Follow these instructions to checkout CMSSW_10_2_0 branch and add HeavyMassEstimator as submodule
mkdir myFolder
cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_0
cd CMSSW_10_2_0/src
git clone PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
git clone
cd HhhAnalysis
git submodule init
git submodule update
scram b -j 12
tahuang1991/nanoAOD-tools is built based on cms-nanoAOD/nanoAOD-tools with minor change
Running on data or simulation using NanoAOD sample to produce Ntuple with Dilepton and Single lepton selections:
cd HhhAnalysis/python/NanoAOD
This analyzer is targeted to run on Data and CM samples like DiHiggs, TTbar, Drell-yan etc.
Sampletype is used to mark which sample it is running on
- If you are using data, set Sampletype=0 and analyzer will skip gen-level selection
- If you are using signal sample, e.g. Radion260, you can set Sampletype=0, or Sampletype=100 which will check gen-level information
- If you are using TTbar, you can set Sampletype=0, or Sampletype=1 which will check gen-level information
- If you are using DY sample, you can set Sampletype=0, or Sampletype=2 which will check gen-level information( not implemented yet)
The event will be saved only if it passes preselection at reco level or all generator levle particles are found
- PlottingTools/ is used to read in events from TTree and compute the HME for each event
python -i infile.root -o outfile.root -nStart 0 -nEnd 100 -it 10000 -gp 0.18
and the bash script version is following
./ infile.root outfile.root 0 100 10000 0.18
- PlottingTools/ is to generate splitted condor jobs for one sample to run HME