Package for TAMU analysis of H -> hh -> bbWW
Instructions to use directly
cd python
python3 -i Input_File -o Output_File -t DNN_Truth_Value(see -d debug
Or on lxplus, xrootd is supported to avoid downloading the inputFile. To initialize the grid access and source the needed python packages follow
voms-proxy-init --rfc --voms cms -valid 192:00
source /cvmfs/
python3 -i root:// -o Output_File -t DNN_Truth_Value(see -d debug
To use through docker, first prepare the image named run3_bbww
docker build -t run3_bbww .
Then to run, prepare the input file (default input_files/run2022C_data_doublemuon_nanoaod.root), and then
To use through condor, look at the README in the condor directory
All major pieces of the analysis are handled by separate files, managed by the class
Steps are:
- Object Selection
- Event Selection
- Tree Creation
To make data/MC plots:
- define variable to plot, binning, axis title etc at end of '' file(which will be feeded to 'make_plot' function ) and run simply by 'python3'