No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0
- Package version: 3.0.1
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import hyperstack
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import hyperstack
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import hyperstack
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = hyperstack.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure API key authorization: apiKey
configuration.api_key['apiKey'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['apiKey'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure API key authorization: accessToken
configuration.api_key['accessToken'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['accessToken'] = 'Bearer'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with hyperstack.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = hyperstack.PricebookApi(api_client)
api_response = api_instance.retrive_pricebook()
print("The response of PricebookApi->retrive_pricebook:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling PricebookApi->retrive_pricebook: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
PricebookApi | retrive_pricebook | GET /pricebook | |
AliveApi | get_alive | GET /billing/alive | GET: Alive |
ApiKeyApi | generate_api_key | POST /api-key/generate | Generate API Key |
ApiKeyApi | get_api_key | GET /api-key | Get API Key |
AssigningMemberRoleApi | assign_rbac_roles | PUT /auth/users/{user_id}/assign-roles | Assign RBAC Roles |
AssigningMemberRoleApi | remove_role_from_a_user | DELETE /auth/users/{user_id}/roles | Remove role from a user |
AuthApi | auth_user_information | GET /auth/me | Get me information |
BillingApi | get_last_day_cost | GET /billing/billing/last-day-cost | GET: Last Day Cost |
BillingApi | get_usage | GET /billing/billing/usage | GET: Billing usage |
CallbacksApi | attach_a_callback_to_a_volume | POST /core/volumes/{id}/attach-callback | Attach a callback to a volume |
CallbacksApi | attach_a_callback_to_an_instance | POST /core/virtual-machines/{id}/attach-callback | Attach a callback to an instance |
CallbacksApi | delete_a_callback_url_for_an_instance | DELETE /core/virtual-machines/{id}/delete-callback | Delete a callback URL for an instance |
CallbacksApi | delete_callback_url_for_a_volume | DELETE /core/volumes/{id}/delete-callback | Delete callback URL for a volume |
CallbacksApi | update_a_callback_url | PUT /core/virtual-machines/{id}/update-callback | Update a callback URL |
CallbacksApi | update_callback_url_for_volume | PUT /core/volumes/{id}/update-callback | Update callback URL for volume |
ComplianceApi | create_compliance | POST /core/compliance | Create Compliance |
ComplianceApi | delete_a_compliance | DELETE /core/compliance/{gpu_model} | Delete a compliance |
ComplianceApi | get_compliance_list | GET /core/compliance | Get Compliance List |
ComplianceApi | update_a_compliance | PUT /core/compliance | Update a compliance |
CreditApi | check_balance_as_an_organization | GET /billing/user-credit/credit | GET: View credit and threshold |
DashboardApi | get_instances_containers_and_volumes_overview | GET /core/dashboard | Get Instances, Containers and Volumes Overview |
DeploymentApi | delete_deployment | DELETE /core/marketplace/deployments/{id} | Delete Deployment |
DeploymentApi | details_of_deployment_by_id | GET /core/marketplace/deployments/{id} | Details of Deployment by ID |
DeploymentApi | list_deployments | GET /core/marketplace/deployments | List Deployments |
DeploymentApi | start_deployment | POST /core/marketplace/deployments | Start Deployment |
EnvironmentApi | create_environment | POST /core/environments | Create Environment |
EnvironmentApi | delete_an_environment | DELETE /core/environments/{id} | Delete an environment |
EnvironmentApi | get_an_environment_details | GET /core/environments/{id} | Get an environment detail |
EnvironmentApi | list_environments | GET /core/environments | List Environments |
EnvironmentApi | update_an_environment | PUT /core/environments/{id} | Update Environment |
FlavorApi | retrieve_flavors | GET /core/flavors | Retrieve Flavors |
FloatingIpApi | attach_floating_ip_to_instance | POST /core/virtual-machines/{id}/attach-floatingip | Attach Floating IP to Instance |
FloatingIpApi | detach_floating_ip_to_instance | POST /core/virtual-machines/{id}/detach-floatingip | Detach Floating IP to Instance |
GpuApi | get_gpu_list | GET /core/gpus | Get GPU List |
ImageApi | retrieve_images | GET /core/images | Retrieve Images |
InviteApi | delete_invite | DELETE /auth/invites/{id} | Delete Invite |
InviteApi | invite_an_user_to_organization | POST /auth/invites | Invite an user to organization |
InviteApi | list_invites | GET /auth/invites | List Invites |
