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Pre IETF T2TRG work meeting

Ari Keränen edited this page Mar 22, 2019 · 28 revisions

When: Friday March 22nd, before the IETF hackathon

Location: IETF hotel, Prague. Room: Istanbul

Remote participation with Webex.

Live notes:

Register here:

The meeting is free of cost (and therefore of coffee, unfortunately). We encourage to register using the form above to help planning with the logistics.


time agenda who
9:30 Welcome and intro Chairs
Morning discussion sessions
9:45 Data model component re-usability Ari Keränen
10:15 CoRAL warm-up & CoRAL Reef Klaus Hartke
11:00 break
11:15 Using CoRAL to enable more use of hypermedia for IoT Klaus Hartke
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Afternoon plenary & breakouts
Planning deliverables on IoT Security All
Edge and IoT Matthias Kovatsch
16:00 Hackmd sessions All
18:10 Conclusions and way forward Chairs
18:30 Meeting ends
19:30 Social gathering (TBD) All

If you would like to discuss also other topics, please let the chairs know.

Agenda details

Data model component re-usability

Re-usability is useful for data models because it saves effort when creating new models, enables re-use of tools and processes, facilitates interoperability, etc. When designing or evolving a data model, how can we achieve "best" re-usability?


CoRAL warm-up & CoRAL Reef

CoRAL is a concise format for hypermedia objects that is of interest in IoT. It has been discussed in T2TRG and is a candidate for adoption in CoRE. To validate and further develop the format, it is useful to develop examples and evaluate whether the objectives of CoRAL are attained in these examples. As a side effect, participants will become more familiar with CoRAL. After some initial warmup phase, we want to focus on the use of CoRAL in CoRE Resource Directory ("CoRAL Reef").


Edge and IoT

Edge Computing has been discussed in T2TRG for a while, but so far could not converge to a concrete group activity. Partly this is due to the wide scope, and hence spread across different IETF communities (e.g., BEC and the recently formed COINRG), but also other organizations such as IIC or EdgeXFoundry.


  • Can we define a Thing-centric view on Edge Computing to form a concrete T2TRG activity?
  • Do we have enough people to form a concrete T2TRG activity?
  • How is our relation to COINRG, which is more themed around the Serverless Computing idea?

As a quick refresher:

Hackmd sessions

Drafting and writing contributions together, for example with