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@SyncfusionBuild SyncfusionBuild released this 11 Mar 02:50
· 2 commits to master since this release


Bug Fixes

  • #I696021 - Now, the chart SVG height and width are set correctly for the rotated axis label.


Bug Fixes

  • #I625957 - The issue with the "enableItems" and "insertAfter" methods not functioning correctly when the "enableScrolling" property of the context menu is enabled has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #FD65170 - Fixed an issue where the day of the week value was not displayed correctly when using ccc in the date format.


Bug Fixes

  • #FD65170 - Fixed an issue where the day of the week value was not displayed correctly when using ccc in the date format.


Bug Fixes

  • #I692003 - Undo and redo now working correctly for group nodes after grouping, rotating, and ungrouping.
  • #I692517 - excludeFromLayout now works in complex hierarchical tree Layout.


Bug Fixes

  • #F196134 - Fixed a script error that occurred when copying content containing checkbox content control properties.
  • #I688686 - Fixed the selection issue when applying upper-case formatting to text.
  • #I644193 - Fixed the XML mapping issue when copy pasting content controls within Document Editor.
  • #I691211 - Fixed the incorrect drop down list display by using the display text instead of the value.
  • #I691064 - Fixed the issue of removing and adding highlights to editable ranges using the highlightEditableRanges property.
  • #I686376 - Fixed a script error that occurred when undoing after performing Enter and Apply Style actions.
  • #I693248 - Fixed the issue where the editing region moved out of the viewport when the keyboard opened on mobile devices.
  • #I684310, #I693656 - Fixed the border rendering issue for nested content controls.
  • #I691211 - Improved typing performance inside a table when the document contains more than 400 content controls.


Bug Fixes

  • #I696366 - Resolved the issue with copying and pasting a folder from the navigation pane to the layout pane in File Manager component.
  • #I691585 - Resolved the selection doesn't persist issue when both virtualization and persistence are enabled.

Form Validator

Bug Fixes

  • #I696386 - Resolved an exception issue in the Number Validator of the FormValidator.


Bug fixes

#I693977 - Resolved an issue where the durationUnit property did not function correctly when the work field was mapped.
#I698273 - Milestone end date is not validated properly during cell editing issue has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #F195594 - Resolved a script error that occurred when focusing on hidden cells after clicking the scrollbar.
  • #I679119 - The issue with filtering the Date column by month or day value has been resolved.
  • #I684300 - Fixed an issue where virtual scrolling did not conclude properly when adding a new record at the bottom.
  • #I695471 - The issue where the notEqual filter in menu filtering failed for Date and DateTime columns has been resolved.
  • #I691688 - Resolved the issue where the grid captionTemplate key value conflicted with React key prop.
  • #I693712 - Resolved the issue where customAttributes were not applied when splitting stacked header columns with frozen columns.


Bug Fixes

  • #I695706 - The accessibility violation issue encountered when opening the submenu of the menu component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I695096 - Fixed an issue where data was not displaying correctly during scrolling.

Numeric TextBox

Bug Fixes

  • #I688819 - Fixed an issue where the floatLabelType property caused the component height to increase in both "always" and "auto" cases within the Fluent 2 theme.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I696432 - Now, the form fields no longer disappear when reloading the PDF document after a pinch zoom without the form designer module.
  • #I695167 - Now, the custom data value is updated properly for non-rendered pages using the updateFormField API.
  • #I695648 - Now, the exception did not occur when saving the provided document without scrolling.

Breaking Changes

-#I695236 - The validateFormFields API will no longer be triggered after completing the required form fields and initiating download or saveAsBlob. To proceed with download or saveAsBlob without filling in the required fields, simply disable the validateFormFields event by setting enableFormFieldsValidation to false.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I694587 - The cell border will now be applied correctly to empty cells in the exported Excel document.
  • #I696261 - Localization will now be applied correctly to the Grand Total legend text in the Pivot Chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I694952 - Now, the change event works properly when the value changes in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I691323 - Now, the image caption is handled properly in the Rich Text Editor after posting.


Bug Fixes

  • #F196127 - Fixed an issue where the change event was not triggered correctly upon the second update of time using the keyboard.


Bug Fixes

  • #I689782 - An issue with the toolbar focus style not being applied in Tailwind 3 and Fluent 2 themes while using keyboard navigation in the Mac Safari browser has been resolved.