KeypairApi | delete_keypair | DELETE /core/keypair/{id} | Delete Keypair |
KeypairApi | import_keypair | POST /core/keypairs | Import Keypair |
KeypairApi | retrieve_user_keypairs | GET /core/keypairs | Retrieve Keypairs |
KeypairApi | update_keypair_name | PUT /core/keypair/{id} | Update Keypair name |
OrganizationApi | get_organization_info | GET /auth/organizations | Organization Info |
OrganizationApi | remove_a_member_from_organization | POST /auth/organizations/remove-member | Remove a member from organization |
PaymentApi | get_details | GET /billing/payment/payment-details | GET: View payment details |
PaymentApi | post_payment | POST /billing/payment/payment-initiate | POST: Initiate payment |
PermissionApi | list_permissions | GET /auth/permissions | List Permissions |
PolicyApi | list_policies | GET /auth/policies | List Policies |
ProfileApi | create_profile | POST /core/profiles | Create a profile |
ProfileApi | delete_profile | DELETE /core/profiles/{id} | Delete Profile |
ProfileApi | get_a_profile_detail | GET /core/profiles/{id} | Get a Profile Detail |
ProfileApi | get_profile_list | GET /core/profiles | Get Profile List |
RbacRoleApi | create_rbac_role | POST /auth/roles | Create RBAC Role |
RbacRoleApi | delete_a_rbac_role | DELETE /auth/roles/{id} | Delete a RBAC Role |
RbacRoleApi | get_a_rbac_role_detail | GET /auth/roles/{id} | Get a RBAC Role Detail |
RbacRoleApi | list_rbac_roles | GET /auth/roles | List RBAC Roles |
RbacRoleApi | update_a_rbac_role | PUT /auth/roles/{id} | Update a RBAC Role |
RegionApi | getting_regions | GET /core/regions | Getting regions |
SecurityRulesApi | retrieve_security_rule_protocols | GET /core/sg-rules-protocols | Retrieve Security Rule Protocols |
StockApi | retrieve_stocks | GET /core/stocks | |
TemplateApi | create_template | POST /core/marketplace/templates | Create Template |
TemplateApi | delete_a_template | DELETE /core/marketplace/templates/{id} | Delete a Template |
TemplateApi | details_of_a_template_by_id | GET /core/marketplace/templates/{id} | Details of a Template by ID |
TemplateApi | list_templates | GET /core/marketplace/templates | List Templates |
TemplateApi | update_template | PUT /core/marketplace/templates/{id} | Update Template |
UserPermissionApi | list_current_user_permissions | GET /auth/users/me/permissions | List Current User Permissions |
UserPermissionApi | list_user_permissions | GET /auth/users/{id}/permissions | List User Permissions |
VirtualMachineApi | add_security_rule | POST /core/virtual-machines/{id}/sg-rules | Add Security Rule |
VirtualMachineApi | create_instances | POST /core/virtual-machines | Create Instances |
VirtualMachineApi | delete_a_security_rule | DELETE /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/sg-rules/{sg_rule_id} | Delete a security group rule |
VirtualMachineApi | delete_an_instance | DELETE /core/virtual-machines/{id} | Delete an instance |
VirtualMachineApi | get_an_instance_details | GET /core/virtual-machines/{id} | Get an instance details |
VirtualMachineApi | hard_reboot_instance | GET /core/virtual-machines/{id}/hard-reboot | Hard Reboot Instance |
VirtualMachineApi | hibernate_instance | GET /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/hibernate | Hibernate Instance |
VirtualMachineApi | list_instances | GET /core/virtual-machines | List Instances |
VirtualMachineApi | resize_virtual_machine | POST /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/resize | Resize Virtual Machine |
VirtualMachineApi | restore_instance_from_hibernation | GET /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/hibernate-restore | Restore Instance from Hibernation |
VirtualMachineApi | retrieved_metrics_successfully | GET /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/metrics | Get instance metrics |
VirtualMachineApi | start_instance | GET /core/virtual-machines/{id}/start | Start Instance |
VirtualMachineApi | stop_instance | GET /core/virtual-machines/{id}/stop | Stop Instance |
VirtualMachineEventsApi | fetch_all_of_the_instance_events | GET /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/events | Fetch all of the instance events |
VncUrlApi | get_vnc_console_link | GET /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/console/{job_id} | Get VNC Console Link |
VncUrlApi | request_console | GET /core/virtual-machines/{id}/request-console | Request Instance Console |
VolumeApi | create_volume | POST /core/volumes | Create Volume |
VolumeApi | delete_volume | DELETE /core/volumes/{id} | Delete Volume |
VolumeApi | get_volume_types | GET /core/volume-types | GET Volume Types |
VolumeApi | list_volumes | GET /core/volumes | List Volumes |
