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afansi edited this page Apr 17, 2020 · 2 revisions

With Synthea, it is possible to export the symptoms a person has experienced for the different conditions he suffered from during his life cycle. At a high level, the export will contain the following information for a given condition:

  • the age (in years) at which the condition occurred (Note that this information is different from the time the condition was diagnosed)
  • the age (in years) at which the condition was resolved, if any
  • the number of symptoms expressed
  • the name of the different symptoms as well as their severity level along the time period the condition was on.

It is possible to restrict the export to conditions that occurred during the last {exporter.years_of_history} years of the person. This is done by setting exporter.symptoms.mode = 0 (default one). If exporter.symptoms.mode is set to any other value, then the export will consider all conditions that occurred during the lifetime of the person.

The export can be made in two formats:

  • Text
  • CSV


You can enable text records in src/main/resources/ by setting exporter.symptoms.text.export = true. The Symptom Text Exporter will output, for each patient, a UTF-8 text file that lists a human-readable text file containing the patient related information. The generated files are saved into the following directory: ./{export.baseDirectory}/symptoms/text.


It is possible to enable Comma-Separated Value (CSV) exports in src/main/resources/ by setting exporter.symptoms.csv.export = true. The generated files are saved into the following directory: ./{export.baseDirectory}/symptoms/csv.

Furthermore, there are additional parameters that dictates how the export will behave across several runs:

  • exporter.symptoms.csv.append_mode: if set to true, then each run will add new data to any existing CSVs. On the other hand, if set to false, each run will clear out the files and start fresh.
  • exporter.symptoms.csv.folder_per_run: if set to true, then each run will have CSVs placed into a unique subfolder. On the other hand, if set to false, each run will only use the top-level csv folder.

The structure of a generated csv file is as follows:

Column Name Data Type Required? Description
PATIENT UUID true key to the Patient.
GENDER String true Gender. M is male, F is female.
RACE String true Description of the patient's primary race.
ETHNICITY String true Description of the patient's primary ethnicity.
AGE_BEGIN Integer true The age at which the condition was onset.
AGE_END Integer false The age at which the condition was resolved (if any).
PATHOLOGY String true The name of the condition
NUM_SYMPTOMS Integer true The number of symptoms.
SYMPTOMS String false the symptoms (if any) and their severity level.
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