- 🌱 I’m currently learning Python, Java, testing frameworks, Haskell (a little bit of everything)...
- 👯 I’ve organised weekly workshops for MonSec
- 🥅 2022 Goals: Commit at least once a week to GitHub with personal projects!
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love to go for runs and play DnD
- Active Directory Crash Course - MonSec (5/12/2020) Sem 2 Week 8
- DigitalWorld:Torment VulnHub - MonSec (14/09/2020) Sem 2 Week 7
- Python Exploitation - MonSec (7/08/2020) Sem 2 Week 6
- bCTF Difficult Challenges - MonSec (31/08/2020) Sem 2 Week 5
- Binary Lightning Talk - MonSec bCTF Semester 2