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fixes woo install

fixes woo install #81

#name: Continue deploying to (don't use manually)
## Sorry, the previous job just built it and uploaded it to GitHub
# workflow_run:
# workflows: [Deploy to]
# types:
# - completed
# build_and_deploy:
# # Only run this workflow from the trunk branch and when it's triggered by another workflow OR dmsnell OR adamziel
# if: >
# github.ref == 'refs/heads/trunk' && (
# github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' ||
# == 'adamziel' ||
# == 'dmsnell'
# )
# # Specify runner + deployment step
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# environment:
# name: playground-wordpress-net
# steps:
# # Deploy the latest website artifact to website by
# # sending a CURL request to with a header
# # like X-Deployment-Token that has the same value as github secret DEPLOY_AUTH_TOKEN
# - name: Deploy
# shell: bash
# # Sleep to give the GitHub API time to register the artifact,
# # otherwise the artifact will not be available when the webhook is called
# run: |
# while true; do
# API_HASH=$(curl '' \
# | jq -r '.artifacts[0].workflow_run.head_sha')
# if [ "$API_HASH" = "$GITHUB_SHA" ]; then
# break;
# fi;
# echo "$API_HASH was not $GITHUB_SHA, waiting 10 seconds...";
# sleep 10;
# done;
# curl -X POST \
# -H "X-Deployment-Token: ${{ secrets.DEPLOYMENT_KEY }}" \
# -H "Content-Type: application/json"