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Library with common Systelab login components to speed up our Angular developments

Working with the repo

git clone
cd systelab-login
npm ci

Publish the library:

Given that you have a user with enough privileges, in order to publish the library in run the following script:

npm run build-lib
cd dist/systelab-login
npm publish

Library will be published at:


Read the provided documentation to use the library

Version 15.x.x - Angular 15

Angular 15 news

  • Router and HttpClient tree-shakable standalone APIs
  • Directive composition API
  • Image directive is now stable
  • Functional router guards
  • Router unwraps default imports
  • Better stack traces
  • Release MDC-based components to stable
  • Improvements in the experimental esbuild support

Version 14.x.x - Angular 14

Angular 13 news

  • View Engine is no longer available
  • Libraries built with the latest version of the APF Angular Package Format will no longer require the use of ngcc. As a result of these changes library developers can expect leaner package output and faster execution.
  • The new API removes the need for ComponentFactoryResolver being injected into the constructor. Ivy creates the opportunity to instantiate the component with ViewContainerRef.createComponent without creating an associated factory
  • End of IE11 support
  • Angular now supports the use of persistent build cache by default for new v13 projects More info and CLI Cache
  • RxJS 7.4 is now the default for apps created with ng new
  • Dynamically enable/disable validators: allows built-in validators to be disabled by setting the value to null
  • Important improvements to TestBed that now does a better job of tearing down test modules and environments after each test
  • canceledNavigationResolution router flag to restore the computed value of the browser history when set to computed
  • TypeScript 4.4

Angular 14 news

  • Standalone Components
  • Typed Angular Forms
  • Streamlined page title accessibility
  • Extended developer diagnostics
  • Catch the invalid “Banana in a box” error on your two-way data bindings
  • Catch nullish coalescing on non-nullable values in Angular templates
  • Bind to protected component members directly from the templates
  • Optional injectors in Embedded Views
  • Support for passing in an optional injector when creating an embedded view through ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView and TemplateRef.createEmbeddedView
  • NgModel changes are reflected in the UI for OnPush components
  • TypeScript 4.6

Version 11 - Angular 12

IE11 support has been deprecated due to the upgrade to Angular 12

Use of Ivy, applications that uses this library have to use Angular 12 and Ivy rendering.

Added --noImplicitOverride flag to allow override methods and get error for unintentionally overrides