PlayFab CLI is a command line interface that can be used to perform various admin actions on a title and do title migrations.
NOTE: This tool has been completely re-factored and is no longer the "Script" tool that it was. It is much more useful now and new features can be added to it more easily.
##Supported Platforms Currently for Windows Only
##Installation Installation of PlayFab CLI is simple.
- Extract the folder to any directory of your choosing.
- Modify your environment path to point to that folder.
- start --> type: environment --> Click Edit the system environment variables and modify your "path" to include your PFPT CLI directory.
##Modes There are currently two modes for the PF CLI, there is a CLI mode and a Console mode.
- Console Mode: To enter into console mode just open up "cmd" and type PlayFabPowerTools
- CLI Mode: Any command can be executed directly from CLI mode, open "cmd" and type PlayFabPowerTools [command] [args]
CLI Example:
- Windows Key + R
- type: cmd
- type: PlayFabPowerTools login mypassword
in this example, you can login using your credentials and it will log you in and pull all the data related to your login.
##Commands There are currently only a few commands that the tool can do right now.
- Login - This allows you to login with a username & password. Login will download all Titles that you have access to, you only need to do this once or any time you add titles to your PlayFab Account.
- SetStores - This allows you to specify which stores you want to import when using migrate.
- Migrate - This allows you to migrate from one title to another title.
- Help - Display a help screen
- Exit - Exit Console Mode