Library for MessagePack support in fortran.
Build System | Targets | Known Working Versions |
Meson | messagepack | 1.3.2 |
CMake | messagepack | 3.28.3 |
FPM | . | 0.10.1, alpha |
Known to work with gfortran
13.3.0 and above.
- Fortran 2008
- OOP utilized heavily
program test
use messagepack
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
! buffer filled with MsgPack data
byte, allocatable, dimension(:) :: buffer
! base class used to interact with MsgPack
class(mp_value_type), allocatable :: mp_value
! object used to store various settings
class(msgpack), allocatable :: mp
integer :: unpacked_value
mp = msgpack()
call mp%unpack(buffer, mp_value)
if (mp%failed()) then
! insert error handling here
stop 1
end if
if (is_int(mp_value)) then
call get_int(mp_value, unpacked_value, error)
write(*,*) "Unpacked: ", unpacked_value
end if
end program
program test
use messagepack
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
! buffer to fill with MsgPack data
byte, allocatable, dimension(:) :: buffer
! object used to store various settings
class(msgpack), allocatable :: mp
mp = msgpack() ! get default settings
! create an array with two elements:
! ["hello world", .false.]
class(mp_arr_type), allocatable :: mp_arr
mp_arr = mp_arr_type(2_int64)
mp_arr%value(1)%obj = mp_str_type("hello world")
mp_arr%value(2)%obj = mp_bool_type(.false.)
! pack the value into a dynamically allocated array
call mp%pack_alloc(buffer, mp_deserialized)
if (mp%failed()) then
! insert error handling here
stop 1
end if
! print the messagepack object in a pretty way
call mp%print_value(mp_deserialized)
end program
All MsgPack classes extend from mp_value_type
. Container types utilize mp_value_type_ptr
as a wrapper around the polymorphic type.
type :: mp_value_type_ptr
class(mp_value_type), allocatable :: obj
end type
The mp_value_type
contains the following type-bound procedures:
Procedure | Applies To | Functionality |
numelements | mp_arr_type , mp_map_type , mp_ext_type |
Returns number of contained elements. For the map it returns the number of pairs. For non-containers, returns 1 |
getsize | All | Returns number of bytes taken up by the object |
pack | All | Internal use only |
A class called msgpack
handles all unpacking & packing procedures. It also handles custom user extensions and configurable error handling.
Most commonly used functions:
subroutine pack_alloc(this, mpv, buffer)
! Packs a messagepack object into a dynamically
! allocated buffer, returned to the user. The user
! must handle deallocation.
! @param[in] this - self
! @param[in] mpv - messagepack value to pack
! @param[out] buffer - contains serialized data
end subroutine
subroutine pack_prealloc(this, mpv, buffer)
! Packs a messagepack object into a pre-allocated buffer,
! returned to the user. This function does not check beforehand
! for the array being the correct size, and will return an error
! if the buffer is too small.
! @param[in] this - self
! @param[in] mpv - messagepack value to pack
! @param[out] buffer - existing buffer to place data into
end subroutine
subroutine unpack(this, buffer, mpv)
! @param[in] this - self
! @param[in] buffer - serialized messagepack data
! @param[out] mpv - Deserialized value
end subroutine
subroutine print_value(this, obj)
! Prints MessagePack object with default options
! @param[in] this - instance
! @param[in] obj - MessagePack object to print
end subroutine
recursive subroutine print_value_with_args(this, obj, indentation, &
sameline, maxelems)
! Prints MessagePack object with a variety of configurability
! @param[in] this - instance
! @param[in] obj - MessagePack object to print in a pretty fashion
! @param[in] indentation - number of levels of indentation to print with
! @param[in] sameline - if true, compacts the output
! @param[in] maxelems - if non-negative, limits number of elements printed
! @returns None
end subroutine
subroutine print_version() ! prints version of messagepack
The library exposes the following global subroutines:
subroutine print_bytes_as_hex(bytes, addhexmark)
! prints a buffer of bytes as the unsigned hex version
! @param[in] bytes - byte buffer to print
! @param[in] addhexmark - If true, print with 0x prepended
! @returns none
end subroutine
TLDR: please run the tests associated with this library on your system to ensure that this library will work correctly.
Fortran does not support unsigned integers. This library assumes that signed integers are represented with twos-bit complement.
The user must be aware that MessagePack can represent integers larger than what signed 64 bit integers can represent. This is the largest size of integer that the library supports due to portability concerns. fortran-messagepack
does recognize this, please see the documentation in the Integer format family on how to deal with this.
MessagePack explicitly does not specify a character encoding.
Fortran does not supply a built in hash table/hash map/red-black tree/etc datatype. The mp_map_type
is represented simply as two arrays under the hood, and does not perform key uniqueness checks.