VolumeAttachmentApi | attach_volumes | POST /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/attach-volumes | Attach Volumes |
VolumeAttachmentApi | detach_volumes | POST /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/detach-volumes | Detach Volumes |
- APIKey
- APIKeyFields
- APIKeyPayload
- APIKeygeneration
- Adminaddorganizationpayload
- Admincreditpostpayload
- Adminrechargehistoryfields
- Adminrechargehistoryresponse
- Adminthresholdpostpayload
- ApiKeyVerifyFields
- ApiKeyVerifyResponse
- AssignRBACRolePayload
- AttachCallbackPayload
- AttachCallbackResponse
- AttachVolumeFields
- AttachVolumes
- AttachVolumesPayload
- BillingResponse
- Billingmetricesfields
- Billingmetricesresponse
- ClusterResource
- ComplianceFields
- ComplianceModelFields
- CompliancePayload
- ComplianceResponse
- ContainerOverviewFields
- ContainerResource
- CreateDiscountResponse
- CreateDiscountsPayload
- CreateEnvironment
- CreateGPU
- CreateInstancesPayload
- CreateProfilePayload
- CreateProfileResponse
- CreateSecurityRulePayload
- CreateUpdateComplianceResponse
- CreateVolumePayload
- DashboardInfoResponse
- DeploymentFields
- DeploymentFieldsforstartdeployments
- Deployments
- DetachVolumes
- DetachVolumesPayload
- DiscountDetailResponse
- DiscountResourceFields
- Environment
- EnvironmentFields
- EnvironmentFieldsforVolume
- Environments
- EnvrionmentResources
- ErrorResponseModel
- FlavorFields
- FlavorItemGetResponse
- FlavorListResponse
- FlavorObjectFields
- FlavorPayload
- FlavorResource
- FlavorResponse
- FutureNodeModel
- FutureNodeResponseModel
- FutureNodeStockModel
- FutureNodeUpdateModel
- FutureNodesStockModel
- GPUFields
- GPUList
- GPURegionFields
- GetAllDiscountForAllOrganizationResponse
- GetToken
- GetTokenResponse
- Getcreditandthresholdinfo
- Getcreditandthresholdinfoinresponse
- ImageFields
- ImageGetResponse
- ImageLogos
- Images
- ImportKeypairPayload
- ImportKeypairResponse
- InfrahubResourceObjectResponse
- InsertDiscountPlanFields
- Instance
- InstanceAdminFields
- InstanceEnvironmentFields
- InstanceEvents
- InstanceEventsFields
- InstanceFlavorFields
- InstanceImageFields
- InstanceKeypairFields
- InstanceOverviewFields
- InstanceResizePayload
- InstanceResources
- Instances
- InternalEnvironmentFields
- InternalInstanceFields
- InternalInstanceFlavorFields
- InternalInstanceImageFields
- InternalInstanceKeypairFields
- InternalInstancesResponse
- InternalSecurityRulesFieldsForInstance
- InternalVolumeAttachmentFields
- InternalVolumeFields
- InternalVolumesResponse
- Invite
- InviteFields
- InviteUser
- Invites
- KeypairFields
- Keypairs
- Lastdaycostfields
- Lastdaycostresponse
- LogoGetResponse
- Logout
- NewConfigurationsResponse
- NewModelResponse
- NewStockResponse
- NewStockRetriveResponse
- NewStockUpdateResponseModel
- NodeModel
- NodePayloadModel
- NodePowerUsageModel
- NodeResponseModel
- NodeStockPayloadModel
- NodeStockResponseModel
- NodeStocksPayload
- OrganizationInfoModel
- OrganizationModel
- OrganizationObjectResponse
- OrganizationResourceList
- OrganizationResourceResponse
- OrganizationResources
- OrganizationResponseModel
- OrganizationUserModel
- OrganizationsResponseModel
- OverviewInfo
- PaymentDetailsFields
- PaymentDetailsResponse
- PaymentInitiateFields
- PaymentInitiatePayload
- PaymentInitiateResponse
- PermissionFields
- PermissionFieldsforUserPermission
- PermissionPayload
- PermissionResponse
- Permissions
- PermissionsforUserPermission
- Policies
- PolicyFields
- PolicyPayload
- PolicyPermissionFields
- PolicyResponse
- PowerUsageModel
- PricebookModel
- PricebookResourceObjectResponse
- ProfileFields
- ProfileListResponse
- ProfileObjectFields
- RBACRole
- RBACRoleFieldforOrganization
- RBACRoleFields
- RBACRolePayload
- RBACRoles
- RefreshToken
- RegionFields
- RegionPayload
- RegionResponse
- Regions
- RemoveMemberResponse
- Removemember
- RequestConsole
- RequestLoginDataResponse
- RequestLoginResponse
- ResourcePayload
- ResponseModel
- RolePermissionFields
- RolePolicyFields
- SecurityGroupRule
- SecurityGroupRuleFields
- SecurityRulesFieldsforInstance
- SecurityRulesProtocolFields
- SingleVisibilityUserResponse
- StartDeployment
- StartDeploymentPayload
- StockVisibilityUserListResponse
- StockVisibilityUserPayload
- SuccessResponseModel
- Template
- TemplateFields
- Templates
- TokenFields
- UpdateDiscountsPayload
- UpdateDiscountsStatusPayload
- UpdateEnvironment
- UpdateGPU
- UpdateKeypairName
- UpdateKeypairnameresponse
- UpdateTemplate
- UserFields
- UserInfoResponse
- VNCURLFields
- Volume
- VolumeAttachmentFields
- VolumeFields
- VolumeFieldsforInstance
- VolumeOverviewFields
- VolumeResource
- VolumeTypes
- Volumes
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api_key
- Location: HTTP header