A simple wrapper library that allows unified read access to most common data formats in use at x-ray synchrotron facilities. In it's most simple form it yields an iterator to the data numpy array(s) for the given files. This interface is very similar to reading of standard files in Python. For container data (e.g. hdf5) random access ("indexing") is possible.
- Supported file formats derive from the incorporated libraries:
- hdf5: h5py
- .edf, .cbf, .tiff, ... -- all supported formats by fabio (by J.Kieffer, ESRF)
Inclusion of fio files and plain numpy array files is in progress.
For data storage solely hdf5 is used.
A simple graphical data viewer is also included.
- In order to use the full functionality, the following requirements need to be met:
- numpy
- future
- sphinx
- six
- h5py
- fabio
- pyqtgraph
The package is universal, meaning that it works both with Python 2 and 3.
You can either install it via pip install (once it's been uploaded).
The most simple way is to clone the repository and expand your (PYTHON)PATH variable to the base directory.
If you want, you can also create the documentation via python setup.py build_sphinx python3 setup.py build_sphinx