A unit of work is a behavioral pattern in software development. Martin Fowler has defined it as everything one does during a business transaction which can affect the database. When the unit of work is finished it will provide everything that needs to be done to change the database as a result of the work.
Basically, this project is an example of an Unit of Work abstraction in TypeScript using the transaction function from Prisma ORM.
The goal is to be able to create a decoupled class to execute a transaction within the function provided by Prisma.
It is important to point out that this same logic can be used for any ORM or QueryBuilder that provides a transaction object. In other cases, I believe a different logic would be needed.
For running the unit tests, just run the npm "test" command
npm test
For running the integration tests, first you need to start the docker container, run the migrations, then run the npm command
# in project root
docker compose up -d
# wait for the container initialization, then
npx prisma migrate dev
# finally
npm run test:integration
You can also run all the tests with the command
npm run test:all
In the SignUp use case two different repositories are called to save the Account and the Profile in different database tables. These repositories are AccountRepository and ProfileRepository
If the AccountRepository.save
fails, the ProfileRepository.save
should not be called, and the Account should NOT be saved in the database, which means that a rollback should be done.
The Unit Of Work receives the repositories and injects the transaction into them, making it possible to share the transaction between repositories.
Repository operations must be performed within the uow.transaction
method, this way the transaction will be injected. Every repository operation inside it should be rolled back if any error is thrown within the transaction.
If you have any idea for improving this, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request the way you want. There are no rules.