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CodePipeline Versioner

This is an AWS SAR component that provides build and version numbering for AWS CodePipeline.


AWS CodePipeline is AWS' CD orchestration tool. We're fans of CodePipeline at Symphonia : we use it with our clients, and on our own projects. To read a quick overview of CodePipeline see this blog article that we wrote.

Most of the time we use CodePipeline in a "Continuous Deployment" scenario - the resources and application to deploy to production are precisely the ones defined within source control at the time the pipeline execution starts. In this case we're rarely concerned about a version number or a build number - something like 1.0.1, 1.0.2, ... - since we typically only care about the most recent execution, and most recent source code, because rolling back is a lie.

Sometimes, however, we do care about tracking such version or build numbers - perhaps because the pipeline is creating an artifact for consumption by other systems, such as a library (or SAR application!), or perhaps we want to have a phased release system. At the current time CodePipeline doesn't natively support linearly increasing build numbers, and so we've built this SAR component to allow you add such a capability to your CodePipeline pipelines.

How to use codepipeline-versioner

In these instructions we're assuming that you're using CloudFormation to define your CodePipeline configuration. We strongly recommend using this "Infrastructure as Code" approach. If you're defining CodePipeline in a different way, perhaps via the web console, then you should adapt as necessary.

You can also use the example CloudFormation / SAM template that we provide for this component that you can copy and paste from.

First, make sure you've included the SAM transform in your CloudFormation template - we normally put it as the second line:

Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

Next, in the Resources section of your template, add a SAR resource as follows:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
        ApplicationId: arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:073101298092:applications/codepipeline-versioner
        SemanticVersion: 1.0.0

Now, somewhere early in your AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline 's Stages list, create a Lambda action that will call the Versioner:

- Name: IncrementVersion
  # This "Namespace" is how we can later reference variables set in the Lambda function
  Namespace: Versioner
    Category: Invoke
    Owner: AWS
    Version: 1
    Provider: Lambda
  # "Versioner" here must be the same name as the SAR application resource name above
    FunctionName: !GetAtt Versioner.Outputs.LambdaFunction

The IAM Role that your CodePipeline assumes should have sufficient privileges to run the Lambda function in the SAR app.

After this action has run, the following Variables will be available in the Versioner namespace (assuming you've not changed the Namespace configuration defined above)

  • buildNumber - an integer that is the value one more than during the previous pipeline execution
  • version - The buildNumber value, with a prefix as specified in the SAR component configuration (see below).

CodePipeline Variables can be used by various other actions. See the CodePipeline documentation for more details. As an example, you may want to set environment variables for a CodeBuild action, as follows:

- Name: CodeBuildSample
    Category: Build
    Owner: AWS
    Version: 1
    Provider: CodeBuild
    - Name: SourceCode
    ProjectName: !Ref CodeBuildSample
    # Here we capture both the 'buildNumber' and 'version' values produced by the Versioner (in the "Versioner" namespace configured earlier)
    # Typically you'd probably only want to use one of these
    EnvironmentVariables: '[{"name":"BUILD_NUMBER","value":"#{Versioner.buildNumber}"},{"name":"VERSION","value":"#{Versioner.version}"}]'

And that's it. Now you have a CodePipeline that has a linearly increasing build number and/or version that you can use to generate semantically versioned libraries, versioned application deployment artifacts, and more.

Optional configuration

The codepipeline-versioner component works without any configuration, using the following default behavior:

  • The first build number set when using the component in a particular pipeline is 0
  • The version is of the format 1.0.${buildNumber} - in other words the version prefix will be 1.0.
  • The build number will be persisted to an S3 bucket created by the SAR app, in an object named buildNumber.txt

These defaults can be overridden using a Parameters section in the application configuration, e.g.:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
        # ...  same details as described above
        VersionPrefix: 0.0.

The following Parameters are available:

Name Default Description
VersionPrefix 1.0. Prefix prepended to buildNumber when generating version .
StartBuildNumber 0 Value used for buildNumber when no saved build number is found. To reset the pipeline's build number to something else, delete the persisted value from S3, and set this value.
BuildNumberKey buildNumber.txt Key of the object persisted to S3 to save build number across executions


This SAR app provides a way to enable build numbers / versions in CodePipeline, in a way that integrates well with a CloudFormation infrastructure definition.

If you find this component useful, please let us know at Twitter, or email us at (or just use Github.)


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