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In Docuss, you use a JSON website description file to describe your website, so that Docuss knows how to connect it to the Discourse plugin.

This project is not active anymore. Fixes are provided to existing users, but I stopped working on new features. You might want to check DiscPage, which is somehow a simplified version of Docuss.

Important: validate your JSON file before use

Use the Docuss Validation Tool.

Or use any other JSON validator, with this schema.

Failing to validate your file might break your website in subtle ways.

Minimum file

This file describes a website with a single home page named index.html, with no interaction with Discourse.

  "$schema": "",

  "websiteName": "myWebsite",

  "dcsTag": {
    "maxPageNameLength": 6,
    "maxTriggerIdLength": 9,
    "forceLowercase": true

  "pages": [
    { "name": "home", "url": "index.html" }

The above dcsTag section says: When connecting a page, a menu or a balloon to Discourse, the Discourse tag used will be of the form dcs-pageName-triggerId, where pageName will be 1-6 characters long and triggerId (i.e. the id of the menu or balloon) will be 0-9 characters long. Besides, the tag will be lowercase only.

Single page with discussions

This file describes a website with a single home page named index.html, with discussions attached to the page itself (no menu, no balloon).

  "$schema": "",

  "websiteName": "myWebsite",

  "dcsTag": {
    "maxPageNameLength": 6,
    "maxTriggerIdLength": 9,
    "forceLowercase": true

  "pages": [
    { "name": "home", "url": "index.html" }

  "redirects": [
      "src": { "pageName": "home", "layout": "FULL_CLIENT" },
      "dest": {
        "layout": "WITH_SPLIT_BAR",
        "interactMode": "DISCUSS",
        "showRight": false

The above redirects section says: When arriving on page "home" with layout FULL_CLIENT (meaning without the Docuss split bar), change the layout to WITH_SPLIT_BAR, set the interaction mode to "discuss" and don't show the right pane.

Other file examples

File format reference

  // Optional: url of the JSON schema. Helps with VSCode.
  "$schema": "",

  // Name of your website. Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _. Used only for
  // css styling purpose: class dcs-website-[websiteName] is added to the
  // <html> tag when the website is displayed.
  "websiteName": "mustacchio",

  // Optional: replacement for the Discourse top left logo. Urls can be
  // absolute or relative to the JSON file location.
  "logo": {
    "logoUrl": "images/logo.jpg",
    "mobileLogoUrl": "images/logo.jpg",
    "smallLogoUrl": "images/logo.jpg"

  // Docuss uses Discourse tags to associate pages/menu items/balloons to
  // Discourse topics. This section defines how Docuss creates those tags.
  // The general Docuss tag format is: dcs-pageName-triggerId
  // The total tag length should be less or equal to the one defined in
  // the "max tag length" Discourse setting (default is 20). In the example
  // below, we have max length = 'dcs-'.length + 6 + '-'.length + 9 = 20
  // PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU SET IN HERE. Once Docuss starts generating
  // tags, it will be difficult to change the tag format. If you do change
  // the format, you will need to rename all existing Discourse tags. At the
  // moment there is no batch renaming tool.
  "dcsTag": {
    // Maximum length of page names (see below)
    "maxPageNameLength": 6,

    // Maximum length of trigger ids (see below)
    "maxTriggerIdLength": 9,

    // Please set the following value to the one you can find in the "force
    // lowercase tags" Discourse setting (true by default)
    "forceLowercase": true

  // List of statically named pages. The first one is the landing page.
  // Page names should obey the dcsTag.maxPageNameLength field above.
  // Page urls can be absolute or relative to the JSON file location.
  "pages": [
    { "name": "home", "url": "index.html" },
    { "name": "missio", "url": "mission.html" },
    { "name": "aboutm", "url": "about-me.html" },
    { "name": "lastev", "url": "last-event.html" },
    { "name": "whitep", "url": "white-paper.html" }

  // Set this field if you have a web app instead of website. For Docuss, a web
  // app is a website that can change its pages without having the browser
  // reloading an url.
  // When specified:
  // - All page urls in the "pages" section above must have the same origin.
  // - The web app can have other pages in addition to the ones from the "pages"
  // section.
  // - Only the first page of the list will be loaded into the iframe.
  // Subsequent page changes will not trigger an iframe reload (it is of the
  // responsability of the web app to manage page changes).
  "webApp": {
    // Prefix for the names of pages not defined in the "pages" field above
    "otherPagesPrefix": "d_"

