A curious case of why Akka fails to deserialize Quartz's CronExpression
type. Encountered during the recovery of a persisted event stream.
Most likely workaround is to use a surrogate, though existing serialized objects appear no longer recoverable.
Execute NetFxTests
Execute NetCoreTests
in ReadNetFxOutput:
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException : Failed to deserialize instance of type Quartz.CronExpression. Failed to deserialize object of type [Quartz.CronExpression] from the stream. Cause: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
---- System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException : Failed to deserialize object of type [Quartz.CronExpression] from the stream. Cause: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
-------- System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
HyperionSerializer.FromBinary(Byte[] bytes, Type type)
Serializer.FromBinary[T](Byte[] bytes)
NetCoreTests.ReadNetFxOutput() line 79
----- Inner Stack Trace -----
ObjectSerializer.ReadValue(Stream stream, DeserializerSession session)
Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream stream)
HyperionSerializer.FromBinary(Byte[] bytes, Type type)
----- Inner Stack Trace -----
lambda_method101(Closure , Stream , DeserializerSession )
ObjectSerializer.ReadValue(Stream stream, DeserializerSession session)
See also akkanetfx.bin
and akkanetcore.bin
for the wire representations produced by the .NET Framework based test and the .NET Core based test.