Provides a monorepo for the Syndesis CI.
In order to build everything a build script is provided at: bin/
The script will start by building:
- custom jenkins plugins:
- kubernetes-plugin
- kubernetes-pipeline-plugin
- durable-task-plugin
- workflow-cps-global-lib-plugin
- slave images
- slave-base
- slave-agent
- slave-nodejs
- images
- openshift jenkins image (customized image for s2i use)
- syndesis jenkins image
The script can be used like:
The script accepts the following flags:
Flag | Description |
--clean | Specifies the namespace to use |
--help | Displays a use message |
It can also be parameterized using the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
--namespace | The namespace to build images into |
--resume-from | Resume build from modules (agentimages, images) |
--version | The version of the artifacts to build |
--artifact-prefix | The artifact prefix (to prevent clashes) |
In a similar manner the repo also contains an installation script, that can be used to install:
- jenkins
- nexus
- build tooling configuration
- maven settings.xml
- release tooling configuration
- ssh keys
- gpg keys
The script accepts the following flags:
Flag | Description |
--clean | Specifies the namespace to use |
--help | Displays a use message |
It can also be parameterized using the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
--flavor | The template type to use (ephemeral, persistent) |
--namespace | The namespace to install CI into |
--version | The version of the artifacts to build |
--domain | The domain to use for creating routes |
--host-suffix | A suffix to append in the route host name |
--skip-maven-settings | Don't install the maven settings |
--skip-release-settings | Don't install the release settings |
A special category of parameters that is related to passing sensitive information:
Parameter | Description |
--github-username | The github username |
--github-password | The github password |
--github-access-token | The github access token |
--github-client-id | The github client id |
--github-client-secret | The github client secret |
--sonatype-username | The sonatype username |
--sonatype-password | The sonatype password |
--dockerhub-username | The dockerhub username |
--dockerhub-email | The dockerhub email |
--dockerhub-password | The dockerhub password |
Note: Depending on the components you are installing, the installer will require access to sensitive information like keys, passwords etc. Those can be passed with the parameters shown above or using pass.
Other things that are required by the release modules, that need to be setup in your environment (if you need to install the release components) are:
- ssh keys for syndesis exist under ~/.ssh/syndesisci_id_rsa and ~/.ssh/
- gpg keys for are locally installed.
Currently there are two flavors provided:
- Ephemeral
- Persistent
oc create -f jenkins-ephemeral.yml
oc process jenkins \
GITHUB_USERNAME=<github username> \
GITHUB_PASSWORD=<github password> \
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<github access token password> \
ROUTE_HOSTNAME=jenkins-$(oc project -q) \
KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE=$(oc project -q) | oc create -f -
and to allow the jenkins service account to provision new projects:
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user self-provisioner system:serviceaccount:$(oc project -q):jenkins
oc create -f jenkins-pvc.yml
oc create -f jenkins-persistent.yml
oc process jenkins \
GITHUB_USERNAME=<github username> \
GITHUB_PASSWORD=<github password> \
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<github access token password> \
GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=<github oauth client id> \
GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=<github oauth client secret> \
ROUTE_HOSTNAME=jenkins-$(oc project -q) \
KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE=$(oc project -q) | oc create -f -
and to allow the jenkins service account to provision new projects:
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user self-provisioner system:serviceaccount:$(oc project -q):jenkins
oc create -f nexus-ephemeral.yml
oc process nexus \
ROUTE_HOSTNAME=jenkins-$(oc project -q) | oc create -f -
oc create secret generic m2-settings --from-file settings.xml
oc create -f nexus-pvc.yml
oc create -f nexus-persistent.yml
oc process nexus \
ROUTE_HOSTNAME=jenkins-$(oc project -q) | oc create -f -
oc create secret generic m2-settings --from-file settings.xml