Navigate in any direction via your keyboard and its arrow keys ⇦ ⇧ ⇨ ⇩ (you can change keys via the query parameters).
You can also connect a gamepad (partial support).
If you enable your microphone you will be able to use your voice as well!
- Check the demo!
- Read more about it;
- See the slides I've made for Montreal React meetup.
- The project was bootstraped via create-react-app, it uses webpack, Babel, ESLint and Jest under the hood. I also added TypeScript.
- Styling via styled-components;
- Routing via react-router;
- Integration and snapshot tests via React Testing Library;
- Hooks tests via react-hooks-testing-library;
- Ent-to-end tests via Cypress.
- Hooks, especialy useReducer;
- Context;
- Callback Refs;
- Self promotion: I've also made a guide to learn modern JS and React.
- Keyboard interactions;
- Keyboard-navigable JavaScript widgets;
- React speech recognition;
- useHooks is an amazing list of recipes;
- use-sound to add sounds to you app (mine are from Final Fantasy VII);
- Better Keyboard Buttons in CSS;
- Emojis as Favicons;
- CodeSandbox I first used this to create my project;
- Testing Javascript is a great course.