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Generic Module Framework

dehall edited this page Sep 22, 2016 · 38 revisions

Synthea contains a framework for defining modules using JSON. A JSON module configuration describes a progression of states and the transitions between them. On each Synthea generation time-step, the generic framework processes states one at a time to trigger conditions, encounter, medications, and other clinical events.

Future plans for the generic module framework include a web interface to allow clinicians or other healthcare professionals to design Synthea modules with no programming experience required.

Detail and examples for these concepts is available on the following pages:

Relevant Files and Paths

Within the synthea repository, the following files and paths are relevant to the generic module framework:

  • lib/generic/modules/: the path containing the JSON module files that Synthea should process
  • lib/generic/context.rb: the Context class definition; responsible for maintaining a modules state definition, state history, and current state for each patient. The Context class also processes states and transitions.
  • lib/generic/logic.rb: the Logic module implements the methods corresponding to the support logical condition types
  • lib/generic/states.rb: the States module implements the support state types
  • modules/generic.rb: the Generic module defines the Synthea rule that is executed on every time-step. It loops through the modules in lib/generic/modules/, setting up and running the context for each module.
  • test/fixtures/generic/*.json: the test fixtures for all of the generic module framework unit tests
  • test/generic_*_test.rb: the unit tests for the generic module framework's context, logic, and state implementations
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