is a command tool to rewrite javascript code automatically, it depends on synvert-core-javascript
and synvert-snippets-javascript
synvert-core-javascript provides a set of DSLs to rewrite javascript code.
synvert-snippets-javascript provides official snippets to rewrite javascript code.
Install through npm
$ npm install -g @synvert-hq/synvert
This will also install synvert-core-javascript
Synvert is completely working with remote snippets on github, but you can sync all official snippets locally to make it run faster.
$ synvert-javascript --sync
Then you can use synvert to rewrite your javascript code, e.g.
$ synvert-javascript -r jqeury/migrate
$ synvert-javascript --help
Write javascript code to rewrite javascript code
$ synvert-javascript
-e, --execute=execute execute a snippet, run or test
-f, --format=format output format
-g, --generate=generate generate a snippet with snippet name
-h, --help show CLI help
-l, --list list snippets
-r, --run=run run a snippet with snippet name, or local file path, or remote http url
-s, --show=show show a snippet with snippet name
-t, --test=test test a snippet with snippet name, or local file path, or remote http url
-v, --version
--max-file-size=max-file-size [default: 10240] skip file if its size is more than the size
--no-semi prefer no semicolon, it prints semicolon by default
--only-paths=only-paths only paths, splitted by comma
--root-path=root-path [default: .] project root path
--show-run-process show processing files when running a snippet
--single-quote prefer single quote, it uses double quote by default
--skip-paths=skip-paths [default: **/node_modules/**] skip paths, splitted by comma
--sync sync snippets
--tab-width=tab-width [default: 2] prefer tab width
Official Snippets are available on github, you can sync them any time you want.
$ synvert-javascript --sync
List all available snippets.
$ synvert-javascript -l
$ synvert-javascript --list --format json
Describe what a snippet does.
$ synvert-javascript -s jquery/migrate
Run a snippet, analyze and then rewrite code.
$ synvert-javascript --run jquery/migrate
Run a snippet from remote url.
$ synvert-javascript --run
Run a snippet from local file.
$ synvert-javascript --run ~/Sites/synvert-hq/synvert-snippets-javascript/lib/jquery/deprecate-event-shorthand.js
Show processing files when running a snippet.
$ synvert-javascript --run javascript/no-useless-constructor --show-run-progress
Skip large files.
# skip files if its size is more than 10KB
$ synvert-javascript --run javascript/no-useless-constructor --max-file-size 10240
Skip paths.
$ synvert-javascript --run javascript/no-useless-constructor --skip-paths **/node_modules/**,**/dist/**
Only paths.
$ synvert-javascript --run javascript/no-useless-constructor --only-paths frontend/src/javascripts
Root path.
$ synvert-javascript --run javascript/no-useless-constructor --root-path /repos/synvert
$ synvert-javascript -g javascript/convert-foo-to-bar