • New package github-browse-file in git layer. Press SPC g f b to browse the current file in Github (thanks to rphillips)
  • New mnemonic key bindings for windows split. SPC w - to split horizontally and SPC w / to split vertically. The old key bindings are still available (thanks to trishume)
  • Fix read-only scratch buffer (thanks to herbertjones)

Fix Scala layer, Auto-save files location

15 Dec 03:39
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  • Fix Scala layer (typo in packages list symbol) (thanks to chrisbarrett)
  • Fix auto-save file location (correctly point to .cache) (thanks to ralesi)

C/C++, Scala, git, Perforce layers, package cleaning, fixes and tweaks

14 Dec 06:01
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  • Move C/C++ and CMake packages/configuration to c-c++ layer
  • Move Scala, ENSIME and sbt-mode packages to scala layer
  • Move Magit and a bunch of packages to git layer
  • Move Perforce p4 package to perforce layer
  • Move CoffeeScript package to javascript layer
  • Move ghc package to haskell layer
  • Move hy package to python layer
  • Remove csharp package from spacemacs layer (omnisharp anyone ?)
  • Remove puppet-mode and wand packages from spacemacs layer
  • Add documentation about font and a FAQ entry about ugly spacemacs banner
  • Fix dospacemacs-persistent-server (thanks to quanganhdo)
  • Fix C-u to scroll-up

OS X, Powershell/Batch, Zoom, Persistent server, Fancy links, tweaks and fixes

13 Dec 06:26
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  • New contrib layer OS X defining useful common OS X key bindings on ⌘ and ⌥ (thanks to avendael)
  • New contrib layer windows-scripts providing modes for editing powershell and batch scripts (those two modes were in spacemacs layer)
  • New micro-state to zoom in and out the whole content of a frame, see documentation (thanks to ralesi)
  • New variable dotspacemacs-persistent-server which keeps the Emacs server alive when it is closed (this feature is disabled by default), see documentation for more info (thanks to ralesi)
  • Very cool new actionable links integrated in spacemacs buffer, those links allow the user to quickly jump to the online documentation, join the gitter chat and more ! (thanks to trishume)

Hotfix for error Symbol's function definition is void: evil-leader/set-key

12 Dec 16:57
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Fix bug in the bootstrap sequence which prevents Spacemacs from installing correctly (thanks to robertoconnell for the bug report).

Clojure, Autohotkey, Smartparens-strict-mode, tweaks and bug fixes

12 Dec 05:37
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  • New contrib layer Clojure (thanks to vijaykiran)
  • New contrib layer Autohotkey (thanks to ralesi)
  • Fix smartparens-strict-mode and add a new dotfile variable dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode to enable the strict mode in programming modes. The default is nil to not surprise the beginners.
  • Fix initialization bug of company-anaconda in Python layer (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Fix some not working key bindings on evil-leader by creating prefix commands before actually initializing the packages and extensions.
  • Fix flycheck for Haskell layer.
  • New key binding SPC w C to close all the windows except the active one (thanks to avendael)
  • Additional org key bindings on SPC m prefix, see documentation
  • New key bindings in eshell and shell to browse the history using helm, see documentation

Customizable command key, better ESC and Bug fixes

11 Dec 05:42
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  • New variable dotspacemacs-command-key to customize the ex-command and M-x command key bindings. Default is :.
  • Improved ESC in minibuffer, it is now easier to close the minibuffer with the escape key (thanks to avendael)
  • Fix initialization: Packages and extensions are now correctly loaded in alphabetical order.
  • Fix #223: auto-centering of buffer when buffer-menu is opened (with :buffer or C-x C-b)
  • Fix #237: Bug on OS X which prevents Emacs from really deleting files
  • Fix #239: goto-next-section and goto-previous-section now works in Magit buffers, respectively on C-n / C-j and C-p / C-k.
  • Fix #220: Missing description in guide-key buffer
  • Fix typo in python layer: pyenv instead of pyvenv (note the additional v!) (thanks to danielwuz)

Ruby layer, tweaks and fixes

10 Dec 05:15
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  • New contrib layer ruby (thanks to bru)
  • Enable semantic in python layer (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Add evil key binding z f which recenters the window to match as much as possible the function at point, very handy! (thanks to danielwuz)
  • Correctly execute clear and man commands in shell (thanks to avendael)
  • New conventions in REPLs, Test execution, code navigation and documentation.
  • Various tweaks and fixes to layer READMEs