lyricsgenius (pip install lyricsgenius)
Generate your own lyrics!
The idea for this project comes from Though that project no longer works(presumably from Genius site changes breaking the scraping functionality) so I decided to create my own. It uses a Markov Chain to model text using bigrams (oh look at me sounding smart)
In order to download and generate lyrics, 2 files must be run.
usage: [-h] [--dir DIR] [-n N] artist
positional arguments:
artist Artist to download lyrics from
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dir DIR Directory to download lyrics to (defaults to artist name)
-n N Number of songs to download (default: 10)
usage: [-h] [-n N] [-o O] file
This program allows you to generate lyrics based on lyrics scraped from Genius
positional arguments:
file File to use as source
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n N Number of words to output (default 100)
-o O File to write output to (default: output.txt)
creates a '.txt' file with all of the lyrics downloaded.
The name of the file defaults to the name of the artist (Ex: "Michael Jackson.txt"), but it can be specified using --dir
You then run
using the file that was just created and it creates "output.txt"
Example: python "Michael Jackson.txt"