  // A redirect is a rule that tells Docuss, when it is about to transition to a
  // certain route (called the "source" route"), to transition to another route
  // instead (called the "destination" route"). Please see use cases here:
  // In the "dest" object, you can use "@SAME_AS_SRC@" as a value: it will be
  // replaced by the src value.
  // "dest.pageName" supports a wildcard as a unique or trailing character.
  "redirects": [
      "src": {
        "layout": 0|1|2|3,
        "pageName": "home",         // Only for layout=0|2|3
        "interactMode": "DISCUSS",  // Only for layout=2|3
        "triggerId": "info",        // Only for layout=2|3. Optional.
        "pathname": "/badges"       // Only for layout=1
      "dest": {
        "layout": 0|1|2|3,
        "pageName": "missio",       // Only for layout=0|2|3
        "interactMode": "COMMENT",  // Only for layout=2|3
        "triggerId": "heading09",   // Only for layout=2|3. Optional.
        "pathname": "/top"          // Only for layout=1

  // This section is not used by the Docuss plugin and will be transferred
  // "as-is" at runtime to the Docuss client library used.
  "clientData": {
    // Mandatory section if you use the dcs-decorator client library
    "decorator": {
      // Optional: name of the category to be used when Docuss creates
      // topics in this website. The category must exist.
      "category": "forDocuss",

      // Optional: title of Discourse pages displayed in the right pane
      // while this website is displayed in the left pane.
      "discourseTitle": "Please comment here",

      // Optional: properties of website pages
      "pageProperties": [
          // Name of pages to apply the properties to.
          // Page names support a wildcard as a unique or trailing character.
          "pageNames": ["home", "missio"],

          // Optional: name of the category to be used when Docuss creates
          // topics in the above pages. This overrides
          // "decorator.category". The category must exist.
          "category": "forMission",

          // Optional: title of Discourse pages displayed in the right pane
          // while the above website pages are displayed in the left pane.
          // This overrides "decorator.discourseTitle".
          "discourseTitle": "Speak your mind about this Mission"

      // Optional: css rules to inject in website pages
      "injectCss": [
          // Name of pages to inject css to.
          // Page names support a wildcard as a unique or trailing character.
          "pageNames": ["about", "whitep"],

          // Css rules
          "css": ["nav, .headerlink { display: none }"]

      // Optional: trigger definitions. A trigger is a menu or balloon that
      // triggers a Discourse page change when user clicks on it.
      "injectTriggers": [
          // Name of pages to inject triggers to.
          // Page names support a wildcard as a unique or trailing character.
          "pageNames": ["home", "missio"],

          // [Under construction]
          "ids": ["@GENERATE_FROM_HTML_ID@"],

          // Interaction mode: COMMENT or DISCUSS
          "interactMode": "DISCUSS",

          // Graphical user interface definition
          "ui": {
            // Css selector for the trigger. This will be the clickable
            // element, unless you set insertBalloon to true (see below)
            "cssSelector": ".article.white-paper h2, .article.white-paper h3",

            // Set to true if you want the selected trigger to be highlighted.
            // Default is false.
            "highlightable": true,

            // Set to true if you want the above highlight to be on the text
            // rather than on the div. Default is false.
            "insertTextSpan": true,

            // Set to true if you want to add a balloon after the trigger. In
            // that case the balloon becomes the clickable element. Default is
            // false.
            "insertBalloon": true,

            // Set to true if you want to display a topic counter after the
            // trigger. Default is false.
            "insertCountBadge": true,

            // Optional: add subsections.
            // A subsection if a part of the page that is linked to the trigger
            // (typically: a paragraph underneath a header). It is highlighted
            // together with its parent trigger.
            "subsection": {
              // Css selector for the starting element of subsections.
              "begin": "h2, h3",

              // Optional: sss selector for the ending element of subsections.
              // What is put in here is added to the above "begin" value.
              "end": "h1"

          // Optional: name of the category to be used when Docuss creates
          // topics associated with this trigger. This overrides
          // "decorator.category" and "pageProperties.category". The category
          // must exist.
          "category": "forWhitePaperBalloons",

          // Optional: title of Discourse pages displayed in the right pane
          // when the trigger has been clicked in the left pane.
          // This overrides "decorator.discourseTitle" and
          // "pageProperties.discourseTitle".
          "discourseTitle": "What do you think about this paragraph?"


See here.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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