The underlying support class is mp_nil_type
function is_nil(obj) result(res)
! @returns whether the object is `mp_nil_type`
The underlying support class is mp_int_type
function is_int(obj) result(res)
! @returns whether the object is a `mp_int_type`
subroutine get_int(obj, val, stat)
! @param[out] val - integer to store decoded value
! @param[out] stat - Returns false if the object is not `mp_int_type`
If an integer is unpacked that is greater than what a signed 64 bit integer can represent, a special flag will be marked which can be checked for with the is_unsigned
function. The library leaves further processing of the value up to the user.
logical function is_unsigned(obj) ! true if the value is unsigned
subroutine set_unsigned(obj) ! mark that the stored value is unsigned
The underlying support class is mp_float_type
function is_float(obj) result(res)
! @returns whether the object is a `mp_float_type`
subroutine get_real(obj, val, stat)
! @param[out] val - real64 to store decoded value
! @param[out] stat - Returns false if the object is not `mp_float_type`
The underlying support class is mp_str_type
function is_str(obj) result(res)
! @returns whether the object is a `mp_str_type`
subroutine get_str(obj, val, stat)
! @param[out] val - character(:), allocatable
! @param[out] stat - Returns false if the object is not `mp_str_type`
The underlying support class is mp_bin_type
The constructor of the same name accepts a length argument.
type, extends(mp_value_type) :: mp_bin_type
byte, allocatable, dimension(:) :: value
end type
Related Functions
function is_bin(obj) result(res)
! @returns whether the object is a `mp_bin_type`
subroutine get_bin(obj, val, stat)
! @param[out] val - byte, allocatable, dimension(:)
! @param[out] stat - Returns false if the object is not `mp_bin_type`
The underlying support class is mp_arr_type
The constructor of the same name accepts a length argument.
type, extends(mp_value_type) :: mp_arr_type
class(mp_value_type_ptr), allocatable, dimension(:) :: value
end type
Related Functions
function is_arr(obj) result(res)
! @returns whether the object is a `mp_arr_type`
subroutine get_arr_ref(obj, val, stat)
! Turn a generic `mp_value_type` into a `mp_arr_type`
! @param[in] obj - class(mp_value_type), allocatable
! @param[out] val - class(mp_arr_type), allocatable
! @param[out] stat - Returns false if the object is not `mp_arr_type`
Example of accessing contained values
mp_arr_type :: arr_obj
integer, dimension(3) :: decoded
logical :: status
! arr_obj is pre-populated with 3 ints
do i = 1,3
get_int(arr_obj%value(i)%obj, decoded(i), status)
if (.not. status) then
! error handling
end if
end do
print *, "Decoded:", decoded
The length restriction of (2^32)-1
is only checked for at pack time.
The underlying support class is mp_map_type
The constructor of the same name accepts a length argument.
type, extends(mp_value_type) :: mp_map_type
class(mp_value_type_ptr), allocatable, dimension(:) :: keys
class(mp_value_type_ptr), allocatable, dimension(:) :: values
end type
Related Functions
function is_map(obj) result(res)
! @returns whether the object is a `mp_map_type`
subroutine get_map_ref(obj, val, stat)
! Turn a generic `mp_value_type` into a `mp_map_type`
! @param[in] obj - class(mp_value_type), allocatable
! @param[out] val - class(mp_map_type), allocatable
! @param[out] stat - Returns false if the object is not `mp_map_type`
The underlying support class is mp_ext_type
The constructor of the same name accepts an extension type argument and length argument.
type, extends(mp_value_type) :: mp_ext_type
integer :: exttype ! extension type
byte, allocatable, dimension(:) :: values
end type
Related Functions
function is_ext(obj) result(res)
! @returns whether the object is a `mp_ext_type`
subroutine get_ext_ref(obj, val, stat)
! Turn a generic `mp_value_type` into a `mp_ext_type`
! @param[in] obj - class(mp_value_type), allocatable
! @param[out] val - class(mp_ext_type), allocatable
! @param[out] stat - Returns false if the object is not `mp_ext_type`
The underlying support class is mp_timestamp_type
The constructor of the same name accepts a seconds & nanoseconds argument. The nanoseconds argument must be positive.
This type does not have any built datetime support. It is merely a vehicle to serialize/deserialize a unix timestamp to/from messagepack.
type, extends(mp_value_type) :: mp_timestamp_type
integer(kind=int64) :: seconds
integer(kind=int64) :: nanoseconds ! this must be positive
end type
Related Functions
function is_timestamp(obj) result(res)
! @returns whether the object is a `mp_timestamp_type`
subroutine get_timestamp_ref(obj, val, stat)
! Turn a generic `mp_value_type` into a `mp_timestamp_type`
! @param[in] obj - class(mp_value_type), allocatable
! @param[out] val - class(mp_timestamp_type), allocatable
! @param[out] stat - Returns false if the object is not `mp_timestamp_type`
Tests integrated into Meson:
Executable Name | Purpose |
constructors | Unit test of constructors. Also serves as example |
packing | Unit testing of packing with checks on the packed buffers |
unpacking | Unit test of unpacking with known packed buffers |
roundtrip | Unit test of packing data, and then unpacking |
Build System | Command |
meson | meson test |
cmake | ctest |
fpm | fpm test |
The executables can also be executed directly.