Torsten Louland, Satisfying Structures BVBA
J2S aims to do most of the syntax conversion work for you. It is far from perfect and will never understand the code in the way that a compiler can. Instead, it gets you over the initial conversion hurdle, from which point you use a mixture of manual and automated conversion, as suggested in Workflow.
You need:
You can build this project with the IntelliJ IDE (Community or Ultimate) or other Java dev IDEs, but not Android Studio (project file incompatibilities).
If you use IntelliJ, then when you open the J2S project
Go to File > Project Structure > Libraries, click on
, choose java library, and paste in the path to the antlr jar. (If you installed with homebrew, then obtain it from CLASSPATH in$ cat $(which antlr4)
, omitting the trailing:.
). Then check that you can build J2S. -
(optional) To run from within IntelliJ, go to Run > Edit Configurations…, click on
, select an Application configuration, set Main class to com.satisfyingstructures.J2S.J2S (yes twice) and add-a path-to-your-arguments-file
through which you can specify input, output and options (described below in use). -
(optional) There is also a useful ANTLR v4 plugin available to download via Preferences > Plugins.
Or you can build from the command line:
to regenerate the basic Java8 parser, visitor and listener source. Skip this step the first time around and only come back to it if using J2S fails with a version mismatch between the antlr runtime and the source pulled from github (currently generated by ANTLR 4.6).$ cd directory-containing-this $ antlr4 \ -o src/com/satisfyingstructures/J2S/antlr \ -package com.satisfyingstructures.J2S.antlr \ -Dlanguage=Java -listener -visitor Java8.g4
Compile J2S
cd directory-containing-this mkdir -p out/production/J2S/com/satisfyingstructures/J2S/antlr javac \ -cp "/usr/local/Cellar/antlr/4.6/antlr-4.6-complete.jar:." \ -d out/production/J2S \ src/com/satisfyingstructures/J2S/*.java \ src/com/satisfyingstructures/J2S/antlr/*.java
Use the
wrapper script in this directory to invoke the J2S tool. Options are as follows:
J2S [-i path] [-o path] [-w path] [-a path] [-f] [-Dkey=value | -Dkey]* [path]
option | notes |
-i input-file-path | if this option not used, then take input from stdin |
-o output-file-path | enclosing directory must exist; if this option is not used, then send output to stdout |
-f | force overwrite of existing file (the default is not to overwrite) |
-w working-directory | input and output paths subsequent to this argument can be specified relative to this directory |
-a arguments-file-path | insert arguments from this file into the argument list as if inserted at this position on the command line; one argument per line; lines are whitespace trimmed; empty lines are ignored; hash-suffix to line-end is ignored. |
-Dkey[=value] | define a value for a key that the converter will use; absent value ==> value=1 |
-Mtype=replacement | map 'type' to 'replacement' in generated Swift output |
-h | -help | show this usage help |
(Note: currently, J2S is not always writing output with native line breaks on macOS, hence pipe the output through tr -d '\r'
to strip CR from CRLF line breaks. ...on the fix list.)
Additional options offered by --timed
to emit timing, and --javaxxxx
to pass xxxx as a parameter to java; these options must appear before any pass-through options.
An arguments file is useful with -a
for passing mappings that are frequently used, e.g.:
A possible workflow, assuming you are using git, is to use three branches, JavaAsSwift
, J2S
and dev
, as follows:
contains the java files with extensions replaced by .swift and organised in the same structure that you will have for your ported Swift files; it is present to allow you to look at your converted source side-by-side with the original java; every time your java source changes, add the changes as a commit on this branch. -
In your
branch only commit successive stages of source files generated by J2S, which will happen whenever your java source changes or J2S is improved. -
branch will intersect the root of yourJ2S
branch and will thereafter diverge as you make and commit manual changes. Whenever you commit a new change onto yourJ2S
branch, cherry-pick onto the end of yourdev
To view your current source side-by-side with the original java, stash or commit your current changes, use a temp branch: git checkout -b temp
, reset git reset JavaAsSwift
so the workspace still contains your current space, but the index contains the JavaAsSwift
state, and then show the comparison view in the Xcode version editor; finish by checking out your original branch again.
Many things. This is a work in progress.