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This page collects notes on SymPy/SymPyCore interface design.



  The goal of designing interfaces of different parts of a CAS
  is to separate the concepts of symbolic expressions and symbolic

Symbolic expressions represent mathematical concepts like variables, functions, operators, and relations between them. Symbolic objects represent symbolic expressions in a running computer program.

The aim of any CAS is to provide methods to manipulate symbolic objects and by that manipulate symbolic expressions. In order to these manipulations to have a mathematical meaning, the methods must be consistent with rules and theories from mathematics.

There are many possible ways to represent a mathematical concept as a structure of a computer program. Which of all these representations is most suitable (efficient, consistent, extendable, etc) for a particular programming language, is unknown in advance and it is natural to expect that it may change during the development of a CAS.

Any CAS is highly integrated system, that is, different parts of the CAS may use methods from other parts. So when something will be changed in one part of the CAS, this change may have a huge effect on the CAS as a whole. Even if the change in one part would improve its functionality/efficiency considerably, applying the change may be postponed or rejected because it would require to much of work to update the other parts of the system, or if there is uncertainty that the other parts of the system will become unfunctional by that.

In order to make a development of a CAS as painless as possible in knowing that different parts of it may change in time, one must define interfaces between the parts such that are expected to not change in time (may be only in a minimal way).

One of the rules for a good interface seems to be the condition that the interface should reflect a mathematical concept rather than internal representations of objects or any other details of implementations.

Symbolic objects

Symbolic objects are instances of classes that are derived from the base class `Basic`.

Symbolic objects must be immutable and hashable objects. These conditions reflect a bit implementation details and are specific to Python. Namely, carrying out summation and multiplication can be done most efficiently using Python dictionary objects where symbolic objects can be dictionary keys. And hence the hashability condition (from which follows also immutability condition).

To convert any object to a symbolic object (provided it makes sense and is supported), use `sympify(..)` function.

Any symbolic object must have the following methods:

  • methods to convert a symbolic object to string objects using various representations (pretty print, latex, C, etc)
  • a substitute method that transforms a symbolic object to another one by replacing specified parts of the object with other symbolic objects
  • methods for pattern matching

Accessing parts of symbolic objects

Symbolic objects can either be composite objects that contain other symbolic objects as parameters or operands, or atomic objects. Composite objects must provide methods to access it's parts. On the other hand, composite objects must be fully reconstructable from its parts.

Symbolic composite objects can either represent unevaluated operations on their operands or the collections of expressions (eg matrices). The latter case can also be considered as special case of former where an evaluated form does not exist (eg think of matrices and how they are constructed).

A unified way of accessing parts of symbolic objects is to define methods to access both the operator and its operands. For example, if expr is a symbolic composite object then

  • expr.func - returns an operator object (any callable object)
  • expr.args - returns operands (in the form of a list or tuple)
such that the following condition always holds
  expr.func(*expr.args) == expr

for any symbolic object expr. For atomic objects (variable names, numbers), the .func should be a constant function that has value expr, and .args is empty sequence.

The same symbolic expression can be represented in many mathematically equivalent ways. The same holds for symbolic objects. Different algorithms might require different representations of symbolic objects that are most convinient for them. As a rule, the algorithms should not deal with implementing conversation methods but the symbolic objects should provide methods for accessing different representation possibilities.

Here follows a list of methods that return commonly used representations:

  • expr.as_base_exp() - return a tuple (base, exp) such that expr==base**exp
  • expr.as_base_intexp() - return a tuple (base, exp) such that expr==base**exp and exp is an integer
  • expr.as_terms_coeff() - return a tuple (subexpr, coeff) such that expr==subexpr * coeff and coeff is a number
  • expr.as_terms_intcoeff() - return a tuple (subexpr, coeff) such that expr==subexpr * coeff and coeff is an integer
  • expr.as_Add_args() - return a iterable seq such that expr==Add(*seq)
  • expr.as_Mul_args() - return a iterable seq such that expr==Mul(*seq)
  • expr.as_Terms_args() - return an iterable seq such that expr==Terms(*seq)
  • expr.as_Factors_args() - return a sequence seq such that expr==Factors(*seq)
for any symbolic object `expr`. Here as_Terms_args() and as_Factors_args() methods return iterators or sequences of pairs (subexpr, coeff) and (base, exponent), respecitvely. The as_Pow_args case is covered by the as_base_exp method.

Fast pattern matching

The current idiom in SymPy for processing expressions based on their form is:

 if isinstance(x, Pow):
     args = x.args

Consider the input expression <math>e^{1/2}\,\!</math>. Internally this might be represented in many different ways, for example:

  • Exp(1/2)
  • Apply(Exp, 1/2)
  • Pow(E,1/2)
  • Sqrt(E)
  • Factors({E:1/2})
  • Root(E,2)
The code will break if we at some point decide to change the representation. The following would be better:
 args = x.match_Pow()
 if args is not None:

The method .match_Pow method would essentially perform fast pattern matching and recognize all different forms (and if there is no possible match, it would return None).

Here follows a list fast pattern matching methods:

  • expr.match_Add() - return seq such that expr==Add(*seq) and len(seq)>1
  • expr.match_Mul() - return seq such that expr==Mul(*seq) and len(seq)>1
  • expr.match_Pow() - return (base, exp) such that expr==base ** exp in a nontrivial way.
  • expr.match_Terms() - return seq such that expr==Terms(*seq) and len(seq)>1
  • expr.match_Factors() - return seq such that expr==Factors(*seq) and len(seq)>1
To check if an expression is an unevaluated function instance, that is, in the form f(x), use expr.func==f.

Pattern matching

In light of introducing algebras to hold symbolic expressions, the UI of wild cards must be reviewed. In current SymPy a special class Wild is introduced to represent a wild card which means that there is an extra type of a symbolic object that holds some information about it. This situation is similar to the current assumptions model (that needs to be replaced) where a symbol contains information about its properties. We have seen that such a model cannot work well. Instead, the idea is to not attach any information to the symbol instance but have a registry that holds this information. The same idea should be used for specifying wild cards since the fact that a symbol is a wild symbol, is also a special type of assumptions.

Here follows a proposed interface for the match method:

  expr.match(pattern, p, (q,lambda subexpr: matches(subexpr)), ...)

that illustrates two possible ways of specifing which symbols are wild cards and what are the matching conditons:

  • p - is a wild symbol in the pattern that matches any expression
  • q - is a conditional wild symbol in the pattern that matches an expression only when matches returns True
The rules for matching sums and products can be found in

Substituting subexpressions

A CAS must provide methods to transform symbolic objects to the new ones by substituting specified subexpressions (or patterns of subexpressions) with new expressions. There are two common cases that must be supported: a single substituton and a subsequent substitution (note that substitution operation is non-commutative). Here follows a proposed interface:

  • &lt;expr&gt;.subs(&lt;pattern or subexpression&gt;, &lt;expr&gt;, wildcards=[]) &rarr; &lt;new expression&gt;
  • &lt;expr&gt;.subs(&#91(&lt;pat1&gt;, &lt;expr1&gt;), (&lt;pat2&gt;, &lt;expr2&gt;), ...&#93, wildcards=[]) &rarr; &lt;new expression&gt;
The last form supports the idiom &lt;expr&gt;.subs(&lt;pattern-expr dict&gt;.items()). The wildcards should contain wildcard arguments to the match method (see above).

Category:Documentation Category:Design Category:Interface


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