VIE and VIE² based annotation widget collection.
When the necessary widgets implemented this is the code needed for activating the annotation widget. Later this could be compiled into one widget.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Make an element editable using the VIE.editable widget.
// Whenever a smartContentChange happens..
$('#content').editable().bind('editablechanged', function(editedInfo){
// .. analyze the content using VIE2.
// for each enhancement found by VIE2,
.bind('enhancementFound', function(enhancementDetails){
// get create a dom element containing only the occurrence of the found entity
// (getOrCreateDomElement is to be implemented)
var foundEntityDomEl = $(this).getOrCreateDomElement(
enhancementDetails.occurrenceText, {
// create only if it doesn't have it's element already
createMode: 'existing',
createElement: 'span',
// only the first occurrence
mode: 'first',
styleClass: 'enhancementFound'
// Apply annotation widget
// This makes the occurrence clickable
// On clicking on the word a pop-over shows the found enhancements
// and the buttons Accept, Decline, [More]
// on Accept the element gets RDFa annotated plus specific event
// on Decline the marker gets removed plus specific event
enhancement: enhancementDetails,