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Merge pull request #7 from idoleat/ch5-examples
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jserv authored Jul 22, 2024
2 parents 8a7c0a2 + 11baa72 commit 8d9a4b9
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Showing 6 changed files with 540 additions and 121 deletions.
317 changes: 196 additions & 121 deletions concurrency-primer.tex

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions examples/.clang-format
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
Language: Cpp

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- 'list_for_each'
- 'list_for_each_safe'

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions examples/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
$(CC) -Wall -o rmw_example rmw_example.c -pthread -lm
rm -f rmw_example
check: all
240 changes: 240 additions & 0 deletions examples/rmw_example.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>

#define PRECISION 100 /* upper bound in BPP sum */
#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 64
#define N_THREADS 64

struct tpool_future {
void *result;
void *arg;
atomic_flag flag;

typedef struct job {
void *(*func)(void *);
struct tpool_future *future;
struct job *next, *prev;
} job_t;

typedef struct idle_job {
_Atomic(job_t *) prev;
char padding[CACHE_LINE_SIZE -
sizeof(_Atomic(job_t *))]; /* avoid false sharing */
job_t job;
} idle_job_t;

enum state { idle, running, cancelled };

typedef struct tpool {
atomic_flag initialezed;
int size;
thrd_t *pool;
atomic_int state;
thrd_start_t func;
idle_job_t *head; /* job queue is a SPMC ring buffer */
} tpool_t;

static struct tpool_future *tpool_future_create(void *arg)
struct tpool_future *future = malloc(sizeof(struct tpool_future));
if (future) {
future->result = NULL;
future->arg = arg;
return future;

void tpool_future_wait(struct tpool_future *future)
while (atomic_flag_test_and_set(&future->flag))

void tpool_future_destroy(struct tpool_future *future)

static int worker(void *args)
if (!args)
tpool_t *thrd_pool = (tpool_t *)args;

while (1) {
/* worker is laid off */
if (atomic_load(&thrd_pool->state) == cancelled)
if (atomic_load(&thrd_pool->state) == running) {
/* worker takes the job */
job_t *job = atomic_load(&thrd_pool->head->prev);
/* worker checks if there is only an idle job in the job queue */
if (job == &thrd_pool->head->job) {
/* worker says it is idle */
atomic_store(&thrd_pool->state, idle);
while (!atomic_compare_exchange_weak(&thrd_pool->head->prev, &job,
job->future->result = (void *)job->func(job->future->arg);
} else {
/* worker is idle */

static bool tpool_init(tpool_t *thrd_pool, size_t size)
if (atomic_flag_test_and_set(&thrd_pool->initialezed)) {
printf("This thread pool has already been initialized.\n");
return false;

assert(size > 0);
thrd_pool->pool = malloc(sizeof(thrd_t) * size);
if (!thrd_pool->pool) {
printf("Failed to allocate thread identifiers.\n");
return false;

idle_job_t *idle_job = malloc(sizeof(idle_job_t));
if (!idle_job) {
printf("Failed to allocate idle job.\n");
return false;

/* idle_job will always be the first job */
idle_job-> = &idle_job->job;
idle_job->job.prev = &idle_job->job;
idle_job->prev = &idle_job->job;
thrd_pool->func = worker;
thrd_pool->head = idle_job;
thrd_pool->state = idle;
thrd_pool->size = size;

/* employer hires many workers */
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
thrd_create(thrd_pool->pool + i, worker, thrd_pool);

return true;

static void tpool_destroy(tpool_t *thrd_pool)
if (atomic_exchange(&thrd_pool->state, cancelled))
printf("Thread pool cancelled with jobs still running.\n");

for (int i = 0; i < thrd_pool->size; i++)
thrd_join(thrd_pool->pool[i], NULL);

while (thrd_pool->head->prev != &thrd_pool->head->job) {
job_t *job = thrd_pool->head->prev->prev;
thrd_pool->head->prev = job;
atomic_fetch_and(&thrd_pool->state, 0);

/* Use Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula to approximate PI */
static void *bbp(void *arg)
int k = *(int *)arg;
double sum = (4.0 / (8 * k + 1)) - (2.0 / (8 * k + 4)) -
(1.0 / (8 * k + 5)) - (1.0 / (8 * k + 6));
double *product = malloc(sizeof(double));
if (!product)
return NULL;

*product = 1 / pow(16, k) * sum;
return (void *)product;

struct tpool_future *add_job(tpool_t *thrd_pool, void *(*func)(void *),
void *arg)
job_t *job = malloc(sizeof(job_t));
if (!job)
return NULL;

struct tpool_future *future = tpool_future_create(arg);
if (!future) {
return NULL;

job->func = func;
job->future = future;
job->next = thrd_pool->head->;
job->prev = &thrd_pool->head->job;
thrd_pool->head->>prev = job;
thrd_pool->head-> = job;
if (thrd_pool->head->prev == &thrd_pool->head->job) {
thrd_pool->head->prev = job;
/* the previous job of the idle job is itself */
thrd_pool->head->job.prev = &thrd_pool->head->job;
return future;

static inline void wait_until(tpool_t *thrd_pool, int state)
while (atomic_load(&thrd_pool->state) != state)

int main()
int bbp_args[PRECISION];
struct tpool_future *futures[PRECISION];
double bbp_sum = 0;

tpool_t thrd_pool = { .initialezed = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT };
if (!tpool_init(&thrd_pool, N_THREADS)) {
printf("failed to init.\n");
return 0;
/* employer ask workers to work */
atomic_store(&thrd_pool.state, running);

/* employer wait ... until workers are idle */
wait_until(&thrd_pool, idle);

/* employer add more job to the job queue */
for (int i = 0; i < PRECISION; i++) {
bbp_args[i] = i;
futures[i] = add_job(&thrd_pool, bbp, &bbp_args[i]);

/* employer ask workers to work */
atomic_store(&thrd_pool.state, running);

/* employer wait for the result of job */
for (int i = 0; i < PRECISION; i++) {
bbp_sum += *(double *)(futures[i]->result);

/* employer destroys the job queue and lays workers off */
printf("PI calculated with %d terms: %.15f\n", PRECISION, bbp_sum);
return 0;
Binary file added images/atomic-rmw.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added images/atomic-types.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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