Predict which products Instacart users will reorder using classification algorithms (logistic regression, random forest and gradient boosting)
Project overview:
- Predicted which products each Instacart user will buy in the next order given a history of orders using classification algorithms and engineering time-based features to optimize F1 score
- The ~8 million product orders from Kaggle were stored in postgreSQL
- Trained, evaluated and compared logistic regression, random forest and gradient boosted trees models
- XGBoost was selected as the final model and trained on the full training data on AWS, and performed an F1 of 0.440 on the test set
- Results visualized with Tableau
This repo includes:
- data preprocessing
- instacart_modeling_subsample.ipynb: feature engineering and modeling on subsample of data
- instacart_modeling.ipynb: feature engineering and final modeling on entire training data
- instacart_order_predictions_slides.pdf: pdf of project presentation slides
Note 1: The proprocessing python script is designed to run where postgresql has already been setup and pre-stored with the instacart data (sourced from:
Note 2: Some data files were excluded from the data folder due to github's size limitation